Exploration Plan

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Teacher Research

Paula Rebolledo Cortés

Exploration Plan Outline

Your Name: Fernanda Antonia Corral Bustos

Main focus: The main focus of this Exploratory Action Research is to examine:
1. The clarity and effectiveness of instruction delivery.
2. Preparation strategies to ensure well-structured instructions.
3. Student responses to instructions, including comprehension and
By evaluating these areas, the research aims to enhance instructional quality
and support students' learning experiences.
Context: The teacher research focuses on a 3rd- Age group: This class is formed by
grade class at Dunalastair School in 30 students in total, 16 are boys and
Peñalolén, a bilingual school with
mainly high-socioeconomic students. 14 are girls. They are between 8 and
They emphasize trilingualism, use 9 years old.
inquiry-based and project-based
learning methods, and prioritize

Exploratory 1. How do I deliver instructions?

questions: 2. How do I prepare myself to give instructions?
3. What is the response of my students to my instructions?
collection 1. Questionnaire
(3): 2. Observation

3. Reflective journal
Teacher Research
Paula Rebolledo Cortés

Method 1: Questionnaire

Dear students, the following is a questionnaire to obtain information on how you feel about the
instructions that are given by the teacher. I appreciate your answers being as honest as possible.

More or
Questions Yes No

1. Do you like how your teacher tells you what to do in class?

2. Is it easy to understand what your teacher asks you to do?

3. Do you feel ready to do your work when your teacher gives


4. Does your teacher seem ready when explaining things to


5. Do you think the instructions help you understand the work?

6. Do you ask questions if you don't understand the


7. Do you let your teacher know when you have not


8. Does your teacher listen when you tell them how you feel
about the instructions?

9. What could your teacher do to make instructions better for you?


10. Why do you think you do not understand instructions sometimes?

Teacher Research
Paula Rebolledo Cortés

Method 2: Observation

Dear colleague, please describe the instructions for my class. I would appreciate a description as
detailed as possible and focusing on the topics mentioned. Thank you very much.

Teacher’s performance Students’ performance

1. Are instructions given in a clear and 1. Do students feel comfortable asking

straightforward manner? (appropriate questions or seeking clarification when
language according to students’ age and they don't understand the instructions?
level of understanding)
2. Are students actively engaged and
2. Does the teacher regularly check if attentive when instructions are given, or
students understand the instructions by do they appear confused or
asking questions or having students disinterested?
repeat the instructions?
3. Do students provide feedback on
3. Are important instructions repeated to instruction clarity?
reinforce understanding, especially for
complex tasks? 4. Is the classroom environment conducive
to effective instruction delivery?
4. Are multiple methods used to deliver (distractions and disruptions)
instructions, such as verbal, written, and
visual, to accommodate different 5. Are practical examples or
learning styles? demonstrations used to illustrate
complex instructions when necessary?
5. Are instructions provided in a logical
sequence, ensuring that students know 6. Does the teacher use positive
what to do first, next, and so on? reinforcement to acknowledge when
students follow instructions correctly?
6. Is there a healthy level of interaction
between students and the teacher 7. Are students encouraged to help each
during instruction delivery, allowing for other understand instructions, fostering
questions and clarifications? a collaborative learning environment?

7. Are instructions kept concise and to the

Teacher Research
Paula Rebolledo Cortés

Method 3: Reflective journal

To improve my instructions delivery and gather data for my reflective journal focusing on the three
research questions, I will focus on specific aspects during instruction delivery and record observations.

Aspect to focus on:

1. Clear and concise. Did I provide step-by-step guidance? What did my student ask again?

2. Language and vocabulary used. What words did I choose to give instructions? Was any word that
my students did not know?

3. Engagement: Did I maintain students' attention? When did engagement decline? Were the students
who did not understand paying total attention? Did I create a climate of silence to give instructions?

4. Methods used. Did i employ both verbal and visual methods? What method did I use? Were they

5. Reinforcement. Did I repeat them when necessary to ensure comprehension? Did I repeat the
instructions until everyone understood? Did I give instructions only at the beginning of the activity?
Did I leave the instructions written down so that students could refer back to them?

6. Sequencing: Were they given in a way that students knew what to do first, next, etc.? Did I ask my
students every step?

7. Examples and challenges. Did I used practical examples or demonstrations to clarify instructions?
Did I anticipated potential challenges or areas where students might struggle with the instructions?

8. Encouraging questions. Did I encourage my students to ask questions? Did you create a safe space
for them to do so?

By maintaining a reflective journal and regularly recording observations related to these aspects, I
could track my progress in instruction delivery and make targeted improvements to address the
research questions. This method can lead to more effective instruction and a better understanding of
how to prepare and deliver instructions in the classroom.

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