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Stephany Keith Estolas

12- St. Francis De Sales

Anna Felicia Sanchez

This story is about the boy’s name Richard, a 25-year-old company speaker trainer experiencing
a quarter-life difficulty, and his cousin Totoy. Richard had neglected his hometown and its
values for far too long, causing him to forget his family's mission to preserve and redeem the
secret to immortality. Totoy's role is to serve as a reminder to Richard about his true calling, as
he has long disregarded his own roots, driven by pride in the urban lifestyle and his success as a
proficient English speaker. This story tells about the new generation people like us to be
reminded about our culture and preserve it. The burden of remembering is very symbolic of
cultural love.

If we apply this story to our lives, we can say that we, the younger generation, represent Richard.
On the other hand, Totoy represents the elders, such as our grandparents, who are constantly
reminding us to value and preserve our culture. We, like Richard, are ashamed of our own
country and culture; this mindset leads some Filipinos to serve people from other countries. As
we read the story, we immediately drawn into the emotional journey of the titular character,
Martines. We see her internal conflicts, hopes, and strong desire for change. We can empathize
with Martines because of the author's vivid and poetic language, feeling her pain, fears, and
ultimate liberation. We are drawn into her world, witnessing her emotional ups and downs and
eventual triumph.

In conclusion, Should Filipinos collectively lose touch with their cultural heritage and the values
inherent to the Philippines, the nation would risk losing its identity. This very land has played an
integral role in shaping us into Filipinos. Both culture and place of origin require recognition to
maintain our connection with the surroundings. We act as the custodians of our communities,
preserving their legacy, which holds the key to enduring significance. As part of the new
generation, we should cherish rather than disregard our culture and country.

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