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Data Analysis and Findings

We conducted an interview in the university to get answers to the questions we made, including things
to know about security in the university. We used chief security officer, other security officers, academic
staff and non-academic staff representing departments of the management faculty and students
representing faculties of the university to the interview. Below is the data obtained from them.

Data gathered from Chief Security Officer of University

We interviewed Mr. J.M.N.R. Jayasooriya, Chief Security Officer of our university by using our
questionnaire. He has been working about 2 years as Chief Security Officer of the university. As he told
us, security staff of our university divided into two sectors. That are own security and private security.

 Own Security – Own security has 68 officers including chief executive officer and 7 inspectors.
They work three 8 hours shifts or two 12 hours shifts for a day.
 Private security – Further, our university has 204 security officers who are from 2 private security
firms. Normally, 125 or 130 officers work in day time and 70 or 80 officers work in night time
among them.

Moreover, he told that they divide the university and outside of the university area into 3 zones. That are
zone A, zone B and zone C.

 Zone A – Inside of the university

 Zone B – The area that is up to 2 Km from the University (Ex: Hostels, Medical faculty, Sagra)
 Zone C – Other areas related to the University ( Ex: Faculties and hostels located in Rathmalana
and Pitipana)

And he told us security sector of our university has a good connection with main security sectors of our
country such as Police (Specially Mirihana Police Station), State Intelligence Service, Army, Presidential
Security Group and etc. Our university security sector can get help from these main security sectors in
country at every emergency situation.

When it comes to the cases related drugs, he told that still security officers could find 3 workers of
University who has brought drugs inside to the university during his working period. But there are no
students reported to them that bring or use drugs in university premises yet. And also there are no
sexual harassments in the university reported to the security sector during his working period yet.

Furthermore, he agreed that the risky things that are mentioned in our questionnaire. He agreed that
the not checking students and other persons who entered into the university at gates. The reasons he
told for that are there no sufficient resources to check everyone entered to the university like more
security officers, security technical devices and etc, Students, Lecturers and workers do not like to check
them everyday. He told us that it is not practical to execute.

And also he said another risky and dangerous thing he sees is when students walk on the road without
using the sidewalk in front of the university. And he said that there are 11 gates of the university. But
there are no security officers at all those gates. He has also been instructed to reduce the number of
security officers currently employed. Because the treasury does not have enough funds to pay the
salaries of the security officers, the security sector has been notified. This is a another major risky thing
in relation to the security system in the university.

So these are the main points that Chief security officer of our university told us in interviewing him by
using our questionnaire.

Data gathered from security officers of University

We used the information obtained from the security officers who are in charge of all the gates of the
university for this purpose. Here we were able to know many things that we were not aware of regarding
the security of the university. The chief security officer have the main responsibility for the security of
the university and takes various decisions about the security of the university and transfers the
responsibilities and powers to the concerned security officers. They are committed to providing security
for activities held by students at the university. If any disaster or emergency situation occurs in any place
of the university, the security officer in charge of that place will notify the higher officials and after
checking by the inspection officers, the relevant actions will be taken. Security issues in university are
often handled by the university's security system by itself, with the help of the police in case of
emergency. 10 years ago, there was a conflict between the second years, 3rd years and finals. In that
situation, the related security officers have submitted the relevant information to the police and
Relevant actions have been taken. The police are not allowed to enter the hostel and the concerned
security officers give the inside information to the police. In case of any emergency, students are notified
through the deans of the faculties. About 50% of the university students are under hostel facilities and
the university provides all security to them. It is prohibited to bring drugs etc into the university and
there is a risk of bringing such drugs by not checking the bags of the students when they enter to the
university. The reason for not checking bags like this is because it is not practical because there are a lot
of students in the university and it takes a lot of time to search each one of them and the students don't
want to do that. But depending on the situation, there are cases where bags are checked and taken
inside the university. An example of that is the time of terrorism. In the case of an emergency fire
situation in the university, the necessary resources are available within the university and if they are not
sufficient, the university will also take steps to get the help of the fire brigade. Two such cases were
reported, one was a fire caused by chemicals in the chemistry department and the other was a fire
caused by the negligence of an employee of the geography department. At those times, the fire brigade
has been contacted for that. In both the incidents, no student was injured and the students also
contributed to extinguishing the fire. At events with fire drills conducted by students in the university,
they will get the permit from the administration. There are large and small lecturer halls in the university
and some lecture halls have two exit doors and some are not have and no CCTV cameras. It was reported
that there are some problems in the electricity system of the university. The university will take all
possible measures regarding the irregularities that have occurred in the buildings under construction in
the university. When a building is being constructed in the university, the security system inform the
students about it and get suitable activities actions for it. Also, during the construction of a large
buildings, a security department is appointed for that purpose. It has been reported that there was no
danger to the students during the construction of the buildings. The identity of the students is not
checked while entering the university and if any suspicious situation arises the security guards will check
the identity card. Thus, there is a huge risk of outsiders entering the university. CCTV cameras have been
installed near the main gates of the university and 24-hour security guards have been deployed.

Data gathered from Students of University

Theft: University campuses can be targets for theft, including personal belongings such as laptops,
smartphones, wallets, and other valuables. Unattended or unsecured items are particularly vulnerable in
libraries, study areas, or common spaces. This is mainly due to the inability to distinguish students from
other outsiders and burglars.

Assault and Sexual Harassment: Instances of physical assault, and sexual harassment can occur on
university premises. These incidents may involve students or individuals from outside the university
community. Further, this problem might occur mainly due to the fewer security concerns with the

Cybersecurity threats: With the widespread use of technology, cybersecurity threats are a concern.
Students may be targeted by phishing attempts, hacking, or identity theft. Malware-infected computers
or unauthorized access to personal accounts can lead to data breaches and compromised privacy of the
students and sometimes the university management as well.

Usage of illicit drugs and alcohol: Substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, can pose a security risk.
Incidents related to excessive drinking, drug use, or drug dealing may occur within university premises,
leading to safety concerns. As per the survey carried out among the students within the premises, they
fear this would be the main problem they might have to come across within the university environment.
Unauthorized access: University campuses typically have restricted areas, such as laboratories, research
facilities, or administrative offices. However, weak security measures and inappropriate methodologies
to admit students to the premises might enable unauthorized individuals to gain access to these areas
can pose a security threat, potentially leading to theft, damage, or unauthorized use of resources.

Vandalism: Acts of vandalism, such as property damage, or destruction of university property, can occur
within the campus. This can impact the overall safety, aesthetics, and functionality of the university
premises and might also delay the academic activities of the students.

Personal safety: Inadequate lighting or lack of emergency phones can compromise personal safety on
campus. Students may feel unsafe walking alone at night or in isolated areas, which can increase the risk
of theft, assault, or other security incidents again.

Communal clashes: University of Sri-Jayawardenepura has a diverse population and undergraduates

from different communities might create tensions between different ethnic or religious groups. In
university settings, these tensions may escalate into communal clashes, leading to conflicts, violence,
and potential threats to the safety of students.

Student activism and protests: Sri – Lankan state Universities are often centers of student activism and
political movements. While peaceful protests are a legitimate form of expression, they can occasionally
turn violent or disrupt the normal functioning of the university which is one of the problems in our
university too. These situations can lead to clashes with security personnel or among different student
groups, resulting in potential security risks.

Ragging: This has been a longstanding issue in Sri Lankan universities. It can involve physical, emotional,
or psychological abuse and poses a significant security concern for new undergraduates.

Accommodation-related security Issues: Many university students in our institute come from remote
areas and they need accommodation facilities in or near the university so that they may fit easily into the
university environment and concentrate properly on their educational activities. However, proper
security measures are lacking in the student hostel which has heavily burdened the academic activities
of the students.
Data gathered from Academic and Non Academic Staff of University

Political interference and intimidation: In certain situations, lecturers may face political interference or
pressure from external groups. This can manifest as attempts to influence academic decisions,
curriculum content, or personal beliefs, compromising academic freedom and creating an environment
of intimidation. This is mainly faced by the individual who holds senior-level positions in our university
such as Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Department heads, and Faculty deans.

Lack of adequate security measures: Some state universities in Sri Lanka and especially the University of
Sri Jayawardenepura may lack comprehensive security measures. This is clearly in our university
premises. Security measures such as surveillance cameras, security personnel, or properly maintained
entry/exit points are severely lacking. This can leave lecturers vulnerable to security risks.

Cybersecurity threats: With the increasing reliance on technology in education, lecturers may face
cybersecurity challenges. This includes hacking attempts, data breaches, or unauthorized access to
confidential information stored on university systems. This may also affect the confidentiality of the
university lecturers.

Personal Safety Outside Campus: While not directly related to university premises, lecturers may face
security concerns when traveling to and from the campus, especially if they live in areas with high crime
rates or during times of political unrest. This problem is mainly faced by assistants and probationers. This
is because most of them do not use their personal vehicles for transportation. Hence, they would have to
use public transportation. Taking precautions such as traveling in groups, and keeping emergency
contacts readily available can help enhance personal safety.

Student Protests: Universities of Sri Jayewardenepura often witness student protests and
demonstrations. While most of these protests are peaceful, they can occasionally turn violent or
disruptive. Lecturers may face challenges in managing these situations, ensuring their personal safety,
and continuing with their teaching responsibilities.

Theft and Vandalism: Theft and vandalism can occur within university premises, including lecture halls,
offices, and parking areas. Lecturers may face the risk of personal belongings being stolen or damaged.
This is an important problem in our university due to the lack of security measures. It is advisable to take
necessary precautions, such as locking doors and windows and securing valuable items.
Unauthorized Entry: Ensuring proper access control within university premises is crucial to maintaining
security. Non-academic staff members may face issues with unauthorized individuals gaining access to
restricted areas or buildings. It is because they have less authorization and power within the university
premises due to the fact, they are non-academic staff. It is essential to follow established protocols such
as reporting any breaches and collaborating with security personnel to address such concerns.

Workplace Violence: Instances of workplace violence, including physical or verbal abuse, threats, or
harassment from colleagues, students, or external individuals, can pose a security risk to non-academic
staff members. However, such non-academic staffs are not in a position to control such activities due to
the low powers given to them. Hence, It is important to report such incidents to the appropriate
university authorities and seek support from the relevant channels, such as human resources or security

Discrimination: This is a concerned problem in our university. Non-academic staff may face
discrimination, both from students and from other staff members due to the fact they are nonacademic
staff. Sometimes they are not given due respect which might affect their mental well beingness. This can
also include discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.

Suggestions mentioned by Chief Security officer and Other Security officers for improvement
of the security system of the university

Specially Chief security officer suggested that security system of the university should move with the
new technology. As he mentioned, they can use Scanners, Bar code readers and other detective devices
to check bags and people who entered into the university if they move with new technology. And he
mentioned that CCTV cameras should be increased in the university. He told us that security sector can’t
gives a perfect security to the university by using traditional security system.

And also CSO and other security officers told us that, the support received from the students, lecturers
and other academic staff is not sufficient to maintain the good security in the university. Therefore, they
mentioned that all the people related to the university should give their maximum support to the
security sector to continue a good security in the university. Students, Academic and non academic staff
and other workers should work with security officers in the university like a one team if we need to make
a safety environment in the university.

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