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CT -111 :

Introduction to Communication Systems

Lab-6 :- Report
Name :- Gajjar Malav G.
Id :- 201901129

➢In this lab I have implemented the modem for the higher-order
M =2𝑘 modulation schemes:
(i) QPSK (k = 2),
(ii) 8-PSK (k = 3),
(iii) 16-APSK (k = 4),
(iv) 32-QAM (k = 5).
➢And in additional I have also added the constellation diagrams for
all the modulation schemes, the scatter plots, eye diagram and also
added the same results for 16-QAM.
Honor Code

I declare that :-
1) The work that I am presenting is my own work.
2) I have not copied the code or results ,etc. that someone
else has done.
3) Concepts, understanding and insights I will be
describing in the report is my own.
QPSK Constellation Diagram
➢ This diagram shows the 2D
modulation.2D modulation starts
from QPSK modulation.
➢ The X-axis of the diagram shows the
inphase signal and Y-axis shows the
quadrature phase signal.
➢ QPSK has four different symbols and
which are arranged in the single
plane. There are many ways of
arrangements for these symbols, this
is one of them.
QPSK Scatter Plot at the transmitter
QPSK Scatter Plot at the transmitter
➢These both plots represents the scatterplot diagram for QPSK.
Here there are two arrangements are shown here
➢In first all the symbols are shown on inphase and quadrature
axis and in second arrangement all the symbols are shifted
b𝑦 45° .
➢In next slide the scatter plot at the receiver is given . It shows
that for the big vales of Es/No the radius of clouds decrease.
QPSK Scatterplot at the receiver

This both plots for EbNodB = 20

Matlab Code for QPSK Scatter Plot
This code is for when the constellation points are on X and Y axis • end
• yy = [yy y];
• l = 100; • end
• k = 2; • M = 4;
• N = k*l; • scatterplot(yy);
• x = randi([0 ,1] , 1, N); % Random inputs • EbNodB = 20;
• % here we will consider 00 as -1, 01 as j, 10 as -j, 11 as 1 • EbNo = 10^(EbNodB/10);
• yy = []; • %Let's generate complex gaussian noice
• for i = 1 : 2 :length(x) • n = 1/sqrt(2)*(randn(1, length(yy)) + 1j*rand(1, length(yy)));
• if x(i) == 0 && x(i+1) == 0 • sigma = sqrt(1/(log2(M)*EbNo));
• y = -1; • % received signal
• elseif x(i) == 0 && x(i+1) == 1 • r = yy + n*sigma;
• y = 1j; • scatterplot(r);
• elseif x(i) == 1 && x(i+1) == 0 • saveas(gcf,'scatter_qpsk_rec.jpg','jpg');
• y = -1j;
• elseif x(i) == 1 && x(i+1) == 1
• y = 1;
Matlab Code for QPSK Scatter Points
This code is for when the constellation points are 45 degree shifted • end
• yy = [yy y];
• N = 200; • end
• x = randi([0 ,1] , 1, N); % Random inputs • M = 4;
• % here we will consider 00 as -1, 01 as j, 10 as -j, 11 as 1 • scatterplot(yy);
• yy = []; • saveas(gcf,'scatter_45_qpsk_1.jpg','jpg');
• for i = 1 : 2 :length(x) • EbNodB = 20;
• if x(i) == 0 && x(i+1) == 0 • EbNo = 10^(EbNodB/10);
• y = cosd(225) + 1j*sind(225); • %Let's generate complex gaussian noice
• elseif x(i) == 0 && x(i+1) == 1 • n = 1/sqrt(2)*(randn(1, length(yy)) + 1j*rand(1, length(yy)));
• y = cosd(135) + 1j*sind(135); • sigma = sqrt(1/(log2(M)*EbNo));
• elseif x(i) == 1 && x(i+1) == 0 •
• y = cosd(315) + 1j*sind(315); • % received signal
• elseif x(i) == 1 && x(i+1) == 1 • r = yy + n*sigma;
• y = cosd(45) + 1j*sind(45); • scatterplot(r);
• saveas(gcf,'scatter_qpsk_45_rec.jpg','jpg');
QPSK symbol error probability as a function of

➢ This graph shows the SER of QPSK

modulation scheme.
➢ This shows that when the value of
Es/No increase then the Probability
of Symbol decrease.
8-PSK Constellation Diagram
➢ In this graph all the eight
symbols are arranged at the same
amplitude, but there phase is
different . This shows 8-PSK
modulation scheme. Where their
amplitude(radius) is a = 1.
8-PSK Scatter Plot

At Transmitter At Receiver
8-PSK Scatter Plot

➢There are two plots are shown here. The first one is at
transmitter and the another is at receiver.
➢When we transmit the symbols it pass through the gaussian
channel. So the gaussian noise adds. And at receiver we get the
cloud of symbols.
➢Receiver find the particular symbol ( which one has received )
by calculating the Euclidian distance from all the possible
8-PSK symbol error probability as a function of

Symbol error Probability of 8-PSK Modulation

16 APSK Constellation Diagram

➢ This plot shows the 16 APSK

constellation diagram.
➢ In prior slides we shown PSK
modulation schemes. In PSK there
is only phase is different for all the
symbols. But in APSK scheme not
only phase but amplitude is also
different for all the symbols.
Which is shown here.
16 QAM Scatterplot

At Transmitter At Receiver
16 QAM Scatterplot
➢This plots represents the scatter plot for 16-QAM as shown for 8-PSK and
➢At the receiver we get the cloud of the received symbols. And the radius of
all the cloud is depend on the Es/No.
➢If we increase the Es/No the radius decreases , because the noise decreases.
And we decrease which means we increase the noise then the radius
➢And if Es/No is small then it is difficult for demodulator to identify the
symbol and it makes an error. So small big value of Es/No is preferable .
16 APSK symbol error probability as a function of

Symbol error Probability of 16-APSK Modulation

32-QAM Scatter Plot
At the Transmitter At the Receiver
32-QAM symbol error probability as a function of

Symbol error Probability of 32-QAM Modulation

Baseband simulation with pulse-shaping
and receiver LSI filter
➢ From this graph we can say that
when we increase the Es/No then
SER decrease. It means that the noise
is decrease.
Radio frequency simulation with frequency
upconversion and downconversion
Eye Diagram
sps = 1 sps = 3
Eye Diagram

➢Here both the graphs are plotted by the use of matlab’s function
“eyediagram(x, n)”.
➢Where x is input signal and n is number of samples. Here sps means the
number of output samples per symbol. And n = sps*2.

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