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Steel Structures

Lecture-11: Connections Part-2

Hamid Valipour
General assumptions for elastic analysis of bolt group
according to AS4100 - 2020
• Plate elements being bolted are rigid and all connectors fit perfectly.
• The overall bolt group design actions V x* , V y* & M * may be superimposed
for simplicity.
• An instantaneous centre of rotation (ICR) is evaluated for the bolt group. The
ICR point may be the bolt group centroid or a point rationally determined from
the joint’s rotational behaviour.
• The forces from the group design action effects acting on individual bolts are
proportional to the distance from the bolt to the centre of rotation.
• The critical bolt(s) is then considered to be the bolt(s) furthest from the ICR.
The term critical bolt(s) refers to the bolt (or bolts) subject to the greatest
shear force arising from the combined effects from the overall bolt group
design actions. The critical bolt is then used for the design check of the
overall bolt group.
• Conventional analysis uses the ICR concept in conjunction with superposition
Elastic analysis of bolt groups (In-plane-loading)
n: total number of bolts  Rx* 
VxR  
 n 
 
y y Vy*M
VM* : shear due to torque  R *y 
V yR  
 n 
R y* R y*  
M* yp M* Vy*R  M * yp 
VxM   
ICR x ICR x  Ip 
R x* R x*  
 M * xp 
Counter clockwise M
is positive .
V yM  
 Ip 
 
I y   xn
* * * 2 * * 2
Vres  V yR  V yM  VxR  VxM Vectorial sum
I x   yn

I p  Ix  Iy 2 2
 R*   M * x   R *   M * y p 
y      x    
 
* p
The resultant  Vres 
 n   I p   n   I p 
     
Step by step procedure for analysis of bolt group
under In-plane-loading (Clause 9.4.1, AS4100 – 2020)
ex (xi ,yi) : coordinate of bolt ( i )
y Fy* respect to bolt group centroid
M* Fx* y

xi ey Fy*
x M o* x
n: total number of bolts
Centroid of
group bolt M o* = M *+ Fy* e x -- Fx* e y

Step by step method

1. Determine the centroid of the bolt group
2. Set the x-y coordinate system at the centroid and determine (xi,yi)
3. Determine the eccentricities (e x ,e y) of the loads (in x-y coordinate)
Step by step procedure (Continue)
4. Calculate the second-moment of area (Ix,Iy) about x & y axes from
n n
Ix   yi2 I y   xi2
i 1 i 1

5. Calculate the polar second moment of the area from I p  I x  I y

6. Transfer the shear force and bending moment to the centroid and
calculate M o*  M *  F y* e x  Fx* e y

7. V f* for bolt (i) can be calculated from

2 2
Note: pay attention to the
 R*y  M * x   R*   M * y 
V f  
*    o i    x    o i 
adopted sign convention.  n   I p   n   I p 
 

8. The furthest bolt from ICR with (xmax ,ymax) could be the most
critical one but it depends on the sign of Fx* , F y* & M o* .
Elastic analysis of bolt groups (out-of-plane-loading)
e n1: number of Vo*
Vo* Vo* bolts in the top row

n1: number of
bolts in the top row
T1 T1
T2 T2
M o*
Bolt group
d centroid
M o* = Vo* e
Ti Ti
C d/ 6 C

shear in bolt : V f*  Vo* / n n: total number of bolts

From equilibrium of shear/bending moment, it is observed that there are bolts

which are not loaded as they are positioned in the compressive zone of the of
the connection and require no further consideration.

The forces in the tension region bolts can be evaluated by assuming a linear
distribution of force from the neutral axis to the furthest bolts – these latter being
the most critically loaded.
Position of neutral axis & tension force in the bolts (out-
There is not much guidance available on precisely evaluating the N.A position.

 A conservative approach is to assume the N.A is placed at the bolt group

centroid line
 A better approach which appears to be empirically based, is to assume the
N.A is positioned at d / 6 from the bottom of the end plate which has a depth
d (see Figures in previous slide).
After the N.A position is assumed the equilibrium equations are used to
determine the tension load in the furthest (most critical) bolts (i.e. bolt 1).

Equilibrium of bending about N.A :  Ti yi  C yc  M o*

Equilibrium of horizontal force :  Ti C M o* y1
T1 
 yi 
Principle of proportioning in similar triangles : Ti  T1  
 i  yi yc )
( y 2

 y1 
 tension in the most critical bolt : N tf*  T1 / n1
Prying action
Prying action occurs in T-type or butt-type connections with bolts in tension. The
bending of the end plate causes the edges of the end plate to bear hard on the
mating surface, and the resulting reaction must be added to the bolt tension.
There is no specific provision in Clause 9.1.8, AS4100 for determining forces
involved in prying action. According to some of the suggested methods, the tension
in the bolts has to be increased by 20-33% due to prying action.
The following measures can be taken to keep the prying action at a minimum level
 Increasing the ratio a/b to at least 0.75.
 Increase the bolt spacing to at least 90 mm.
 Increasing the end plate thickness to at least 1.25 times the bolt size
 Stiffen the end plates
Step by step procedure for analysis of fillet weld
group under In-plane-loading (Clause 9.7.1, AS4100)
li : length of weld line ( i) Fy* ( xi , yi ) coordinate of weld line ( i)
centroid, respect to weld group centroid
y Fx*
M* y
x x
yi Fx*
M o*
xi weld group
M o* = M *+ Fy* e x -- Fx* e

n: total number of weld lines

Step by step method
1. Determine the centroid of the weld group
2. Set the x-y coordinate system at the centroid and determine ( xi , yi )
3. Determine the eccentricities (e x ,e y) of the loads (respect to centroid)
Step by step procedure (Continue)
4. Transfer the shear force and bending moment to the centroid and
calculate M o*  M *  F y* e x  Fx* e y

5. Calculate the group weld polar second moment of the area from
n  3
I p   li xi2  yi2  i 
i 1  12 

6. v *w for any point with the coordinate (xi ,yi) can be obtained from
Note: pay attention to the 2 2
     
adopted sign convention.  *    *  
 R y   M o xi  
  Rx  * 
  M o yi  
v *w   n     n 
 
   li   I p     li   I p 
 i 1 
   i 1 
 

7. The furthest point from ICR with (xmax ,ymax) could be the most
critical one but it depends on the sign of Fx* , F y* & M o* .
Example - 13
For the lapped connections shown in

90 mm 90 mm
the Figure, determine whether the N* 75 N*

250 mm
bolts (M20, 8.8/S) are adequate. The 75 75

shear plane is intercepting the threads

and N *=840 kN.

- Determine Vf (clause, AS4100) 3@75 =225
Case-1: l j  225  300 mm  k r  1 50 50

Case-2: l j  200  300 mm  k r  1

N* N*

250 mm
45 45
nn=1 for both cases (it’s single shear).

50 50
Ac=225 mm2

= 0.8 (Table 3.4, AS4100 - 2020) 4@50 =200

Example – 13 (continue)

V f  0.62 f uf k r nn Ac  n x Ao   0.62  8301 1 225  115.8 kN

 V f  0.8 115.8  92.6 kN

Alternatively,  V f  92.6 kN can be taken from the Table given in Lecture 10.

- Determine V f*
0 0 0
2 2
   M * x   R*   M * y 
R*y F *
Vf      o i 
 x 
 o i
  x
  70 kN
      
 n   I p   n   I p   n 12
 

V f*   V f OK.

- Check of ply tear out if required Vb  a e t p f up

Example - 14
For the connection and design loads shown in 200
70 70 300 kN
the sketch below, determine the minimum size
bolts for both Categories 4.6/S and 8.8/S.
Fx*  0 F y*  300 kN
M o*  300  ( 0.2  0.307 / 2 )  106 kN.m 380PFC

Step by step method for analysis of bolt group
1. Determine the centroid of the bolt group
2. Set the x-y coordinate system at the centroid y
Centroid of
and determine (xi , yi) 300 kN group bolt
1 5
3. Determine the eccentricities (e x ,e y) of the 2 6
loads (in x-y coordinate) 3 7
106 kN.m
4 8
4. Calculate the second-moment of area (Ix,Iy)
about x & y axes from 70 70
Example – 14 (continue)
I y   yi2  2  135 2  45 2  ( 45) 2  ( 135) 2   81000 mm 2
i 1
I x   xi2  4  70 2  4  ( 70 ) 2   39200 mm 2
i 1
5. Calculate the polar second moment of the area from
I p  I x  I y  120200 mm 2

6. Transfer the shear force and bending moment to the centroid and calculate
M o*  M *  F y* e x  Fx* e y  0  300  ( 0.2  0.307 / 2 )  0  106050

7. V f* for bolt (i) can be calculated from

2 2
   M * x   R*   M * y 
V f  
*    o i    x    o i 
 n   I p   n   I p 
 
Example – 14 (continue)
Bolt number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
xi (mm) -70 -70 -70 -70 70 70 70 70
yi (mm) 135 45 -45 -135 135 45 -45 -135
Vf * (kN) 121.5 46.5 46.5 121.5 155 107 107 155

8. For the most critical bolt V f*  155 kN V f*   V f OK.

- Determine Vf (clause, AS4100)

nn=1 (it’s single shear) and = 0.8 (Table 3.4, AS4100 – 2020).
It is a lap-type moment connection  kr=1 (clause, AS4100)
Design shear capacity of M24,8.8/S :  V f  133 kN  V f* NOT OK.
Design shear capacity of M30,8.8/S :  V f  214 kN  V f* OK.

Design shear capacity of M30,4.6/S :  V f  103 kN  V f* NOT OK.

Design shear capacity of M36,4.6/S :  V f  151 kN  V f* OK.
Example - 15
A 380PFC, Grade 300PLUS, is welded 300 200
100 kN
to a 20 mm thick plate and has the 30 kN
design loading as shown in the Figure.
The loading is predominantly static. For 10 kN.m
the proposed distribution of fillet weld
shown, determine the minimum size 380PFC
fillet weld required for both GP and SP 100
categories using both E41XX and 100

E48XX electrodes.
Electrodes in Australia are designated by y
“ ExxXX/W**X ” 100 kN Centroid of
group weld
xx = weld strength grade 2 30 kN
42.58 kN.m
41 in which fuw= 410 MPa
Note: These are not among the
48 in which fuw=480 MPa grades noted in Table 17.2
Example – 15 (continue)
Fx*  30 kN F y*  100 kN Y 1

1. Determine the centroid of the weld group

100  50  100  50 2 X
X  17.2 mm
100  100  380
2. Set the x-y coordinate system at the centroid and determine X
• Part – 1 : ( x1 , y1 )  ( 32.8,190)
• Part – 2 : ( x 2 , y 2 )  ( 17.2, 0 )
• Part – 3 : ( x3 , y3 )  ( 32.8, 190)

3. & 4. Determine the eccentricities (e x , e y ) of the loads (respect to centroid), and

transfer the shear force and bending moment to the centroid and calculate
M o*  M *  F y* e x  Fx* e y
M o*  10  100  0.4  0.0172   30  0.19  42580 kNmm
Example – 15 (continue)

5. Calculate the group weld polar second moment of the area from
n  3
I p   li xi2  yi2   i

i 1  12 
 100 3  380 3
I p  2  100  32.8  190  
2 2
  380  17.2 
2  1.23  10 7 mm 3
 12  12

6. v *w for any point with the coordinate (xi , yi) can be obtained from

2 2
     
 *    *  
*   Ry   M o* xi 
   R x   M o* yi 

v w   n  
  n 
   li   Ip     li   Ip 
 i 1 
   i 1 
 
Example – 15 (continue)
Point A B C D
xi (mm) 82.8 -17.2 -17.2 82.8
yi (mm) 190 190 -190 -190
vw * (N/mm) 760 616 718 845

7. * v
For the most critical point v w w

-Determine vw (clause, AS4100) vw  0.6 f uw tt k r  0.42 f uw t w k r

= 0.8 for SP category and 0.6 for GP (Table 3.4, AS4100 – 2020).
It is a lap-type moment connection  kr=1 (clause, AS4100 )

For category GP, E41xx electrode:  v w  103.3 t w  t w  10 mm

For category GP, E48xx electrode :  v w  120.9 t w  t w  8 mm

For category SP, E41xx electrode:  v w  137.8 t w  t w  8 mm

For category SP, E48xx electrode :  v w  161.3 t w  t w  6 mm
Example – 15 (continue)
The web thickness for 380PFC is t =10 mm > 6 mm. Accordingly, the maximum
fillet weld size is limited to 9 mm (Clause in AS4100 – 2020).

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