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Group 5

Year and Section: 4th Year BSEE - 4203

Topic: “RA 11285: Energy Conserving Design for Buildings”

Speaker: Engr. Harry Alan P. Errasquin

Date: May 3, 2023 (10:00AM – 11:00AM)

Venue: Online Via Zoom

Narrative Report


In order to complete the course EE 417 entitled Seminars and Colloquia, students
enrolled in this course are required to attend several seminars packed with knowledge from
professionals. RA 11285 for energy conserving design for buildings is the topic of the speaker which is
Engr. Harry Alan P. Erasquin. The Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Act, commonly
known as RA 11285, is a Philippine law that encourages energy efficiency and conservation in
buildings. It requires new buildings to meet the Department of Energy's (DOE) energy-saving
design standards and recommendations, while existing buildings must undergo energy audits to
identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved.

Knowledge Acquired

Figure 1. Credentials of Engr. Harry Alan P. Errasquin

The engineering seminar with Engr. Errasquin began with a presentation of the
seminar's subjects or highlights. This includes matters pertaining to his knowledge of RA 11285
or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act. Furthermore, the guest speaker presented his
experiences as an Graduate of Electrical Engineering and ASEAN Certified Energy Manager
(CEM). Engr. Errasquin talked about the Section 3 scope of RA 11285. Section 3 of RA 11285
outlines the Philippines' stance toward energy efficiency and conservation. It states that the
country will emphasize the development and use of energy-efficient and renewable energy
sources, as well as promote energy-saving techniques in all sectors. In addition, the strategy
highlights the need of public awareness and engagement in energy efficiency and conservation
programs. In the other image, he discussed the announcement of the yellow warning in the
Luzon grid in December 2022, emphasizing the significance of energy saving.

Figure 2. Discussion of Engr. Harry Alan P. Errasquin

To become a CECO or CEM, a someone must achieve specified prerequisites and go

through DOE training and certification. The DOE establishes the requirements for certification,
which includes a written exam and an on-site audit to assess the candidate's knowledge and
skills in energy saving methods. Once qualified, CECOs must continue their education and
training in order to maintain their certification and stay current on the newest energy-efficient
technology and practices. CEMs are in charge of discovering energy-saving opportunities,
executing energy conservation initiatives, and tracking energy usage and savings. They are
highly skilled specialists with knowledge of energy management, building systems, and energy-
saving technologies. CEMs assist organizations minimize energy use, expenses, and greenhouse
gas emissions in general.

The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is a measurement of how much solar radiation
enters a building's interior through a window or glazing system. It represents the percentage of
solar energy that is passed directly and indirectly through the window. The SHGC is an
important aspect in calculating window energy efficiency since it influences the amount of heat
that enters a building through the windows. cheaper SHGC means improved energy efficiency
because less solar radiation is passed through the windows and less heat is gained, resulting in
cheaper cooling costs.


Figure 3. Giving the Certificate Of Appreciation

Building owners and managers can reduce energy usage, expenditures, and carbon
footprint by introducing energy-efficient techniques in HVAC systems. Regular maintenance,
updating to energy-efficient equipment, correct temperature management, zoning, and
sufficient insulation are all strategies to save energy in an HVAC system. Regular maintenance
and updates to newer, more efficient equipment can reduce energy use dramatically, while
good temperature management and zoning can ensure that energy is only utilized where it is
needed. Proper insulation can also assist minimize heat loss or gain, requiring HVAC systems to
work harder to keep temperatures tolerable.

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