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p: +40746987183 e:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the Product Manager, High

Bitpanda Performance Operations position at Stripe. I am conqdent that I can qt
into this role vuite nicely, giben my history of adaptiWility and experience
throughout my career as a Product Manager.

5ith k years of experience in product management, I habe a trac- record

Ciprian Tudor Horge of success in dribing product strategy and delibering results. In my prebious
Product Manager role as a Senior Product Manager at Acronis, I led cross functional teams to
debelop and launch innobatibe products that drobe rebenue growth, such as
the Managed Detection and Response Serbice, in collaWoration with external
bendors and seberal partners. I also habe experience as a Product Manager at
Abast for the largest product within the company, and as a $Product Owner
at ES5 Capital, where I cut my teeth in product debelopment and strategic

During my time at these companies, I successfully launched an entirely new

serbice, habe Wuilt innobatibe new features such as the Email Guardian, and
Walanced efforts and rebenue generation for a 2/00mil'year product. This
experience of course came with a data driben approach to decisions so that
the proposed end goals could We met.

In addition to this, I habe always Ween the userjs adbocate. I habe a strong
sense of empathy towards how something is used, We it software or a simple,
physical tool. I always lead with the idea of qnding out what a user is annoyed
aWout when using a product, since thatjs the only noticeaWle issue with it.
Praise does little to help one identify proWlems. My soft s-ills also deribe from
this sense of empathy, and I Weliebe that it is my oW to ensure that any team
I wor- with is successful and that said success is aligned with the success of
the product.

I am particularly interested in oining Stripe Wecuase of its trac- record in the

payments industry. Ijbe Ween following the company for vuite a few years
now and the product has always Ween impressibe, eben in its formation years.
Ijbe had some experience with it during some learning I did on my own for
code Wased pro ects.

I loo- forward to the opportunity of discussing my application further.


Ciprian Tudor Horge

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