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This is an idea that people accept as being true or real. People accepts or agrees with a claim
without possessing all the knowledge necessary to determine whether it is true.
Belief is also an opinion that a person typically holds strongly and with conviction. Belief is in
connection with religion such as the Ancient Greeks believed that many gods existed, controlling their
fate, whereas Christianity was founded on the idea that there is only one God.

A belief system is an ideology or set of values that help in how we interpret the world around
us. This could take many different forms, such as religion, political ideology, philosophy, or spirituality.
It’s a combination of beliefs
e.g., Religions are excellent examples of belief systems, as there are a lot of religions now. Religion
serves to outline principles for followers to adhere to, like treating another as one would treat

This is simply a collection of attitudes, values, stories and expectations about the world around
us, which inform our every thought and action. A worldview is how a culture works out in individual
practice. In simple words, this is a combination of belief systems.

Faith is a strong conviction or a firm belief even in the absence of proof. It is a complete
confidence in belief. Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.” the central feature of faith is confidence or trust.

Religion is the belief in a god or gods, as well as the practices that go along with that belief,
like praying or performing acts of worship in a structure like a church or temple It helps people make
sense of the world, find meaning in life, and provides guidelines for how they should live and
treat/interact with others.

To connect it all, belief system is a collection of belief while world views are a combination of
belief systems; religion is having faith but faith is not exclusive to religion because faith can grow
outside of any religion.

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