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VOL. 14, No. 42. Melbourne, Victoria, October 16, 1899. ONE PENNY.

text declares that then a time of trouble on the earth would be "distress of nations,
THE BIBLE ECHO. will come to the world such as it has with perplexity ; men's hearts failing them for
DEVOTED TO never seen since there was a nation. fear, and for looking after those things which
An Exposition of Bible Truth and Signs of the Times. Time of Trouble. We will now are coming on the earth."
study this period called the "time of Referring to this time, the Lord, speak-
FOR TERMS SEE LAST PAGE trouble," and will begin by reading ing through the prophet, says, "Come, My
a few passages of Scripture. people, enter thou into thy chambers, and
THE TIME OF TROUBLE. shut thy doors about thee ;
hide thyself as it were for a
Causes—Formalism in the
Chore h—Restoration of little moment, until the in-
Papal Supremacy—Conflict dignation be overpast." Isa.
between Labour and Capi- 26: 2o. What a gracious in-
tal—National Strife. .
vitation from our Lord! He
" And at that time shall
Michael stand up, the great knows that a time of trouble
prince which standeth for the is coming, and has prepared
children of thy people; and a place of refugt . He gives
there shall be a time of trouble,
such as never was since there us warning, and invites us
was a nation even to that same to that refuge until the
time ; and at that time thy
people shall be delivered, every trouble "be overpast."
one that shall be found written This is our only apology for
in the book." Daniel 12:i.
calling attention t o this
THIS is a remarkable pas-
momentous question.
sage of Scripture. Please
Solomon says that the "pru-,
note the statements made'
dent man foreseeth the evil,
by the prophet: (1) "At that
and hideth himself."
time shall Michael stand
up, the great prince which T h e prophet Jeremiah
standeth for the children of says, "Alas! for that day is
thy people." (2) "And there great, so that none is like
shall be a time of trouble, it; it is even the time of
such as never was since Jacob's trouble ; but he
there was a nation even to shall be saved out of it."
that same time." (3) "And Jer. 3o : 7.
at that time thy people, John says, " Woe to the
shall be delivered, every one inhabiters of the earth and
that shall be found written of the sea ! For the devil
in the book." is come down unto you,
From these statements we having great wrath, because
have presented to us, first, he kno-weth that he hath but
the future establishment of a short time." Rev. 12 : 12.
Christ's kingdom; second, This shows that when time
TOUCHED BY HUMAN SORROW. has almost expired, the
the beginning of the time
" It is impossible for anyone to contemplate the present naval and military arrangements enemy will exert greater
of trouble; third, the deliv- without the gravest forebodings. Even if they do not end in war they will eventually end in
bankruptcy and ruin." power upon the earth than
erance of the people of God.
Standing up of Michael. "At that " And there shall be signs in the sun, and in ever before. For this reason God says,
time shall Michael stand up, the great the moon, and in the stars ; and upon the earth " Woe to the inhabiters of the earth."
distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and
prince which standeth for the children the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for In 2 Thess. 2 : 9 we read of the working
of thy people." Michael is the Lord fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth." Luke 21:25, 26. of Satan "with all power, and signs, and
Jesus Christ. Jude g; i Thess. 4 : z6; lying wonders." This will be just prior
John 5 : 25. The standing up of a king is These words were spoken by our Saviour
to the coming of Christ, and will bring
the beginning of his reign. Dan. 11: 2, 3. in answer to a question from the disciples.
the time of trouble upon the world.
The Lord Jesus has not yet begun His They asked, "Lord, what shall be the sign
This work is already begun. The agen-
reign on the throne of David. Luke I :32. of Thy coming, and of the end of the
cies are now active. The world stands
He is now in heaven working for the world?" Our Lord replied, stating that
face to face with a condition of things
redemption of a lost race. The time will there would be signs in the sun, and in
unparalleled in its history. This is known
come when His work as a priest will the moon, and in the stars, and upon the
close, and He will become a King. The earth. And He explained that the signs and felt most keenly by men who are in a
338 THE BIBLE ECHO October 16, 1899

position to take in a broad survey of the worldliness and idolatry. It is being filled once more to the supremacy over the
present situation. by a mass of professing Christians who are nations, as she did of old. Arid she is
Bishop 'Newman says:— strangers to the power of the gospel to going to do it ; the Scriptures point that
" This is the most unsettled condition of the cleanse and save from sin. The Rev. out."
world since the crucifixion of Christ. . . . The W. A. Evans truthfully says :— The following orders from Pope Leo
stability of government is no longer a fact.
Change is in the atmosphere. Statesmen are at " Evangelical Christianity, born anew in the XIII., in his encyclical of 1885, reveal the
their wits' end. Philosophers speculate in vain." German Reformation, baptised under the hands
of the Puritans and Vesleys, has already so far subtle policy of the Church of Rome.
Mr. Benjamin Kidd says:— apostatised that another Reformation is needed Leo says :—
to fit the church for the work of the greater
" To the thoughtful mind, the outlook at the century soon to dawn. The cold formalism of a " All Catholics must make themselves felt as
'close of the nineteenth century is profoundly utilitarian religiousness, ornate with pomp and active elements in daily, political life in the coun-
interesting. History can furnish no parallel to it. ceremony, makes of the church of the present tries where they live; they must penetrate wher-
The problems which loom across the threshold day, to a very large degree, a valley of dry ever possible in the administration of civil affairs:
of the new century surpass in magnitude any bones, greater than that which Ezekiel saw, and must constantly exert the utmost vigilance and
that civilisation has hitherto had to encounter." as sorely in need of a divine afflatus to give it energy to prevent the usage of liberty from going
life." beyond the limits fixed by God's law. All Catho-
,This is the solemn truth, and it is• in lics should do all in their power to cause the
pArfect harmony with what God says This means that we must have a refor- constitutions of the states and legislation to be
modelled to the principles of the true Church."
about this time. mation in our religion; we must have a
living God in our churches, to save us The " principles of the true Church" on
Primary Cause. The primary cause of which the constitutions of the states are
from irretrievable ruin.
all trouble is Satan. He is the author of to be " modelled," are presented to the
sin, and sin has brought every pang of Restoration of Papal Supremacy. The
Romish Church occupies a prominent world in various official documents of the
sorrow that has pierced the heart of man. Church. Pope Boniface VIII. said :—
It has caused every shadow that has place in both the prophecies of the Bible
" One sword must be under another, and the
ever darkened our pathway. and the history of the world. The proph- temporal authority must be subject to the spiritual
ecies foretell, its rise, history, and des- power."
But Satan works through agencies, and Cardinal Manning makes the Pope
some of these we will now consider. One tiny. They clearly and repeatedly declare
that this Church—the Papacy—would be say :—
is the formalism into which the professed " I acknowledge no civil power; I am the
church of God has drifted. Another is a trouble-producing factor among men, subject of no prince; and I claim more than this.
the bitter conflict that now exists between especially in the last days. I claim to be the supreme judge and director of
In tracing the history of the papal the consciences of men.",
capital and labour.
church, the prophet saw 'it receive 'a In order to carry out these proud,
The third is the political situation, or
deadly wound, but this "deadly wound imperious claims, the Church must of
the war spirit rife among the nations of
was healed." Rev. 13 : 3. The deadly necessity cause trouble, and as she is to
the earth.
wound was inflicted by France in 1798, regain her supremacy in the last day, it is
Formalism in the Church. The Scrip- certain that she will be a prominent factor
when that nation took Pope Pius VI.,
tures tell us that in the last days formalism in the approaching time of trouble.
prisoner, and broke the supremacy of the
in the church will constitute one of the Daniel says that he saw this power making
Church. The healing of the wound was
leading causes of the time of trouble. "war with the saints, and prevailed
commenced in 1800, when a new pope
This fact is clearly presented in Paul's against them, until the Ancient of days
was elected and restored to the Church.
second letter to Timothy. [God] came." Dan. 7 : 21, 22.
Since that time the Church has been
"This know also, that in the last days perilous
times shall come. For men shall be lovers of slowly, but artfully and surely, extending its Industrial War. The Scriptures teach
their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, power over all the civilised 'nations of the that in the last days the world will be
blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthank-
ful, unholy, without natural affection, truce- world. riotous with industrial war. A graphic,
breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, This work of restoration will continue picture is presented by the apostle James.
despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, He says :—
high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers until she will say, " I sit a queen, and am
of God ; having a form of godliness, but denying no widow, and shall see no sorrow." " Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for
the power thereof : from such turn away." 2 Tim. your miseries that shall come upon you. Your
Rev. 18 : 7. riches are Corrupted, and your garments are
3 ?- 5.
"All the world," says John, "won- moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered ;
Who are they that will love themselves, dered after .the beast," "and all that and the rust of them shall be a witness against
and are covetous, and manifest all these you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye
dwell upon the earth shall worship him, have heaped treasures together for the last days.
attributes?—Those who have a form of whose names are not written 'in the book Behold, the hire of the labourers who have
godliness, but do not have the power reaped down your fields, which is of you kept
of life." Rev. 13 : 3, 8. back by fraud, crieth ; and the cries of them which
thereof. That is one of the greatest For a hundred years the Romish Church have reaped are entered into the ears of the
causes to-day of the trouble that is fast Lord of ,Sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure
has been working for her restoration to in the earth, and been wanton ; ye have
approaching. supreme power over the churches and the nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter."
The gospel is the power of God unto James 5 :1-5.
nations of the world. Her success gives
salvation to everyone that believeth. confidence of complete victory. Speaking By analysing this scripture we find that
Rom. 1:16, When the power of God of the present perilous times the Catholic in the last days men will be heaping
operates in a man's heart, he is made free Standard, of November 3, 1894, said :— together great riches ; that they- will do
from the power of sin; and when free " What new order will arise?.Will humanity this by depriving the labourers of their
from sin, he is at peace with God and man. be once more its own dupe? and will the old just dues ; and that in this oppression of
But where the power of God is not known evils appear again under new names to people the the poor an enmity will be aroused in
world once more with false gods? Who knows?
there is no peace, there is only trouble. What we do know is that a world is in its death their hearts that will cause them to rise
Therefore, when the church loses the agony, and that we are entering upon the night up and destroy the rich.
which must inevitably precede the dawn. In
power of God to transform the character, this evolution, the Church, in the eyes of the This conflict between the rich and the
then we have a great organisation that pope, has a mission to fill." poor is also forcibly presented in the
instead of standing as a bulwark against " This," says a Protestant writer, "is in prophecy of Habakkuk. See chapters i :
evil and trouble, contributes to them. view of the times to come. What is she 13-17, and 2 : 3-1 2. In chapter 2 : 5 we
What is needed in Christendom more looking for ?—A world in its death agony. read : " Yea also, because he transgresseth
than anything else is genuine religion. All nations uneasy, society racked, every- by wine, he is a proud man, neither keepeth
Consecration is a blessed thing, but thing going to pieces as it is. The Papacy at home, who enlargeth his desire as
formalism is a curse. sees all that is going on, and expects it to hell, and is as death, and cannot be
The once devoted church of the Refor- go - on until the finish ; and out of the satisfied." This represents the rich man
mation has fallen, and is drifting away agony, and the tearing to piec9s that as having a greed like death and the
into the mists and fogs of formalism, comes with it, she expects to exalt herself grave. What a forcible figure ? Think of
!October i6, 1899 THE BIBLE ECHO 339
how death has been pursuing the human witnessed a greater accumulation of wealth nations whose populations are armed and trained
within the period of their lives, than has been to fight."
family. Millions upon millions have been seen in all preceding times since the days of Signor Crispi of Italy says, " We are
cut down by that fell destroyer. He is Julius Csar."
marching toward the unknown." Yes,
never satisfied, and he is still gathering his The Rev. H. W. Bowman says:—
that is true unless we read the future in
subjects with insatiable greed. And in " Such colossal fortunes, such hoarding of the light of God's sacred word. If we
the last days men will have the same treasures, such combinations of wealth—with
such rapid increase of poverty—was never wit- read it from that standpoint, we know
covetousness, the same greed for riches nessed before. Our age alone fits the prophetic what the future is.
that death has for life, and that the grave mould."
General Nelson A.- Miles says:—
has for men. The following shows the incomes of a " There never was a time in the history of the
We have reached the time and con- world when so much ingenuity, wealth, and skill,
few millionaires in New York City, in one were employed in the invention and construction
dition described by the foregoing scrip- year :-- of the appliances of war."
tures. Dr. Talmage says:— " The profits of Wall Street, the past year What it costs to keep up this terrible
" The greatest war the world has ever seen is (1879), were enormous. It is estimated that Van- preparation for war is thus presented by
between capital and labour. . . . It is a war of derbilt made L'6,006,000; Jay Gould, L.3,000,obo ;
centuries; it is a war of the five continents; it is Russell Sage, .2.,000,000; Sidney Dillon, 2,000,-
the Melbourne Age, September 29, 1896:—
a war hemispheric." 000; James R. Keene, E1,600,000 ; and three or " The figures which the armed peace of Europe
The Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, of Lon- four others from twenty thousand to eighty thou- supplies are indeed appalling. In Austria, in 1895,
sand pounds each; making a grand total for ten the annual cost of the Army and Navy was, in
don, says :— or twelve estates of about sixteen million round figures, 18 millions sterling; in France, 37
millions; in Germany, 27 millions; in Great Bri-
" The terrible struggles between capital and , pounds." tain, 36 millions ; in Italy, 13 millions, and in Rus-
labour, with the appalling prospects of world-
embracing organisations on both sides, are the Has the world ever seen anything like sia, 5z millions. This enormous outlay brings with
darkest aspects of an irresistible tendency." this in all its previous history?—Never! it grinding taxation, fearful poverty, the crippling
of useful industries, and a general disturbance of
Rabbi Adler says:— And that is just what the Bible says men finance, as for instance when gold, is locked up to
prepare for possible war."
Sir John Lubbok
makes the following
statement :—
"I t is impossible f o r
anyone to contemplate the
present naval and military
arrangements without the
gravest forebodings. Even
if they do not end in war,
they will eventually end in
bankruptcy and ruin.
The principal countries of
Europe are running deeper
and de e p e r into debt.
In fact, we never now have
any real peace; we live
practically in a state of war.
One third of our national
income is spent in prepar-
ing for future wars;
another third in paying
for past ones ; and only
one-third is left for the
government of the country.
Our interests at stake are
so enormous, and the in-
terests of nations so inter-
woven that every war now,
is, in fact, a civil war."
This is truly an
appalling state of
affairs. One third, of
Chicago Riot, 1894. our income as a nation
" Never in the world's history has there been will do in the last days—heap together is spent in preparing for future wars;
greater need to preach the duties of wealth, and
the rights of poverty. In no previous age has treasures. Is not the making of six another third to pay off the debts of past
the chasms been so deep which divide the rich million pounds by one man in one year, wars; and only the one remaining third
and the poor." is left to carry on the government.
heaping up riches ? That was in New
Geo. S. McNeill says:— York City, and at the same time there Words cannot fully express the mean-
" The labourer and the capitalist are living in were people starving in that city for the ing of all these things.. Everything is
war relations; and the sooner this fact is acknowl-
edged the better for the adjustment of diffi- want of bread. "These facts," says one, preparing for the end. The religious world
culties." "apply in greater or less degree to the con- is drifting to the place where it cannot
Mr. Powderly says :— dition of every civilised country of the stay the terrible tide of evil, The com-
" This fight is but the rumbling of the coming world. They are the facts which to-day are mercial world has drifted into a place where
rocking the nations, as they have not there is an irrepressible conflict between
Before his death Cardinal Manning the rich and the poor; and the nations
said:— been rocked for a thousand years, in the
lap of war." have reached that condition which is
" The condition of the wage-earning people of almost unbearable, and, as Lord Salisbury
every European country, is a grave danger to National Strife. Speaking of our time
every European State." the prophet. said, "The nations were says, many feel that they would rather
The f011owing statements show that the angry ! Rev. II:18. The war-cloud is one rush into a destructive war than to go on
rich are heaping up riches just as the of the darkest in the heavens to-day. in the present ,state of things. Signor
Scriptures say they will in the last days. Crispi says, "We are marching toward
Lord Wolseley says:—
President Lincoln, looking to the future, the unknown." Thus, " men's hearts are
" Those who study the map of Europe at the
said:— present moment, and the condition of things in failing them for fear, and for looking after
" A time is coming which alarms and unnerves Europe, must feel that there is hanging over us a those things which are coming on the
me, when all the wealth will be in the hands of a war-cloud greater than any that has hung over
few. I have more anxiety for my country now Europe before. It means that when it bursts, earth." We are standing face to face with
than during the war." and burst it will, as surely as the sun will rise solemn realities. They are not a long
to-morrow, it means, not as in former days a
Mr. Gladstone once said :— contest between two highly-trained armies, but a way in the future, but are already upon
"Thgre are gentlemen before me who have war of extinction; of devastation, between great us. Our God is soon coming. This
340 THE BIBLE ECHO October 16, 185g

world's cruel history will soon close. The vain effort to have it do God's work. character that its enormity becomes
people of God will soon be gathered home. It is this spirit of selfishness that has apparent.
Shall we be among them? led the nations to gather their armies and The laws require that deadly poisons
A. G. DANIELLS. prepare for battle, as it is to-day. If shall be appropriately labelled that all
God were to look down upon the earth, may take warning. But the most deadly
"REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH." instead of beholding the Eden home that thing in this world'is sin. There is not a
LIFT your head with faith, the morrow
He placed there' in the beginning, He poison in the laboratory of science or
Dawneth brighter than to-day, would see a battle-camp where men were nature so fatal as the venom of sin. "The
Angel hands will lift the shadows,
Chase the gatheripg gloom away. trained for the work of slaughter. He wages of sin is death." And this does not
Art thou lonely, sad, and weary, would see the nations taxing their every refer to what we call great sins ; but the
Watching through the silent night ? energy to prepare for the dreaded crisis smallest degree, or particle, is absolutely
Dry thy tears ; the orient glistens
Like a thread of silver light. —" the time of trouble"—so near at hand. fatal, and no power can neutralise the
What though wars and earth's commotions God has pointed out that in the last effect. Even the gospel does not undertake
Cause men's hearts to fail with fear ?
God your Father, rules the nations,
days there would be a cry of, "Peace, to avert the inevitable consequence. " The
Christ will for His saints appear. peace ! " But side by side with that He soul than sinneth, it shall die," is unalter-
Lift your heads, the day is breaking, places the warning of "sudden destruc- ably written. And it is in this lamentable
• Soon the morning will appear ; tion." i Thess. 5 : 3. He plans to bring fact that the exceeding awful and virulent
Signs proclaim the Lord is coming ;
Lift your heads ; the day draws near,—Anota. His people through that destruction with character of sin is made manifest. Like
a cruel murderer, sin stabs
its victim, and every thrust is
fatal. Like the leprosy, the
smallest taint means death.
THE Peace Conference has Sin lures its victims to
come and gone without death, and then accuses
apparently adding one star them before the law. Some
to lighten the darkened pros- will say , that it is the law
pect that rises before the that executes the sinner.
nations. In fact the failure But to this insinuation the
in this respect has but made apostle gives a most emphatic
the gloom more deep and denial. To be sure the holy
intense. law is the instrument by
When the proposal r e - which death is inflicted, but
specting the Peace Confer- the law was ordained to life.
ence first flashed across the The law of the land is that
wires, thousands were in- murderers shall be hanged.
spired by the prospect of Now, if it be the law that
what might be accomplished hangs men, then why are not
by the deliberations of such all men hanged?—Because
an august assemblage. But all are not murderers. Just
now the dream has gone, and so ; then it is the sin of murder,
even while we write, the not the law, that hangs the
wires are throbbing with murderer.
their war-messages between The gospel mitigates the
England and the Transvaal. awful condition of the sinner,
In our picture the artist by permitting him to die
has about sketched the voluntarily into the death of
situation as it is. Men have Jesus. He may choose to be
multiplied weapons of war crucified with Him. -Falling
and vessels of war until the "Power was Given to Take Peace from the Earth." upon the Stone, he may
angel of peace is beset, both become broken and contrite,
before and behind, with instruments of a miraculous hand, but it will be necessary and reckon himself dead indeed unto sin.
death. The broken olive branch of peace that the people who are thus to be delivered And to him who really and truly reckons
lies upon the earth, ready to be trampled shall learn to trust implicitly in the himself dead to sin, God will supply the
under the feet of contending armies. The Almighty hand. fact. But a voluntary death is not pain-
whirlwinds of national strife are only being Let no dreams of false peace lead the
less. There is the suffering. But we are
held in check by the unseen Hand until soul away from the God who alone can
exhorted : " Forasmuch, then, as Christ
God's work is done. This will soon be give peace.
hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm your-
accomplished, and then the war-tempest,
that has been gathering for years, will be selves likewise with the, same mind : for
loosened to do its work of destruction. THE SINFULNESS OF SIN. he that hath suffered in the flesh hath
Satan is behind all human strife, and the ceased from sin." Another apostle most
wickedness of selfish ambition with which " Sin, that it might appear sin, working death beautifully says :—
in me by that which is good ; that sin by the
he has inspired the hearts of men is commandment might become exceeding sinful." "I am crucified with Christ : nevertheless I
Rom.-7: 13. live ; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me : and the
responsible for all the scenes of slaughter life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the
that have darkened human history. The THE true nature of sin is revealed by faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave
contrast with good ; but that which paints Himself for me."
warrior, with his garment rolled in blood,
is not a necessary factor in God's plan. its nature in truest colours is its fruits. It is sin that creates the dire necessity
Christ was the Prince of Peace. He Sin bears its mark and carries its blight- for death. Sin is its own exterminator.
forbade the use of the sword, but thou- ing curse everywhere. It brings sorrow In the gospel, provision is made for sepa-
sands of Christians have since then and suffering with it. It inflicts its bitter- rating the sin from the sinner, destroying
taken up Peter's rusty weapon in a ness upon all. But it is in its deadly sin and saving the soul. But this involves
October /6, 1869 THE BIBLE ECHO 341
self-denial, humiliation, crucifixion, death, br child that has a margin of this world's out of the child's hand. " Now, if I have to
and a new life by faith in Christ. goods is oneof God's poor-stewards, account- stop and fuss with your old arithmetic, I
Without the gospel, sin works its own able to Him for its use. The means God shan't have any time to practice."
destruction and the everlasting ruin of has entrusted to us should be used to assist, " Never mind," said Nellie meekly, start-
all who cling to it. Under the gospel, sin and, in this way, to find the pearls that Jesus ing to go.
must perish upon the cross ; but the died to save. " Oh, you needn't go away ! I suppose I
quickening power of the Holy Spirit that Perhaps some of our friends who are not can spare the time somehow."
able to give, but who realise our need of And very clearly, though in a disagreeable
raised up Christ from the dead begets a
funds, and desire to help us to help others, manner, Marian explained the puzzling ex-
new and spiritual life, and with resur-
would like to know how they may do it. ample, so Nellie found out where her mistake
rection power energises every spiritual
Here is one way. Send to the Superintendent had been.
faculty. " Marian !" called her mother from the
of the Mission for a collecting card, and
Sin cannot dwell with God. Sin sepa- go to your friends and neighbours ; tell them kitchen, " I am afraid Tom forgot to stop at
rates God from His children. Separation about the work that is being done ; show the grocer's and order the peaches. Did you
from God is certain death. them the Helping Hand of July, or read to remind him again before he went ? "
G. C. T. them the weekly reports in the ECHO, and " No'm ; I thought he ought to remember
get them to make a donation. Then, when for once without being reminded all the time,"
4 home and health. the card is full, send it in and get another.
Still another way in which you may help
Marian answered pettishly. " I suppose I
have got to go and order them."
us is by collecting rags and old clothing, and " You need not, if you are busy," her
sending them, carriage prepaid, to the Mis- mother answered. " I can manage to wait
,ONLY a loving word, sion. Rags are of almost as great service to for them, until this afternoon, when Tom
Which costs us nothing to say ;
And yet in the web of a tangled life, us as cash-. They give employment to needy comes home."
It shines like a summer ray. men, and that means food and shelter for " No, that is not worth while ; I'll go."
Only a loving word, some whom otherwise we could not assist. And Marian put on her hat, and executed the
But it made a weak heart strong ; Be assured, dear friends, of this,—that errand.
And helped a tempted soul to choose
The right instead of wrong. when the Lord of the harvest gathers in-His It was a warm morning, and when MarTm an
sheaves, every one who has helped to water, returned from her walk, she went out on the
Only a loving word ;
But it brightened a gloomy life, sow, or reap, will be remembered. And that porch where it was cool. A green, prickly
And whispered its peace to the very soul day hasteth greatly. It is even at the doors. chestnut burr had dropped from the tree in
That walked through scenes of strife.
If any man would work for the Lord, this is front of the house, and grandfather pushed
Only a loving word'; the time for service, elven to-day. it meditatively about with his cane, saying :—
But it made the angels smile ;
And what is it worth ?—Perhaps we'll know, MISSION EVANGELIST. " It's too bad that anything with as good a
After a little while. heart as a chestnut burr should have such a
—Lilian Gray. prickly, sharp covering, is'nt it ? "
RAPID MANUFACTURE. " Yes, I'd rather go without the chestnut
HOME CONVERSATION. than hurt my hands opening such a prickly
burr," answered Marian, fanning herself with
THE story 'is told that in 1811, Sir John
,CHILDREN hunger perpetually for pew her broad-brimmed hat.
Throgmorton, a Berkshire baronet, made the
ideas. They will learn with pleasure from the " Yet it's only the outside that is sharp,"
lips of parents what they deem it' drudgery assertion that at eight o'clock on a particular
said grandfather, musingly. " It has a velvet
to study in books; and even if they have evening he would sit down to dinner in a
lining to its prickly exterior, and there are
the misfortune to be deprived of many well-woven, well-dyed, well-made suit, the
no sweeter nuts anywhere than the brown,
educational advantages, they will grow up wool of which had, formed the fleece on
polished beauties which nestle in their soft
intelligent if they enjoy in childhood the privi- , sheep's backs at five o'clock that morning.
hiding-place. That chestnut burr makes me
lege of listening daily to the conversation of The feat was 'considered impossible. On
think of some one I know."
intelligent people. We sometimes see parents June 28 the test was made, and successfully
" Whom ? " asked Marian with interest.
who are the life of every company which accomplished, with an hour and three-
" A young friend of mine, who has the
they enter, dull, silent, and uninteresting at quarters to spare, the suit being ready at a
kindest heart possible. She is always ready
home amongst their children. If they have quarter past six.
to do a kindness for any one, and she never
not mental activity and mental stores for both, May 18, 1898, Mr. Thomas Kitson, of
refuses to grant a favour ; but she always is
let them first use what they have for their Stroudsburg, U.S.A., attempted a similar feat.
so ungracious about' her kind deeds, and says
The sheep were shorn at half-past six in the
own households. so many sharp, irritable things, that one is
A silent house is a dull place for young morning, the fleece was passed through
tempted to forget the warm heart underneath,
eighteen processes of manufacture, and came and remember only the prickly burr. If she
people, a place from which they will escape
out finished cloth in three hours and thirty-
if they can. How much useful information, would only do her kind deeds in a kindly
fbur minutes. way, they would be doubly appreciated."
on the other hand, is often given in pleasant
The cloth passed into the hands of six
family conversation, and what unconscious Marian blushed.
tailors, and in two hours and a half, the suit, " I suppose you mean me, grandfather,"
but excellent mental training in lively social
complete in every particular, was ready for she said, after a little pause. " I did'nt think
intercourse. Cultivate to the utmost all the
graces of home conversation.—Selected. Mr. Kitson. it mattered much if I do grumble a little, so
The whole process, from the time that the long as I always do what I am asked."
wool was on the sheep's backs, until the suit " It makes people feel sometimes as if it
was ready for the man's back, occupied six was hardly worth while to get their fingers
hours and four minutes ; less than half the pricked for the sake of the nut," grandfather
THE Helping Hand Mission of Latrobe St., time it took to' make the suit for Sir John answered. " Let this prickly preacher preach
Melbourne, is an organised effort to find the Throgmorton in Wellspring. you a sermon, dear ; and learn to do good
lost pearls that are buried in the rubbish of deeds kindly."—M. E. Kenney, in the Presby-
this great city. terian.
The cry of the poor and the needy ascends A PRICKLY PREACHER.
to the throne, and reaches the ear of the HOME life should be heaven-life in minia-
Lord of hosts. It goes further even than " SISTER, I can't get this sum right. Won't ture. God designs that this life shall be a
that, for it touches the heart of the Eternal. you help me ? " asked little Nellie, coming school leading up to the life beyond. The
In, response to that appeal, He places in the into the room with her slate. home should be the truest ideal of life on
hands of His people the means whereby dis- " You must be dreadfully stupid not, to un- earth. But this can only be when Christ is
tress may be relieved, and they may become derstand such a simple thing as that," Marian in the home-life, and in all relating to the
co-workers with. God. Every man, woman, answered, as she took the slate impatiently home.
342 THE BIBLE ECHO October 16, 5899

A MODERN CAMP-MEETING. denominations. Large canvas tents, capable span the gully might be on fire. It was yet
of seating several thousands, are used for dark, but she knew that it was near the hour
Worshipping under Canvas—A Costly Temple meeting purposes, while smaller tents afford when the early morning train, the fast
—In the Catacombs—Resting Awhile. accommodation for families who may desire express, would arrive, and if the bridge had
IN his worship Adam first bowed amid the to attend during all the time of the meeting. burned, the cars would be precipitated into
flowers and fragrant groves of Paradise. No At one such meeting recently held at Owasso, the gully with their passengers.
temple walls were needed to indicate the place U.S.A., there were 300 family tents engaged,
Springing from her bed, and without wait-
of the mysterious Presence, for God was seen and over 3,500 people camping on the ground.
ing to change her night-robe for a dress, she
and known. During the past few years meetings of this
hurried out of the house, and saw the wooden
Centuries passed, and God finally directed character have been held in the colonies, and portions of the bridge were in flames. Then
Moses to build a tabernacle, that there might cheering success has attended these gather- she ran for the track, intent on saving the
be a known dwelling-place for Jehovah. This ings. We give in this cut a photo taken of
train, which she knew was nearly due.
tabernacle was composed of consecrated gifts a meeting held in Melbourne one year ago.
and constructed by consecrated hands. She soon heard the distant rumble of the
Over two thousand people frequently gathered
When completed, the Divine presence over- oncoming cars. Picking up one of the blazing
in the large calico tabernacle at the time of
shadowed it, and made the place of His feet brands that had fallen from the burning
glorious. bridge, the woman ran down the railroad
Arrangements have been made to hold a
Later still, God gave directions to David` track as if her life depended upon the speed
camp-meeting at Toowoomba, Queensland,
and Solomon concerning the erection of a from October 13 to 26. We trust this will she made.
temple. Willing workers went to the mount- prove a blessed time to those who have the Engineer Smith had his engine running at
ains and prepared timber, and to the quarries privilege of thus meeting to seek the Lord. high speed. Suddenly a light waved back-
to prepare stones for this sacred edifice. In these gatherings the time is largely spent ward and forward on the track ahead. As
These were brought, and the temple walls in public services, Bible study, and private quickly as possible he began to slow down
rose silently, without sound of either hammer devotion. Meetings begin early in the morn- the engine. The fireman thrust his head out
or chisel, under direction of the divine Archi- ing, and continue all day till 8.3o at night. of the cab, and exclaimed : " It looks like a
tect. That building was ghost ! "
reared at the cost of over Then the engineer saw
one million pounds, indi- that the signal was being
cating that no earthly waved by the spectral-
dwelling can be suffi- appearing figure of a
ciently grand for the King woman. A moment
of heaven. later, when the figure
In addition to all the stepped from the track to
facilities thus afforded for allow the engine to slide
worship, Israel went out slowly by, the engineer
every year to spend a knew it was not a wraith,
number of days worship- for Mrs. Sullivan, almost
ping under the leafy exhausted with the race
boughs of their forest she had made, was
tabernacles. Here they excitedly calling to him
rejoiced before God while that the trestles ahead
the " boughs of goodly were on fire.
trees" served as their only The engineer brought
covering from the day's his train to a stop. Its,
warm sunlight, and the sudden slowing aroused
star glories of the night. the sleeping passengers,
During the Dark Ages and soon they learned
the Christians were forced A CAMP-MEETING SCENE. the cause of it, and were
to meet in caves and dens of the earth. Here, Then all is silent till the morning again. hurrying off the train to thank their deliverer ;
hidden, away from the gaze and power of Christ led His disciples apart into a desert but Mrs. Sullivan had• hastened home to
their persecutors, they would worship in the place to " rest awhile." It would be well if dress.—New Voice.
darkness the God of light. God's people could still step aside from the
In the days of John Wesley and his asso- devouring worries of life to rest awhile in
ciate reformers, the city parks, streets, and His presence.
fields were often selected as places for hold- IT is really wonderful what a Hindoo can
ing meetings. God was in the reformers' do with his feet. The native Indian shoe-
message, and thousands who never entered IN GOD'S SIGHT. maker does not use his last, but holds the
the churches heard the truth of God at some unfinished shoe with his feet, while his hands
of these way-side gatherings. is'nt the world-praised nothings that are best in our
Father's sight, are busy shaping it. The carpenter secures
In still later years other methods have Nor the wreaths of fading laurel, that garnish fame's with his great toe the board he is cutting,
been tried. The camp-meeting plan has been dizzy height; and the woodturner handles his tools as well
largely adopted both in England and America. But the pitying love and kindness, the work of the with his toes as with his fingers.
Dating back one hundred years to August warm caress,
The beautiful hope and patience and self-forgetfulness.
This use of the feet to assist the hands in
1799, the first camp-meeting was held by their work is not, however, merely the result
The trifle in secret given, the prayer in the quiet night,
two Presbyterian evangelists—the McGee And the little unnoticed nothings are good in our of practice. It is chiefly- due to the fact that
brothers—at a place known as the " Muddy Father's sight. the Hindoo foot is quite different from ours.
. River," near Russellville, Kentucky, U.S.A. —Selected. The ankle of the Hindoo and the articulation
This meeting was the outcome of a revival of the back of the foot 'allow a great deal of
that brought the people in such numbers that SAVED THE MORNING EXPRESS. lateral motion.
the building could not contain them. So the In pointing out these peculiarities one nat-
plan of camping out and holding protracted MRS. NELLIE SULLIVAN lives at Pontiac, urally, thinks _that a human being using both
meetings was devised. Ill., near the Chicago and Alton railway. hands and feet must resemble a monkey.
In the course of a century this plan has The other night, when she was alone in the But the Hindoo foot is not like that of an
proved to be one of the, most successful house, she awoke and saw a fire on the ape or monkey, for the great toe is not
methods for evangelistic work, and it is railroad at a gully near her home. opposed to the other toes like a thumb, as is
pow largely employed by many religious It occurred to her that the trestles which the case with that animal.=-Cassels' journal,
October 16, 1899 THE BIBLE ECHO 343

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344 THE BIBLE E C HO VOL. 14, No 42.

WHEN a church begins to glory in its The Blessed Hope. Some hopes are
THE BIBLE ECHO. numbers, it has about reached the end of not of a holy character, and human ambi-
its usefulness in this world. tion frequently leads away from the path
iVelbourne, Victoria, October 16, 1899. of blessing. The divinest anticipation
that can inspire the soul links with the
I. WE send out no papers that ha se not been ordered; if per. A Costly Habit. A recent number of second coming of Christ. To the child
sons receive the BIBLE ECHO without having ordered it, it is sent the Home Magazine states that the people of God that event brings the end of sorrow,
them by some friend, and they will not be called upon to pay.
a. When you send money to the Office to apply on your subscrip-
of the United Kingdom consume annually the end of weeping, and the end of pain.
tion to the BIBLE Bono, notice the date on the wrapper of your 107,957 tons of tea. This would yield an That will be the climax of the centuries;
paper, and see that it is correctly changed. infusion of about 1,934,000,000 gallons, on this side the darkness, the mildew and
3. All matter appearing in the BIBLE ECHO without credit may
generally be understood as coming from the Editor.
at an annual cost of '18,000,000. This death ; on the other side immortality and
is certainly a tremendous expenditure for the eternal harmonies. Since the days of
what at best is only a costly habit. Tea Adam, God has been preparing a people
You will pass this way but once. Are drinking benefits no one, but on the other for this most tremendous of all events. In
you improving the opportunities given to hand injures thousands. The inspiration speaking to His disciples, Christ said they
sow the seeds, kind words and actions, as of the tea-cup is caused by poisonous were blessed because their eyes had seen
you go ? properties—theine and tannin—that can Him and heard His revelation. But they
never, in any way, add strength to the only beheld the Man of Sorrows. Thrice
"THE greatest deception of the age is system. Like nicotine and alcohol, the blessed the eyes that shall at last see Him
that which leads Christians to look through theine creates an appetite for itself that " as He ,is,"—The King in His beauty.
the gateway of politics for the coming of finally becomes a dominant craving of the Child of sorrow, take the " blessed hope."
the kingdom of Christ." system, and one, too, that food will not God has measured human weeping, and
satisfy. If the money spent on this harm- the end is near. Will you be ready for
For Conscience' Sake. A blind young ful luxury were devoted to the cause of the joy beyond ?
man was recently expelled from the Blind God, both the mind and religion of God's
people would be clearer. Have You Read It ? The leading article
Asylum in Hobart, Tasmania, because he in this number, dealing with the "time
desired to observe the Sabbath according of trouble," presents a number of ques-
to the commandment which says, "The tions that demand thoughtful attention.
seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy A Destructive Cyclone. Late files from
America give a heart-rending description You may, pass them by, but the deepest
God." Sectarianism has always been a thinkers of our age are wrestling with
cruel thing, and it does not seem to get of a cyclone that passed over New Rich-
mond, a town of 2,30o inhabitants, on them. The " time of trouble" does not
any more Christ-like as the ages go by. relate to mere personal difficulties, these
Human religion nailed Christ to the cross, June 12. In less than one minute the
city was left a mass of ruins. Some zoo per- come into every life, but it refers to the
and kindled fires for the martyrs ; God's " distress of nations spoken of by `Christ
religion makes the sun to rise on the evil sons were killed, and i,000 injured. After
the storm, fires broke out, and many of in His prophecy of the end. The basis
and on the good, and sends rain alike on of national peace was never so threatened
the just and on the unjust. those who were pinned down by the debris,
and might otherwise have been saved, per- as it is to-day. Revolution, hidden in the
ished in the flames. A reporter leaned over social and national unrest, prepares its
Mistaken. In the latter part of the an ambulance where a man suffering from a garment of whirlwind and tournado. The
13th century, the monks of Ireland, hav- broken leg and internal injuries was world's millionaires grasp their treasures,
ing learned the secret of distillation from lying. Inquiring his name, the man re- and work to augment their fortunes, but
the Moors, began to manufacture corn- plied, " Hawkins, Sir; but it don't make it is too late for the child of God to be
wine. This beverage they called Usque- much difference now ;' my wife, my two building hopes or palaces in this world.
baugh, meaning, ." The water of life." This daughters, and my son, were all killed in The corning of Christ draws near, and in
word was shortened to Usque, and finally the same place. They are all gone." So the anticipation of that greatest of all
took the form of the name Whisky. In- it might be said of the city itself; nothing events, the Lord would wean the affec-
stead, however, of it proving to be the was left but a weird scene of destruction. tions of His people from the things of this
water of life, it has proved to be the water Yet men desire to make this world their world. Those who will not live for God
of death. And as the years go by, its work home ! This work of ruin is not the opera- must at that time drink from the cup of
of death widens and increases. , An army tion of God, but the work of Satan. trouble, y but God's people are to be
of over 6o,000 die without hope every year There is yet a worse' destruction coming, delivered. Be sure you read the article
under the power of this supposed " water and God warns His people in view of the beginning on the first page. Read it
of life." Everything from which alcohol danger—" Arise ye, and depart ; for this thoughtfully and prayerfully.
is to be obtained must first die, so that is not your rest ; because it is polluted,
instead of tending to life, alcohol is at it shall destroy you, even with a sore =F41111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111011
once the product and instrument of death. destruction." Micah 2 : To. F.F-.- Dresscuttillg What Miss ROIMIRTES
says:— =

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3. The Watch Tower will set forth the great move- R. Hare, office editor, a series of articles on "Life
ments among the nations of the earth, religious, social, Only in Christ." PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK.
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filled with such instruction and reading as will tend to A. T. Robinson, of Melbourne, a series of articles on
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