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Republic of the Philippines


Branch 14, Cebu City



CRIM CASE NO.12820122

- versus - For: DRUGS

Muriel Abaddon,
x --------------------------------------------x


Republic of the Philippines)

Cebu, City ) S.S.

I, Yamelo Ball, Filipino, of legal age, married, after having been duly sworn
to in accordance with the law, hereby depose and state that:


The person examining me is ATTY. Jefson Lagumbay with law office

address at Unit 1, 2nd Floor ABC Building, Gomez Street, Cebu City. My judicial
affidavit is being taken at the above-mentioned place. The questions are asked in
the English language of which I speak and fully understand. I am answering the
questions herein fully conscious that I do so under oath and that I may be
criminally liable for false testimony or perjury.


This testimony is being offered to prove that the arrest of the suspect in the
buy-bust operation was conducted in accordance with the law and that the suspect
initiated selling drugs during the operation. The testimony aims to establish that
the use of force by the law enforcement officers was justified and to support all
other allegations in defense of the officers involved in the buy-bust operation.

1. Q: Can you describe your role and involvement in the buy-bust

1. A: As the arresting officer, my role was to coordinate and execute the
operation. I was responsible for identifying and apprehending the
suspect, as well as ensuring the safety of the team and securing the

2. Q: How were you informed about the illegal activities of the suspect?
2. A: We received reliable information from a confidential informant
regarding the suspect's involvement in the sale of illicit drugs. The
informant provided specific details about the suspect, the location, and
the modus operandi.

3. Q: Can you explain the setup and execution of the buy-bust operation?
3. A: In this particular operation, we arranged for an undercover officer to
pose as a buyer and make a transaction with the suspect. We equipped
the officer with marked currency and set up surveillance to monitor the
interaction. Once the illegal transaction took place, we moved in to effect
the arrest.

4. Q: What measures did you take to ensure the integrity of the operation?
4. A: We followed established protocols and guidelines to maintain the
integrity of the operation. This included briefing all team members,
conducting pre-operational checks, documenting the entire operation
through reports and audio/video recordings, and ensuring that the
evidence was properly handled and preserved.

5. Q: Were there any challenges or unexpected events during the operation?

5. A: While the operation went according to plan, there was a brief moment
of resistance from the suspect during the arrest. However, we were able
to quickly and safely subdue and restrain the suspect without causing
any harm to him or the officers involved.

6. Q: Can you describe the immediate actions taken after the arrest?
6. A: After the arrest, we read the suspect his rights, conducted a search, and
recovered the marked currency used in the buy-bust operation. We then
seized the suspected illicit drugs, properly packaged them, and ensured
their secure transportation to the forensic laboratory for analysis.

7. Q: How did you establish a chain of custody for the seized evidence?
7. A: We maintained a strict chain of custody for the evidence to ensure its
integrity and admissibility in court. The evidence was sealed and labeled
in the presence of the suspect and witnesses, and it remained under my
custody until it was handed over to the evidence custodian at the police

8. Q: Did you encounter any witnesses or bystanders during the operation?

8. A: Yes, there were a few witnesses present at the scene during the arrest.
We ensured their safety and interviewed them to gather any additional
information or statements that could be relevant to the case.

9. Q: Were there any specific legal requirements you had to adhere to during
the operation?
9. A: Yes, we had to comply with legal requirements, such as obtaining a
search warrant and arrest warrant, when necessary. Additionally, we
followed established guidelines regarding the use of force, respecting the
suspect's rights, and documenting the entire operation in accordance with
standard operating procedures.

10. Q: How did you establish the identity of the suspect beyond a reasonable
10. A: We conducted a thorough investigation prior to the operation to gather
information and evidence linking the suspect to the illegal activities.
During the buy-bust operation, we visually identified the suspect based
on the information provided by the confidential informant and our own

11. Q: Can you describe the condition of the seized drugs and any packaging
materials found?
11. A: The seized drugs were packaged in small plastic sachets commonly
associated with the distribution of illegal narcotics. The packaging was
consistent with the typical packaging methods observed in similar drug-
related cases, ensuring the preservation and integrity of the substances.
12. Q: Did you encounter any resistance from the suspect during the buy-
bust operation?
12. A: While there was initial resistance during the arrest, we were able to
safely subdue and apprehend the suspect without causing harm to
anyone involved.

13. Q: Were there any surveillance techniques employed during the

13. A: Yes, we utilized audio and visual surveillance to monitor the
interaction between the undercover officer and the suspect. This allowed
us to gather evidence and ensure the safety of all parties involved.

14. Q: How did you document the entire operation?

14. A: We documented the operation through written reports, photographs,
and audio/video recordings. This comprehensive documentation helps in
providing an accurate account of the events that took place.

15. Q: Can you describe the training and experience that prepared you for
this operation?
15. A: As an arresting officer, I underwent specialized training in undercover
operations, surveillance techniques, and arrest procedures. Additionally,
I have several years of experience in handling similar cases, which
equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge.

16. Q: Were there any controlled substances or drug paraphernalia found at

the scene?
16. A: Yes, we found suspected controlled substances, such as illegal drugs,
as well as drug paraphernalia commonly associated with the use and
distribution of narcotics. These items were seized as evidence.

17. Q: How did you ensure the safety of the undercover officer and the rest
of the team during the operation?
17. A: We conducted thorough risk assessments and implemented safety
protocols prior to the operation. This included establishing
communication channels, providing backup support, and maintaining
constant vigilance to mitigate any potential risks.

18. Q: Did you coordinate with any other law enforcement agencies during
the buy-bust operation?
18. A: Depending on the scale and nature of the operation, coordination with
other law enforcement agencies may be necessary. This collaboration
helps pool resources, intelligence, and expertise to ensure a successful

19. Q: Can you describe any pre-existing intelligence or information you had
about the suspect prior to the operation?
19. A: Prior to the operation, we gathered intelligence about the suspect's
involvement in drug-related activities. This included information from
informants, previous investigations, and surveillance, which contributed
to the decision to conduct the buy-bust operation.
20. Q: How did you ensure that the evidence seized was not tampered with
or contaminated?
20. A: We followed strict protocols to ensure the integrity of the seized
evidence. This involved proper packaging, sealing, and labeling of the
items, as well as maintaining a chain of custody from the point of seizure
to the forensic laboratory.

21. Q: Did you encounter any unforeseen circumstances that required you to
deviate from the original plan?
21. A: While the operation was well-planned, unforeseen circumstances may
arise. In such cases, we adapt and make decisions based on the situation,
ensuring the safety of all involved and the successful execution of the
22. Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?
23. A: None.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here unto set forth my hand this 26th day of May
2023 at Cebu City, Philippines.

Yamelo Ball

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 26th day of May 2023,at Cebu City,

Jan Stephen Marcos Yamilo


Doc. No. 2467;

Page No.3578;
Book No.9754;
Series of 2023.


I, Jefson Lagumbay , single,Filipino, of legal age, and a member of the Integrated

Bar of the Philippines in good standing, under oath and according to law, hereby
depose and state that:
1. I have faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions
propounded and the corresponding answers given by the witness Police
Chief Inspector Yamelo Ball;

2. I did not in any way coach or teach or instruct the witness on how to answer
or any other person or persons present or assisting the witness regarding
the latter’s answers;

3. If it be found that this attestation is false or fraudulent, I am fully aware of

the consequences that I may face and I take full responsibility for any
disciplinary action that the Supreme Court may impose upon me.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 26th day of May 2023
at Cebu City, Philippines.

ATTY. Jefson Lagumbay


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 26th day of May 2023, at Cebu
City, Philippines.

Atty. Marcus T
Doc. No. 1356;
Page No.246789;
Book No.121134;
Series of 2023.

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