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Week -4 Long Descriptive Questions

1.This project will help develop your Internet skills for using
the privacy protection features of leading web browser
software. Examine the privacy protection features and
settings for two leading web browsers such as Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. Make a table
comparing the features of two of these browsers in terms of
functions provided and ease of use.
How do these privacy protection features protect individuals?
How do these privacy protection features affect what
businesses can do on the Internet?
Step 1: The wider network that makes it possible for businesses, governments, and other
institutions to communicate with one another globally is the internet. The result is a global
network of cables, devices, computers, data centres, servers, repeaters, channels, and
wider towers that allow digital knowledge to proliferate.
Step 2: The Microsoft-developed Internet Explorer graphical web browser series, which
was used with the windows family of operating systems, has been retired. It was first made
available in 1995 as a component of the windows 95 add-on package plus!
A cross-plaform web browser created by Google is called chrome. It was created using
open-source technologies from Mozilla Firefox and Apple WebKit, and it was first made
available in 2008 for Microsoft Windows. It later became the default browser for Linux,
macOS, iOS, and Andriod.
The Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation, created the free and
open-source web browser known as Mozilla Firefox, or just Firefox. To display web pages,
it makes use of the Gecko rendering engine, which uses up-to-date and anticipated web
Step 3:

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome

Defending against
harmful cross-site YES YES YES
scripting assaults

Defending against YES YES NO

Phishing attacks

Domain in the address

Spyware with social
Crash tabs: Isolated
Automatic tab crash

Tab recovery if a website

timeout occurs

preventing visitors from

viewing the visited sites

Third-party security can

monitor your online YES YES YES
Quick start-up and
websites load fastly YES YES YES

Fast JavaScript engine YES YES YES

Step 4:
Given that so many financial and business-related activities are being carried out
online, internet browser privacy and protection are crucial in the current environment
. These browsers’ security features ensure that users are shielded from phishing, cross-
sitting that isn’t suitable, and other types of online fraud. As a result, the user will be
more confident and trust such browsers when conducting any online banking or
business activites. The protection features gives the user’s actions complete privacy.
Therefore, people and businesses can use browsers without worry thanks to the
privacy options offered. Privacy policies cover both confidential information and the
websites visited.
It is quite obivious from a comparison of these three browsers that Internet Explorer
offers greater privacy. Third-party cookies that do not have flexible privacy policies or
that retain information that can be used to contact the receiver without their express
consent are expressly prohibited by Internet Explorer. The use of Thirty-party cookies
to contact users without their express consent is likewise prohibited.

2.& 7. Describe the major behavioral theories that help explain
how information systems affect organizations.
Behavioral theories are useful for describing the behavior of individual firms.
Behavioral researchers consider that information technology could change the
decision-making by reducing the costs of information acquisition and distribution. IT
could eliminate middle managers and their clerical support by sending information
from operating units directly to senior management and by enabling information to be
sent directly to lower-level operating units. Also enables some organizations to act as
virtual organizations because they are no longer limited by geographic locations.
One behavioral approach views information systems as the outcome of political
competition between organizational subgroups. IT becomes involved with this
competition because it controls who has access to information, and information
systems can control who does what, when, where, and how.
Transaction cost theory which allows for firms and individuals seek to
economize on transaction costs, much as they do on productive costs. This can help
firms contract in size because it can reduce transaction costs. Agency theory the firm
is viewed as a "nexus of contracts" among self-interested individuals rather than as a
unified, profit maximizing entity. This can reduce internal management costs.

3. & 8. Describe the impact of the Internet and disruptive

technologies on organizations.

The Internet increases the accessibility, storage, and distribution of information and
knowledge for organizations; nearly any information can be available anywhere at any
time. The Internet increases the depth, scope, and range of information and knowledge
storage. It lowers the cost and raises the quality of information and knowledge
distribution. That is, it lowers transaction costs and information acquisition costs. By
using the Internet, organizations may reduce several levels of management, enabling
closer and quicker communication between upper levels of management and the lower
levels. The Internet also lowers agency costs. Disruptive technologies caused by
technological changes can have different effects on different companies depending on
how they handle the changes. Some companies create the disruptions and succeed very
well. Other companies learn about the disruption and successfully adopt it. Other
companies are obliterated by the changes because they are very efficient at doing what
no longer needs to be done. Some disruptions mostly benefit the firm. Other
disruptions mostly benefit consumers.
The Internet, especially the World Wide Web, has an important impact on the
relationships between many firms and external entities, and even on the organization
of business processes inside a firm. The Internet increases the accessibility, storage,
and distribution of information and knowledge for organizations. In essence, the
Internet is capable of dramatically lowering the transaction and agency costs facing
most organizations. The Internet is causing businesses to make this technology a key
component of their IT infrastructures. There will be simpler business processes, fewer
employees, and much flatter organizations than in the past thanks to the Internet.

4.Which features of organizations do managers need to know

about to build and use information systems successfully?
5.What is the impact of information systems on organizations?
6.Define an organization and compare the technical definition
of organizations with the behavioral definition.
4.The technical definition defines an organization as a stable, formal social structure
that takes resources from the environment and transfer them to outputs produce. And
it is focuses on Capital, labor, and production and products for consumption. Also
reflect that organizations are more stable, are formal legal entities, and are social

5.The behavioral definition a groups of rights, obligations, privileges, and

responsibilities which balanced over a period of time through conflict and conflict
resolution. This definition concentrates the people within the organization, their ways
of working, and their relationships.

6.The technical definition shows us how a firm combines capital, labor, and
information technology.
The behavioral definition examines how information technology affects the inner
workings of the organization.

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