Methodology - Group Report (BUS)

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 Process:

Identifying Choosing the
Define the Develop
the the Sample
Research Interview
Research Research Method
Objectives Protocol
problem Design and

Conclusion Interpret Transcribe

and and and Conduct
Recommen Summariz Analyse Interviews
dations e Data the Data

 Research Design:
The purpose of this study was to investigate the security issues within the university
premises. This study used a qualitative research design to explore the security issues within
the university premises. The research aimed to capture the individual experiences,
perspectives, and concerns of participants. The primary research method used for this study
was observational, as it involved conducting in-dept interviews with the participants to
collect data directly from them. Through these interviews, participants were given the
opportunity to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions related to security on

 Data Collection:
The data collection process used for this study was conducting interviews with selected
sample of participants. The main purpose of conducting interviews without doing a survey is
to obtain more reliable information. Through face-to-face interviews, can be obtain more
specific, reliable and detailed information other than through a survey.
A structured interviewed protocol was developed, and it consist open ended questions and
some multiple-choice questions and close ended questions. The interviews were conducted
face-to-face in a private and comfortable setting to encourage open and honest responses. All
interviews were audio-recorded with participants' consent. Additionally, field notes were
taken during the interviews to capture non-verbal cues and contextual details.

 Population:
The target population is the students of all the faculties of the university, non-academic staffs,
academic staff, all the security personnel.

 Sample:
The selection of the sample was as follows;
i. The students were selected based on two criteria. Considerable number of students
from each faculty as covered the entire university and students who stayed at hostels,
boardings and from home.
ii. The non-academic, academic staff and security personnel selected based on their
direct involvement and experience with security matters withing university premises.

 Data Analysis Technique:

The data analysis technique used for this study was primarily descriptive statistics. It
involves organizing, presenting and evaluating the data in order to provide an accurate and
comprehensive overview of the security concerns withing the university premises.
Descriptive analysis would be more appropriate to explore and present the rich qualitative
data, since the report is prepared based on the information collected through interviews.

 Ethical consideration:
Prior to conducting the interviews, all the participants were provided with a clear explanation
of the research objectives, procedures etc. Further informed consent was obtained from each
participant who take part in the interview and make sure that their personal data was kept
private and confidential. Additionally, all the data collected during the interviews were used
solely for the purpose of this study and were treated with the utmost respect for privacy.

 Validity and Reliability:

To ensure the validity and reliability, all the data and information gathered through carefully
designed interview protocol and interviews are audio recorded, allowing for accurate
transcription and subsequent analysis. This study aimed to provide trustworthy and
meaningful insights into the security issues within the university premises, by addressing the
validity and reliability.
 Limitations:
It is important to acknowledge that this study was subject to certain limitations. Firstly, the
sample size was relatively small, it might reduce the findings' ability to be used by a larger
population. Further, this study was solely relied on the qualitative data collected through
interviews. This could be affected by personal viewpoints, memory biases, or social
desirability effects.

 Conclusion:
In conclusion, this research provides a comprehensive knowledge about the security issues in
the university premises by using qualitative data measures, by carefully selected sample and
interview protocol while ensuring the validity and reliability.

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