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DEVELOPMENT OF JATROPHA SEEDS GRINDING MACHINE A Project Study Presented to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering, Architecture, Fine Arts and Computing Sciences Batangas State University Gov. Pablo Borbon Campus Il Alangilan, Batangas “Ht aa saat Y In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering by BALENA, JACQUELYN B, DATINGUINOO. GANDHI Cc, DIMATULAC, CHESTER D. October 2009 ABSTRACT The main thrust of the study is to develop a Jatropha seeds grinding machine. It also includes the procedures and methods done to accomplished the study. Specifically, the study ained to fabricate and evaluate the machine's performance in terms of number of passes of the seeds in the machine, production rate, energy requirement, and machine efficiency. From the experimental tests made, the following results were obtained: 1. Based on the results of the preliminary testing, the moisture content of the seeds before grinding that could yield higher oil percentage is dry seed with 13.06 percent (%) moisture content. 2. The particle size of the seeds that produce higher oil yield is fine particles with particle size diameter of less than 600um. 3. The clearance that could produce greater amount of fine particles in one pass is the 27 thread clearance adjustment from the outer tap. 4. The grinding machine cen grind dry seeds into fine particles in 53 seconds. 5. The dry seeds with 13.06% moisture content grinded at 27 thread from the outer tap generate the greatest amount of fine particles that produced the highest percentage of oil with 21.28% compare with other conditions. 6. The maximum capacity of the machine is 250 grams that ca be grinded in 42 seconds. vi 7. It takes three passes for the seeds to be grinded to produce more amount of fine particles of about 215 grams out of 500 grams of feed. 8. The average production rate of the machine is 4.2331 grams per seconds (g/sec). 9. The energy required of the grinder is 325.79 Watts or 0.4367 hp, which is the theoretical energy input of the machine. 10. The grinding efficiency of the machine is 58.17484%. 11. The mechanical efficiency of the machine is 40.67%. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions were made: 1. The moisture content affects the cil yield. Increasing the moisture content decreases the percentage oil yield 2. The particle size also affects the oil percentage. The finer the particles are the higher the percentage yield. 3. The longer the grinding time, the lower the production rate. 4. Increasing the number of passes increases the amount of fine particles. 5. The grinding machine plays an important role in the extraction of jatropha oil which is used in the production of biodiesel. The following recommendations were made for the improvement of the 1. Further improvements on the dimensions of the hopper, screw conveyor and grinding teeth to grind more amount of raw materials, 2. Further study using other seeds as raw material. 3. Provide a close passage from the mill to the container to avoid losses. vil ——_$____—_—_—_—_—— CHAPTER! THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The consumption and demand for the petroleum products are increasing every year due to increase in population, standard of living and urbanization. There is urgent need to search for suitable alternate diesel fuel from renewable sources. Republic Act 9367, otherwise known as the Biofuels Act of 2006, mandates the use of biofuels in the country. The Biofuels Act mandates a minimum one (1) percent blend of biodiesel into all diesel engine fuels. It is a landmark legislation that is expected to liberate the country's transport sector from full dependence on imported fuel following the mandate of certain percentage of locally-sourced biofuel blends in gasoline and diesel sold and: tributed in the country. It will also speed up the government's efforts towards taining energy self-sufficiency given that the needed investment and regulatory ==xironment for the development of our local biofuels industry is already in place. (Biofuels act, Available Online: September 10, 2009) It mandates that at least § percent bioethanol shall comprise the annual Stal volume of gasoline fuel sold in the country within two years from the =Sectivity of the Act. This maybe increased to 10 percent within four years from = effectivity of the Act, as maybe determined by the National Biofuels Board (NSB). The one percent biodiesel blend may also be increased to 2 percent within two years from the effectivity of the Act as maybe determined by the NBB. (Biofuels act, Available Online: September 10,2009) The country is looking for alternative sources of fuels. Biofuels are alternative fuels that are not composed substantially of petroleum or imported crude oil, They are produced from feedstock and other biomass or organic sources that are renewable such as trees, crops and plant fiber. These sources can likewise be recurring, such as poultry litter, animal wastes, industrial wastes and the biodegradable component of solid waste. Raw materials refer to bio- feedstocks may it be in its original state or otherwise, such as, but not limited to, molasses, coconut oil, coconut, palm oil, oil palm, jatropha oil, jatropha, sugarcane, cassava, sweet sorghum and other biomass used in the production of biofuels. (Biofuels act, Available Online: August 28, 2009) The optimum oil content in jatropha plants varies between species and - genetic variants. Recently, the maximum oil content that has been reported in jatropha seeds has been close to 47%. However, the accepted average is 40%, and the fraction that can be extracted is taken to be around 91%. (jatropha, Available Online: September 12, 2008) Since jatropha oil is the primary ingredient required in the production of biofuels, the development of oil extraction methods and the optimization’ of existing methods of extracting the oil have become significant. One part of the extraction process is breaking the seed before it undergoes solvent extraction. Grinding machine is used to break the seed into fine particles to easily extract the oil from it by decreasing the particle size using substance known as n-Hexane. It is therefore in this light to develop Jatropha seeds grinding machine to be used prior to oil extraction that is used in the production of biofuels. Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study was to develop a jatropha seeds grinding machine. Specifically, it aimed to: 1. Fabricate the jatropha seeds grinding machine taking into account the following: 1.1 System components 1.2 Material specifications 2. Conduct preliminary testing to dry and wet seeds to determine the following parameters: 2.1 moisture content of the seed before grinding 2.2 the particle size of the seed for extraction 2.3 adjustment clearance in terms of thread 2.4production time 2.5comparison of grinded dry and wet seeds in terms of amount of oil extracted and percentage cil yield using solvent extraction 2.6 maximum capacity of the machine 3. Evaluate the performance of the fabricated grinding machine taking into consideration the following: 3.1 number of pass of the jatropha seed to the grinding machine 3.2 production rate 3.3 energy requirement of the grinder using Rittingers Law 3.4 grinding efficiency 3.5 mechanical efficiency 4, Develop an operation manual of the grinding machine Significance of the Study It looks forward that the result of this study would benefit the following sectors in different aspects. To the Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST), this study would provide them with information for increasing the percentage oil yield from Jatropha. To the oil extraction compenies, this study would help them to produce or extract oil much easier without investing much money. To the Department of Agriculture (DA), this study would encourage them to promote farming for future fuel. To the agricultural industry, this study would be a capable domestic machine for manufacturers and entrepreneurs in local and foreign market. To the jatropha curcas farmers, this study would help them boost their productivity of the jatropha curcas and increasing the crop yield of Jatropha would be desirable for the farmers for they need not worry about having to stock large volumes from their harvest. To the researchers themselves, this study would be the product of what they learned and it would help them to improve their career in the field of Mechanical Engineering. Finally, this study would serve as a source of information for teachers and future researchers. ‘Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study generally focused on the development of jatropha seeds grinding machine. The researchers chose jatropha curcas locally known as “tubang bakod" as the raw materiel for the study and therefore its basis. It also determined the moisture content of the dry and wet seeds before grinding using oven-dried method, The particle size of the grinded seeds was established to determine the“ effect of the size to the production of jatropha oil. It also covered the number of adjustable clearance in terms of thread needed to produce a particle size that would yield higher oil percentage and its production time. Comparison of dry and wet grinding in terms of amount of oil extracted was included in the study. The substance known as n-Hexane was also included in the study as it is the solution where the seed will be soaked for 24 hours before the solvent extraction. The number of passes of the jatropha seeds to the grinding machine was also assessed to know if how many passes were needed to grind the whole mass of seeds into particle size that would have high oil percentage. This study evaluated the production rate and grinding efficiency of the machine and the energy requirement of the grinding machine using energy laws. The performance of the machine was evaluated using 500 grams of Jatropha seeds fed gradually. However, trans- esterification, the process of converting the extracted cil to bio- diesel was not included in the study. Packaging and proper handling of the finished product were also beyonc the study. Conceptual Framework Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study. The inputs for this study include ~ the information about Jatropha curcas, grinding process, extraction process and proper selection of materials that are needed for the fabrication and assembly of the machine. The throughput of this design consisted of the testing and evaluation of the machine. Tests were made to determine the particle size of the seeds needed to produce higher oil percentage, number of clearance adjustment that produce the required particle size, production time, no. of pass of the seeds to the grinding machine, the production rate, energy requirement of the machine 2nd the efficiency of the machine. Finally the output of the study would include the testing of jatropha seeds grinding machine for oil oil extraction and the operation manual of the machine. Apnyg ey} Jo wBjpesed jenjdeauog Q') eunByy quewesinbe! ABseus- Aoustoy3- ‘yey uononpold- lenue| uonesedQ. ssed JO “ON- JEpuLB pezo}oy Buse) eouewioyied * isiaitbeteetcer Ayoedes wnwpeew - 80001 Uostedwod - AJOG @ ‘wu UOHONPOJY - cer wore snes speeg eudoner KO] cousiesio an yuewesnbes Woy peyePa 11 quewsnipy - uonoe}x0 JO} pees, 40 8218 elonied- Ue}UOD aIN}SIO|- sseooig BUIpULD & uoHeOUIPOW, uoneoyroeds pue -g Bunsey Areuiujerd © uonpelss IEUaIEN * euryoeW Surpuup speeg eydoner uoyeouqey ° seoing eudoujer « eBeig yuetdojeneq sjueuieuinbey ebpeynouy, Lndino ssa900ud ALNdNt EE Definition of Terms The following terms were defined to have a better understanding of the concept of the study. Biodiesel. It refers to non-petroleum-based diesel fuel consisting of short chain alkyl (methyl or ethyl) esters, made by transesterification of vegetable oil or animal fat (tallow), which can be used (alone or blended with conventional petro- diesel) in unmodified diesel-engine vehicles. Jatropha curcas is also used to produce biodiesel. (Biodiesel, Available Online: September 12 2008) Distillation. Is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in their volatilities in a boiling liquid mixture. Distillation is a unit operation, or a physical separation process, and not a chemical reaction. It is the process needed to separate the Oil from the hexane solution. (Distillation, Available Online: August 20, 2009) Fuel. It is any material that is burned or altered in order to obtain energy. Fuel releases its energy either through a chemical reaction means such as combustion or nuclear means, such as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Jatropha oil that undergo transesterification would produce fuel. (Fuel, Available Online: ‘September 12 2008). Grinding. The process in oil extraction that material is then broken into smaller pieces. This is done to have a higher oil yield. (Grinding, Available Online: August 20, 2008) Hexane. It is an alkaline hydrocarbon with the chemical formula CHa(CH2)4CHs or CeH14. The "hex’ prefix refers to its six carbons, while the "ane" ending indicates that its carbons ere connected by single bonds. Hexane isomers are largely unreactive, and are frequently used as an inert solvent in organic reactions because they are very non-polar. It is the solution needed to liberate the oil from the seed. (Hexane, Available Online: August 20, 2009) Hydraulic Press. It is a hydraulic mechanism for applying a large lifting or compressive force. It is the hydraulic equivalent of a lever. (Hydraulic press, Available Online: September 12 2008) Jatropha Curcas. Barbados nut or Physic nut is a perennial poisonous shrub (normally up to 5 m. high) belonging to the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family. It is an uncultivated non-food wild-species. It is also known as Tubang- Bakod in Tagalog and it is the raw material use for extraction of oil. (Jatropha Curcas, Available Online: September 12 2008) Jatropha Kernel. The part of the fruit left after the seed is removed. It’ contains 40 — 50% oil content. (Jatropha Curcas, Available Online: September 12, 2008) Jatropha Oil. It is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of jatropha cureas. It is the end product that is obtain using solvent extraction that undergo first in grinding process. (Jatropha cil, Available Online: September 12 2008) Moisture Content. The amount of water present in solid material. It is the mass loss after placing a sample in an oven @ 105(IC for a certain period of time. (Moisture content, Available Online: October 10, 2008) 10 Oil Cake. It is the solid residue that can be removed from various types of oily seeds. The residue is usually extracted removing the is one of the by- product of Jatropha curcas. (Oilcake, Available Online: September 12 2008) Presses. It is used for the purpose of oil extraction as simple mechanical devices- either powered or manual driven. (Oil Presses, Available Online: September 12 2008) Screening. The separation of fine particles to coarse particles. . (Screening, Available Online: August 20, 2009) Tyler Sieve Scale. A series of testing sieve having openings in a fixed succession. It is used to separate the grinded materials into fine, coarse and intermediate particles. The study use the sieve scale of -30 for fine particles that has a size of 0.06mm, -10+30 for intermediate with 1.3mm particle size and +10 for coarse of 2mm particle size. (Green, D. W., et al, Perry's Chemical « Engineering Handbook, 7" edition, 1997) ul CHAPTER Ill DEVELOPMENT METHODS AND PROCEDURES This chapter presents the development methods and procedures used for the development of the jatropha seeds grinding machine. A. Development Stage To be able to achieve the objectives of the study, the entire study was divided into three stages. The first stage was devoted to the fabrication stage of jatropha grinder prior to oil extraction. Frame, motorized grinder and slider are the main components of the said machine. The second stage was focused on the preliminary test run and« ‘comparison of preliminary results. The final phase was the actual gathering of data after successful results were obtained in the preliminary test run. Process of Extraction The study followed a stancard sequential step in the extraction of oil from the jatropha seed to have a higher oil yield percentage that has been used in previous study and Chemical Engineering Department including the most important part of the process, the grinding stage: 41 PREPARATION OF RAW MATERIALS GRINDING SCREENING Se SOLVENT EXTRACTION OIL Ke >| Recovered N-HEXANE Figure 6.0 Schematic Diagram of Standard Extraction Process 1. Preparations of Raw Material The first step in the preparation of raw materials was decortications, The shell of the seed was removed manually to separate it from the seed. After that, it was dried using the oven to determine the moisture content before it undergoes cil extraction. Oven-dried seed has higher percentage yield than sun-dried 42 seeds. (Analysis of Biodiesel Produced from Tubang Bakod Oil via Transersterification, March 2007). 2. Grinding The second step was the grinding process. The 500g seed was fed into the hopper gradually to break the seed into fine particles. The machine has its adjustment clearance in terms of thread to vary the size of the particles. The finer the particles are the higher the oil yield. 3. Screening This step involved the separation of fine particles from coarse particles using sieve shaker and sieve materials which is the Tyler scale sieve series. The sieve has its corresponding particle size measured to determine the particle size required. 4. Solid-Liquid Extraction (Leaching) The fourth step involved the extraction of oil using n-Hexane solution. The grinded seeds were soaked in n-Hexane solution for 24 hours at ambient temperature. 5. Distillation In this process, the mixed solution will be separated using lab wares. Before separation, the mixture was centrifuge to set down the residue from the mixture. 4B B. Pre! inary Testing This part of the study was done to evaluate the performance of the” machine in terms of the following conditions 4. Method of Determining the Moisture Content The moisture content was computed by dividing the difference between the initial weight and the final weight by the initial weight of the seed using oven dry method. _ initial weight — final weight Ne initial weight x 100% 2. Method of Determining the Particle Size for extraction To determine the size of the particles, the grinded seeds were screened using Tyler sieve scale that has it standard size. The oversize particles in +10 mesh were the coarse particles, the undersize in -30 mesh were the fines and the particles in -10 +30 mesh between the two were the intermediate particles, 3. Method of Determining the clearance adjustment The clearance adjustment was determined in the process of preliminary testing in terms of number of threads. It was adjusted to have different particle size and have the basis of comparison of the effect of fineness of grinding in the production of jatropha oil. 4. Method of Measuring the Production Time. The production time was the time consumed for grinding the 500g of jatropha seeds into fine particles. It starts when the seed was fed in the hopper until there were no seeds coming from the grinding chamber. Method of Determining the Percentage Oil Yield The oil yield was computed by dividing the product of the density of biodiesel and the amount of oil produce by the amount of particles soaked. ~ Phiodesss X amount of oil extracted % Oil Yield = ~ Tount of particles soaked where: Prosar, = 0.83 725) The results of dry and wet grinding in the production of Jatropha oil in the preliminary test run were compared using the values presented in the table. Method of Determining the Maximum Capacity f the Machine The maximum capacity of the machine was determined by testing different amount of seeds fed into the machine. The maximum amount of seed that would allow grinding without clogging would be the maximum capacity. - Actual Gathering of Data 1. Method of Determining Number of Passes of Seeds in the Grinding Machine The number of pass of the Jatropha seeds to the grinding machine was determined when all the seeds fed was grounded into fines particles that produced higher oil yield. 45 2. Method of Determining the Preduction Rate. The production rate was computed by dividing the mass of the feed by the duration of grinding, amount of feed , g Production Rate = —————____—_ time of grinding, sec 3. Method of Determining the Energy Requirement The energy requirement can be calculated given the particle size of the seeds grinded using the formula P 2 = 03162E,[+—- 7 Oe where: P = power (theoretical) in KW or Hp or the actual energy input T = production rate, tons/hr Xp = size of the product, mm For fine: x; = 0.06mm For intermediate: x = 1.3mm For coarse: x; = 2mm xp = size of the feed, mm Xp= 15mm E\ = work index Note: the work index is shown in Table 20-4 in Perry's’ Chemical Engineering Handbook shown in Appendix D where the seed is classify as All Materials Tested. Ej = 13.81 4, Method of Determining the Grinding Efficiency ‘a. The efficiency of the machine was computed by dividing the’ power required by the energy input. power required, hp energy input, hp b. The mechanical efficiency of the machine was determined by Grinding Efficiency = x 100% dividing the amount of fine particles produced by the amount of seeds fed. amount of fine particles produced ae aD aL EMTCISN Cy ‘amount of seeds fed x 100% 47 7. It takes three passes for the seeds to be grinded to produce more amount of fine particles of about 215 grams out of 500 grams of feed. 8. The average production rate of the machine is 4.2331 grams per seconds. 9. The energy required of the grinder is 325.79 Watts or 0.4367 hp, which is the theoretical energy input of the machine. 10. The grinding efficiency of the machine is 58.17484 %. 11. The mechanical efficiency of the machine was 40.67%. CONCLUSIONS Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions were made: 1. The moisture content affects the oil yield. Increasing the moisture content decreases the percentage oil yield. 2. The particle size also affects the oil percentage. The finer the particles are the higher the percentage yield. 3. The longer the grinding time, the lower the production rate. 4. Increasing the number of passes increases the amount of fine particles. 5. The grinding machine plays an important role in the extraction of jatropha cil which is used in the production of biodiesel. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations were made for the improvement of the study. 1. Further improvements on the dimensions of the hopper, screw conveyor and grinding teeth to grind more amount of raw materials. 2. Further study using other seeds as raw material. 3. Provide a close passage from the mill to the container to avoid losses. 65 BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS Green, D. W., et al, Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook, 7" edition, 1997 Olano, $.B., Reviewer for Chemical Engineering Licensure Examination, 2 edition, 2004 WORLD WIDE WEB Biofuels act, Available Online: September 10,2009 Biodiesel, Available Online: September 12 2008 Biofuels act, Available Online: August 28, 2009 Fuel, Available Online: September 12 2008 Grinding, Available Online: August 20, 2008 Jatropha Curcas, Available Online: September 12 2008 Jatropha oil, Available Online: September 12 2008 OTHER STUDIES Capule F., De Castro, R., Montenegro, C.," Development of an Oil Expeller’ [2006, March] Gaon, J., Laloma, C., Molinyawe, C.," Development of a Coconut Meat Greater and Milk Extractor’ [2006, March] Marasigan, J., et al., “ Analysis of Biodiesel Produced from TubangBakod Oil via Transesterification” [200,March]

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