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BS Architecture 2A
PBSARC 019 LEC Architectural Design 4


1. Why were Reuse and Restoration as considerations in Design an important factor in

BUILDING PLANNING? Explain your answer in not more than 200 words.

Within the realm of architectural conservation and historic preservation, building restoration
refers to a certain treatment technique and ideology. It focuses on the thorough conservation
and management of constructions including historic sites, buildings, monuments, and other
notable structures.

2. In this part of your module, I challenge you to recall some concepts you learned in your
previous module on Planning.
Identify whether the statement below is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper and submit it together with the other task in this module. Some urban planners
see adaptive reuse as an effective way of reducing urban sprawl and environmental impact.[5]
Revitalizing the existing built fabric by finding a new use or purpose for obsolete buildings can
be a wonderful resource to a community by "keeping neighborhoods occupied and vital. As
catchy as it sounds, it is all about:
TRUE 1. Adaptive reuse is the renovation and reuse of pre-existing structures (such as
warehouses) for new purposes.
FALSE 2. adaptive reuse is not an industrial building conversion process, to undertake a
change of use, retaining as much as possible of the original construction, while upgrading the
performance to meet current standards.
TRUE 3. Adaptive reuse in the context of heritage buildings is described as the process of
taking a previously disused building and repurposing it to be used for another function other
than what it was originally built for.
TRUE 4. The reuse of older sites and buildings for new uses is a sustainable choice in
building. It conserves land, saves energy and resources, and preserves our heritage.
FALSE 5. Adaptive reuse projects require less mobilization, less construction time, and are
less disruptive to schedules. Often, these projects can be completed during summer or winter
breaks or throughout a single semester. This quick construction time minimizes the downtime
of valuable space.

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