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Learner Name Abrar hussain

Study Centre Name Success point education
Unit Reference No. K/616/3030
Unit Title Strategic marketing
Word Count 3000
Submission Date 31-08-2021

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A strategy that incorporates all its marketing goals into an integrated plan for organizations. A
solid marketing strategy should be based on market research and focused on the proper product
mix in order to reach the highest profit potential and sustain the firm. A company campaign is
based on the marketing policy

The creators of Sony are Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, two Japanese men, it was found on 7
May 1946. A global firm with its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, is Sony Corporation. It has sales
of over US$40 billion (2011), with branch offices with over 200,000 people globally, one of the
world's largest publishing companies.

Task 1

Evaluate the role of marketing in selected organization

Sony's marketing is highly competitive since market technologies are typically quite dynamic
and new Sony is a brand that sells luxury products for the upper end market. High customers and
small and large companies are its target group Marketing allows Sony and its customers to create
market relationships. It offers new prospects and helps shape the image of the organization and
boosts its profit. It helps to collect feedback with customer commitment, branding and publicity.
It helps to introduce products, identifies target clients and tests if they are delighted or not.It
offers new chances and helps define the image of the firm and boosts its profit. It helps to collect
feedback with customer commitment, branding and publicity. It helps to introduce products,
identifies target consumers and tests if they are pleased or not. It contributes to the development
of consumer loyalty and retention. More successful consumers were attracted through
campaigns. It allows the product and other functions to be prepared and helps to reach the target

Analyze the relationship between corporate strategy and marketing strategy with respect to
selected organization.

The Sony Corporation's 4P (Product, Place, Promotion & Price) marketing mix supports global
market activities successfully. Sony maintains a strategic approach which fully satisfies the
company's needs in order to reach its target clients.

Product: This component of Marketing Strategy represents the answer to the demands of the
clients. To distinguish out in the global industry, Sony will produce new product style, branding,
and features. According to the following considers it should be taken into account the layout of
marketing strategy-prices, range, functionality, price, brand identity and extended services.

Pricing: Includes a value assessment for targeted consumers of the products. This marketing
campaign component The Sony price policy would focus on the sale price, credit conditions,
payment length and discounts. The price should be lower than the competition, otherwise Sony
will pursue the method of price convergence. The firm might gain market share depending on
lowered pricing. Strong base contacts and how the difference supports further expenditure would
be the choice of skimming technique.

Place/distribution: This part of the marketing strategy needs Sony to make some critical
decisions while creating its distribution plan. Sony distributes its products through several
distributors. As a renowned business for high-end items, Sony manages exclusive distribution
from exclusive partners such as Sony World. In several other countries, the extensive business
reporting system is standard in other Grey markets.

Promotion; The main component of the marketing system is advertising, which effectively
combines marketing strategies to manipulate potential customers' expectations, achieve
consumer and client objectives and foster consumer-marketer contact. In a range of mediums,
Sony markets its medication, including TV, radio, publications, leaflets, film crews and lately via
its outdoor advertisements.
Explain how marketing strategy is developed in selected organization.
For strategic advantage and productivity, Sony Corporation applies a traditional strategy in the
telecommunications, sports, entertainment and financial services sectors. Sony is an example of
how conventionality is successfully implemented and aggressive growth plans are effectively

Market Penetration: The primary method of aggressive expansion for the Sony Corporation is
market penetration. This targeted strategy is intended at developing the business through rising
revenue in the markets where the organization already operates. With the help of promotional
initiatives to sell more PlayStation systems, Sony expands its company. The aggressive market
penetration expansion plan is introduced to assist the business attract and keep more consumers
through product difference

Product Development: Production as an intensive secondary approach to increase the Sony

sector is adopted. Production. Sony continues to develop its gaming products, which are a key
driver of growth and are above competitors. This aggressive approach to development follows
the standardized product architectural differentiation approach. Sony's creative activities ensure
that new and special products emphasize their characteristics. A business objective based on the
aggressive strategy of product development is to expand the firm via the development of
innovative goods.

Market Development: The Sony Corporation uses corporate growth as an instrument for
promoting fast output. Sony's goods are being launched on emerging markets where they are not
yet present. A fresh idea to create new demand for its products will also be considered by the
company. Sony's general approach to brand distinguishing encourages this aggressive tactic by
introducing prospective target consumers.

Diversification: This intensive approach focuses on expansion through the establishment of new
businesses. Sony's decision to concentrate on fewer goods has decreased the relevance of
diversity. The composition of these goods gives the largest comparative edge. In this intensive
method, a general differentiation technique is used to develop the necessary competitive
advantage to increase the central companies of Sony utilizing product uniqueness.


Evaluate various approaches to internal environment analysis.

The SWOT Analysis Model is a managing method for assessing internal strategic (forces and
weaknesses) and external strategic (chances and threats) variables that affect the firm. Sony
presents a range of global challenges to the sector that can affect corporate success.


• Sony provides a large choice of high quality products: • Premium Product Offers.

• International brand recognition: Sony has offered quality items since the foundation of
the company. It has therefore been recognized internationally.

• Strong brand image: Sony’s brand image has been strongly supported by global
recognition and quality.

• Products for innovation: from the very beginning, innovation products are sold to its

• Excellent after-sales service: after-sales service from Sony are world-class. His
reputation has become more reputable.


• Prices: expensive pricing. The excellent quality of their items is not something that most
consumers throughout the world can afford.

• Not very diversified as its competitors: because of this they cannot increase their
worldwide income.

• Weak promotions: Sony is not pursuing strong promotional policies.

Opportunities (External Strategic Factors)

As seen in this dimension of SWOT’s study, Sony has opportunities to further expand its
business. Opportunities are competitive external factors that will improve business productivity
and earnings. In this case, the electronics, gaming, entertainment, and financial services markets
offer Sony the following opportunities:
• More business diversification: Sony's growth can be boosted by more business

• New product development: Sony has the potential to build alternative business sources
and produce innovative products.

• Rapid innovation: rapid innovation will improve the competitive edge of the company,
especially in light of the high degree of competitive industry competition.


Sony’s threats in its external environment are::

• Cyber attacks: Cyber attacks pose a major challenge to Sony, especially as the
organization is growing its reliance on electronic databases and networks.

• Competition: Economic competition is also a business-related hazard, because many

companies are competitive on world markets.

• Piracy of software: Piracy of software poses the difficulties of preserving


Evaluation various approaches to external environment analysis.

PESTLE analysis of Sony:

 Political: Political factors may affect the business of every worldwide corporation greatly
and profoundly. Political uncertainty will bring insecurity to businesses. Some kind of
political or military unrest leads to a market volatility of SONY and ultimately financial
losses, particularly in countries like China, where much of the supply line is based on
SONY. SONY’s or its business partner will be interrupted by these disturbances. In some
countries, regional wars, terrorist threats or political instability are typically more risky.
The operating performance and economic profits of SONY may potentially be negatively
affected. Political considerations can therefore sometimes be direct

 Economical: Economic variables can directly and profoundly impact companies,

especially those around the globe. Those lacking in economic battles are optimistic and
splurge on luxury products. The environment is beneficial for brands such as SONY, as
the volume of disposable income has increased. Better global circumstances for
companies all across the world are also excellent. Growing economic growth leads to
higher revenues and higher incomes. This shows the connection between economic
conditions and the market and competitiveness of SONY.

 Social: In the international commercial sense, socio-cultural concerns can be of major

relevance. Changes at the socio-cultural level will reduce and increase the need for the
other for such goods and services. Socio-cultural aspects influence the choice and order
of consumers. Decisions to buy markets have an important socio-cultural impact. The
way firms sell themselves also affects this. In its marketing activities SONY invests
considerably. It has evolved different ways that match local cultures and market-by-
market preferences.

 Technological: By investing in R&D and production capacity, SONY has enhanced its
strategic edge. Other effects on and rivalry of companies can be influenced by
technology. In the meaning of the firm, data and technology currently play a greater role.
Brands collect data and transform it into information that can be used and use data to
make decisions and actions in real time. New technology and social media are better than
conventional ways in terms of marketing. Brands are gaining and investing in customer
service technologies. The technology is a key part of SONY’s company. It is aimed at
investing in its content and technical progress

 Environmental: In addition to reducing carbon emissions and also protecting the

environment, sustainability is now a big concern for the world. Biodiversity and climate
are often involved in companies with low to no carbon emissions. Null carbon emissions
have been anticipated by SONY and are now worked to mitigate environmental effects.
We have already set our sustainable objectives "Environmental Management 2020," to
enhance our sustainability efforts.

 Legal: The legal structure varies from country to market. All these laws must be applied
and adhered to by international brands in any country. Operating costs will also increase
legislation and regulatory troubles. The situation for large enterprises such as SONY can
be complicated by local legal and regulatory limitations, including labor regulations and
labor union agreements. This will also have a significant impact on the economic and
regulatory aspects of industry and its competitiveness.

Explain how internal and external analysis can be integrated to device strategic

By combining SWOT and PESTAL, Sony integrates internal and external analysis into strategic
alternatives. One of the high-quality gadgets is called Sony’s player station. They used online
marketing to promote their products, and they are delivered to more customers. The initial
investment expenses were analyzed and expenses were managed by expanding into easier
markets and so on. Create more customer prices and concentrate on improving their marketing
policies. The need for more digital literacy, online purchasing and marketing, the development
and distribution of electronic devices that contribute to process excellence.

Task: 3

Justify decision and choices to be made at corporate level.

Corporate decisions are taken at various levels in organizations. This is your company's main
purpose. This destination affects all strategies and decisions in all parts of your company. For
example, your company will be expanding to new markets if your business has reached market
saturations and you need to diversify to survive..

Design of Goods and Services : Sony examines how its products are designed to make full
market profit. Operations managers are aiming at cost reduction, efficiency improvement,
organizational sustainability promotion and optimization of the use of human capital in this
strategic field of decision. Through continuous improvement methods, Sony approaches these
problems. These methods are intended to maximize all operations' efficiency
Location Strategy: At Sony, production management is concerned with consumer, supplier and
infrastructure distances. The goal is to optimize these distances in this strategic area of decision,
minimizing operating costs and maximizing revenue. In this respect, Sony' s marketing strategy
includes shops in places with high traffic, such as centers and cities.

Product Quality Management: For example, operational management programs are constantly
looking for new ways to improve Sony products' quality. Operations managers concentrate on
quality standards and requirements as objectives in this strategic area of decision making. The
management policy of Sony's operations stresses the performance and support of Kando,
"emotional involvement" or "power to stimulate emotional response"

Assess how these decisions influence marketing at business unit functional level.

Evaluate approaches to competitive positioning of business.

They attract customers and suggest market segmentation that Sony prefers to use to make their
leisure time more social. Holding high quality devices makes customers feel relaxed and happy.
Make an impression that Sony offers a good range of products for everybody. This makes it more
available and improves the base and revenue of customers and a strong brand picture. Expansion
to Japan and Usa can offer strong opportunities for growth. The new administration decided to
stop and turn the loss into profit.

Porter’s five forces analysis of Sony Corporation

The threat of a new entry (low): The enormous amount of investment needed to enter the
consumer electronics industry for a new company. Another barriers that make it difficult for new
companies to enter and not forget the ability to work with various products to complete are
innovation and high economic performance.

Product differentiation: Sony’s value and ranking went down in the global brands list 2012. A
new entrance will need to create brand image in order to complete, but still very costly.

 Capital requirement: machinery, professional human resources, high tech production,

research and production requires a huge amount of capital
 Economic scale: strong brand of Sony and physical resources such as property and
intangible assets are significant.
 Distribution channels: Sony has a large distribution network, which gives it the ability to
reach its worldwide network of customers.
 Government policies: due to the need of approvals, the process itself might be a barrier,
because of the different policies from one country to another, which might also consumer
time and resources.
Threat of substitutes (low): Most other substitutes either were not effective or outdated, the
wide range of products left. They still compete in gaming and apps software with Apple and

Bargaining power of buyers (high): Buyers were given a high negotiating power by IT and the
internet as access to product and price information is possible, enabling them to compare quality
and price between different companies.

Bargaining power of suppliers (low): Sony is a large company with broad and different
supplier demands and the power of suppliers is hard to know because the supply network is
large. Due to high demand, Sony has an advantage of direct negotiations with suppliers and
obtains high-quality products at low prices.

Intensity of rivalry (high): Due to intense competition, rivalry is very high. It is also difficult to
complete because it is difficult to cope with the main factors affecting companies such as
research and development in the global consumer electronics sector.

Task: 4

Summarize a range of strategies that can contribute advantage.

There are endless strategies that can make a difference in competitiveness. You can create a
competitive edge, name the business functions that. It will take time to create good competitive

1. Operational excellence – Cost-efficiency can lead to lower prices for a company

while keeping profit.

2. R&D Investments – Intellectual property and product design can lead to the sale at
higher prices of a company that enables it to offer a better product than the

3. Customer intimacy – This will make products and services for specific customer
use more valuable for certain customers or small customer groups.

Assess marketing communication strategies

The approach has seen a change in the strategy for marketing communication. Five integrated
marketing communications are currently used by Sony. Distributes newspaper flyers or increases
TV advertisements for products. They sponsor special events like the promotion of the brand
Personal sales are performed to share information and detailed product explanations face to face.
Has a website that displays a wide range of gadgets and online purchase is easy. Sony uses these
mediums because they help a broad audience with short fun and creative messages by using
visuals, audio and text.
Evaluate marketing strategies for an organization.

Segmentation: In order to find their markets based on incomes, age, and location, Sony uses
geography and population segmentation.

Targeting: Sony does deals to satisfy a particular consumer group. Eg: Children, teenagers and

Positing: provides different types of gadgets in convenient places. As a luxury company, Sony
has placed herself as a consumer.


Sony has a strong set of marketing strategies that help improve brand image, sales and customer
loyalty, helping business to grow and sustain in a highly competitive marketplace. Strong
communication tools are used to disseminate awareness about their product and their variety.
They've got a different idea about competition. The marketing is well advanced and creative.


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