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disciplines and their

Alejandra Barrón y Harumi Sánchez

He defined metaphysics as the study of
being qua being. This means that
metaphysics examines the fundamental
nature of existence itself and seeks to
understand the properties, causes, and
principles that underlie all things.

Immanuel Kant:
He defined metaphysics as the study of the a
priori conditions of possible experience. In his
Critique of Pure Reason, Kant argued that
metaphysics is concerned with the
fundamental concepts and categories that
shape human understanding and perception.

He viewed metaphysics as the study of the
realm of the Forms or Ideas. In his dialogues,
Plato suggested that the physical world is an
imperfect copy or reflection of a higher,
non-material realm of abstract and
unchanging Forms. Metaphysics involved the
search for universal truths and the ultimate
reality that exists beyond the material world.

Metaphysics in daily life

Personal Values and Beliefs: Metaphysical beliefs can
shape our values and how we live our lives.
Worldview and Decision-Making: Can impact how you
perceive the world and make choices.
Morality and Ethics: Metaphysical questions can inform
your moral and ethical principles.
Spirituality and Religion: Many religious and spiritual
beliefs are rooted in metaphysical concepts.
Mind-Body Connection and Health: Can affect how we
view the relationship between the mind and body, which
can influence health practices.

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