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As part of management, I would rather say, it is pretty good.

Because trees and flowers are

grown everywhere. We can even see it at the entrance of the school. That was such an
incredible feeling for me. There are big trees as well as tiny plants. Just like a national garden
but it isn't. But Bamboo plants are the most common plants that we saw. All trees are
carefully conserved. And weeds under trees are also pulled up. Flowers are even
systematically grown in front of students' hostels. They are such adorable things, aren't they?
Doubtless, this school is in harmony with nature. Here I want to highlight how they manage
their waste. I saw there are two dustbins in school. They told me one is for recycled materials
such as water bottles, tins, and cans. Another is for plastic bags. People in that school
decorated items by reusing old tyres. Garbage cans are placed separately for different trash. I
think they have to throw their waste in relevant places. For items such as bottles have trash
bins as well as organism wastes. These are environmental management of Naung Taung
which we have observed. We also went and observed near the Hopong dam, we hadn’t found
any special management as it is a common area for local people. Thank you so much for your
attention to my presentation. Let’s invite the next presenter.
Yes, there are always good and bad sites to things. Let’s see what the benefits of their
management are. The school’s environment is verdant as a consequence of having lots of
trees. All of us may have known, Hopone is a very hot region. However, the temperature of
Naung Taung is declined obviously since the school is overwhelmed with trees. Besides we
have observed the rainfall is good. Moreover, the twigs can use as firewood for the kitchen.
Well, managing waste makes their school tidy. We didn’t have much waste in their
classroom. Green plants, blooming flowers, and cleanness of its attracted me the most.
Charmingly it is a good place to live for me.
But at another hand, they use wood more than they need since there are plenty of trees. They
were building a graduation booth. We saw they were using many bamboos on their football
pitch. They will have to dismantle them after graduation. They are just temporary. One thing
is most local people came to the monastery. Guests didn’t throw their trash in relevant bins
even though dustbins are kept separately. They mixed them up. But waste at the Hopong dam
is messed up as there is no supervising around the dam. There was no dustbin for waste, some
of the waste even floated on water as well as broken pieces of jars and glass.

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