Research Types

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Research Types

By Mariam Abd-Ul-karim Majeed

1st semester in MA Applied Linguistics

There is more than 20 types of research each one of them interested in different issues
used different methods. Applied research, basic Research, correlational research,
descriptive research, ethnographic research, experimental research, exploratory
research and else.
Experimental research, might be the most common , attempt to establish reason-and-
effect correlation through controlled experiments involving control and experimental
groups. Qualitative research aims to examining and understanding motivations,
attitudes, and behaviors through methods like interviews and content analysis. While
quantitative research contains the gathering and analysis of numerical data, utilizing
statistical techniques to derive conclusions and identify patterns.
Correlational Research this type designed to identify relationships among variables
without implying causation, which helping researchers understand associations. Case
studies research provide in-depth vision into particular subjects or cases, offering a
comprehensive understanding of special situations. These five types research that can
be considered as one of the most common types and there is many else. Different
ways of doing research are important for learning more in different areas. They let
researchers pick the best method for their specific goals. understanding the types of
research and what each of them aims to will give you better ability to plan your
project, utilizes the most appropriate methodologies and techniques and better
communicate your outcomes to other researchers and supervisors.

Types of Research

Experimental research

Experimental research is a systematic and controlled method of investigation that

involves the processing of one or more independent variables to note their effects on
dependent variables. It follows the principles of causality and aims to establish cause-
and-effect relationships between variables.
Experimental research relies on four core principles control, randomization,
replication, and measurement. Experimental research is ensured to be rigorous and
credible by these principles.
Experimental research is a common practice in various scientific fields like
psychology, medicine, physics, biology, and education.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is focused on gathering numerical data, which involves

quantifying variables and measuring them in a structured way. In order to ensure
statistical validity and generalizability of results, quantitative studies generally
require large sample sizes.Qualitative research has various advantages in using it as
objectivity, generalizability, precision and replicability. while in the other hand some
of disadvantages come to the surface too as limited understanding, context neglect,
coat and time consuming and inflexibility. Despite its shortcomings, it remains a
powerful method for obtaining numerical data, making statistical inferences, and
generalizing findings to larger populations.

Qualitative research

Qualitative research involves a systematic approach to comprehending and exploring

complex phenomena, frequently in social sciences and the humanities.It’s focus on
analyzing in-depth, interpreting, and gathering non-numerical data, such as
observations, interviews, and textual analysis. The main characteristics of qualitative
research are open-ended data, small samples, contextual understanding, and inductive
approach. Quantitative research has its own strengths like rich insight, flexibility,
contextual understanding and participant voice. It is still got some of weaknesses on
it as limited generalizability, subjectivity, resource intensive, and lack of
quantification. Research studies that utilize qualitative methods are physiology,
anthropology, education, and sociology. The diverse applications of qualitative
research in gaining deep insights into human experiences, culture, and social
phenomena are demonstrated in these examples.Qualitative research is essential for
advancing our understanding of complex, real-world issues.
Correlational research

Correlational research hat is intended to comprehend and evaluate the statistical

relationships, or correlations, between two or more variables without manipulating
them.The focus here is on identifying associations, but it doesn't establish causation.
The purpose of correlational studies is to identifying relationships and predictive
value. Correlational research can be useful in certain situations such as health studies,
education research, market research, psychology, and environmental science.
Although correlational research is beneficial for identifying relationships and making
predictions, it has limitations, especially in determining causation.

Case study research

Case study research is an in-depth and comprehensive evaluation of a particular

subject, like an individual, a group, an event, or an organization. The characteristics
of case study research are in depth analysis, real life context, holistic approach, and
qualitative data. It’s also has different of strengths which are rich insights, holistic
understanding, multiple data sources and applicability. Some of case study research
examples are clinical psychology, business management, education, historical
research, and social work. The value of case study research lies in its ability to
provide a comprehensive understanding of complex subjects in their natural settings.
It is ideally suited for exploratory research, policy analysis, and understanding
unusual or rare phenomena.


In conclusion, different research types, including experimental, quantitative,

qualitative, correlational, and case study research, provide a range of methods to
investigate diverse topics. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages,
and the choice based on the research objectives, the nature of the subject, and the
depth of understanding required. The researchers choose the method that is most
appropriate based on their specific questions and the unique characteristics of their

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