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Paul Ionéla 2°4

English written comprehension

A)Dan Smith is a 18-year-old student who is interested in working voluntarily on an organic

farm, basically, he wants to experience the job of woofer. He lives in New York (USA) and
has several skills, he has expertise in all that is teamwork, as well as in initiative, less in
communication and in leadership but enough to be competent.
We can say he speaks one language very well, Spanish, which must be his native language.
He especially speaks German fairly well and has basic French skills which is a very good
advantage in order to communicate with foreigners.

What seems strange to me is that he lives in New York however it is not written that he
speaks English. Maybe he didn't specify his native language because it seems obvious
because he studied at "East Bridge High School" and at an animal medical center in New
York. He was also a pet sitter from 2017 to 2019 in New York, so we deduce that he can
speak English fluently so he did not put it in his resume. English is therefore his first
language, followed by Spanish, then German and French.

He has many adroitnesses that correspond to the profession of woofer : he has scheduled
and attended visits and walked and fed the dogs in the past as a pet sitter. He also has
experience with nail trims and calming the pets, with maintaining the daily laundry and
cleaning the facility to meet health standart, those are things that he learned at his work
placement in a medical pet center situated in New York in 2016.

He also has hobbies and interests, he did 3 years of swimming and 5 years of guitar. He
likes mountain biking and reading too.

He can also handle software like Office, Excel, Word and Protection Profile which may be
fine if asked to give a talk or a presentation about his experience as a woofer after his
internship i guess.

B) After reading his resume, i think Dan is overqualified for this unpaid job. He has a lot of
skills and knowledge, even more than he is asked. We can tell he is an animal lover and that
he’s fond of his job. If i were an organic farm manager, i would totally hire him, I think he
would be a very good WWOOfer and that he would take great care of the animals because
he seems to be a very hardworking and trustable person.

C) At the top there is always a banner with the person's photo, name and surname as well
as the person's age and ambitions.
The categories I found in this resume are the ones I expected. These are the ones on almost
every resume :
Contact, which contains the person's address, phone number and email address.
Languages, that speaks for itself, it indicates the languages that he speaks more or less
Software, this category just tells us if he can handle spreadsheets, operating systems ,
programs, freewares, groupwares, sharewares...etc
He also gave his social networks (Facebook and Google+) in the category « Online
information » to show that he can also be found on the internet.
We are given all the basic categories for a resume, his different skills, his work experience to
see if if he is an amateur or an expert, his hobbies and interests to get to know him a
minimum and his education which is essential and belongs on a resume in my opinion. I
think that his resume is very complete and that he does not miss much.
I will possibly add a « Diplomas » category. If I were him, I would put my certificates and
licenses in it, obviously if he has any, otherwise I think it would be fine as it is.

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