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No Area of Discussion Assigne Group Leader Date of presentation

. d Group

1. Chapter Four: Planning and A & One Samuel 23rd October, 2023
Project Management evening Nakibinge (8am to 9am)
/Charles for

2. Chapter Five:Defining the Two Nansubuga 23rd October, 2023

Business Requirements (Day Victoria (9:30am to 10:30am)

3 Read chapter Five P Amos 23rd October, 2023

Katabalwa (11am to 12am)
You are the Vice President of
Marketing for a nation-wide
appliance manufacturer
with three production plants.
Describe any three different
ways you will tend to analyze
your sales. What are the
business dimensions for your
3. BigBook, Inc. is a large book
distributor with domestic and
international distribution
channels. The company orders
from publishers and distributes
publications to
all the leading booksellers.
Initially, you want to build a data
warehouse to analyze
shipments that are made from
the company’s many
warehouses. Determine the
or facts and the business
dimensions. Prepare an
information package diagram.
4. You are on the data
warehouse project of, an Internet
company selling upscale works
of art. Your responsibility is to
gather requirements
for sales analysis. Find out the
key metrics, business
dimensions, hierarchies, and
categories. Draw the information
package diagram.
5. Create a detailed outline for
the formal requirements
definition document for a data
warehouse to analyze product
profitability of a large
department store chain.

4. Chapter SIX:Requirements as E& Akao Vickie/ 23rd October, 2023

the Driving force for Data One Charles for (2pm to 3pm)
warehousing Evening evening

5. Read chapter Six N Tegule Fred 23rd October, 2023

(3:30pm - 4:30pm)
1.It is a known fact that data
quality in the source systems is
poor in your company.
You are assigned to be the Data
Quality Assurance Specialist on
the project team.
Describe what details you will
include in the requirements
definition document to
address the data quality

3. As the analyst responsible for

data loads and data refreshes,
describe all the details
you will look for and document
during the requirements
definition phase.

4. You are the manager for the

data warehouse project at a
retail chain with stores all
across the country and users in
every store. How will you ensure
that all the details
necessary to decide on the
DBMS are gathered during the
requirements phase?
Write a memo to the Senior
Analyst directly responsible to
coordinate the requirements
definition phase.
5. You are the Query Tools
Specialist on the project team
for a manufacturing company
with the primary users based in
the main office. These power
users need sophisticated
tools for analysis. How will you
determine what types of
information delivery
methods are needed? What
kinds of details are to be
gathered in the
requirements definition phase?

6.. Chapter Seven:Architecture G& Don Bosco / 24th October, 2023

and Infrastructure Two Darlington (8:00am - 9:00am)

7. Read chapter Seven O 24th October, 2023

(9:30am - 10:30am)
You have been recently
promoted to administrator for
the data warehouse of a
nationwide automobile
insurance company. You are
asked to prepare a checklist for
selecting a proper vendor tool to
help you with the data
warehouse administration.
Make a list of the functions in
the management and control
component of your data
warehouse architecture. Use
this list to derive the
tool-selection checklist.

3. As the senior analyst

responsible for data staging, you
are responsible for the design
of the data staging area. If your
data warehouse gets input from
several legacy systems
on multiple platforms, and also
regular feeds from two external
sources, how will you organize
your data staging area?
Describe the data repositories
you will
have for data staging.
4. You are the data warehouse
architect for a leading national
department store chain.
The data warehouse has been
up and running for nearly a year.
Now the management
has decided to provide the
power users with OLAP
facilities. How will you alter
the information delivery
component of your data
warehouse architecture? Make
realistic assumptions and

5. You recently joined as the

data extraction specialist on the
data warehouse project
team developing a conformed
data mart for a local but
progressive pharmacy. Make
a detailed list of functions and
services for data extraction, data
transformation, and
data staging.

8. Chapter Eight: Infrastructure as w Akatuhulira 24th October, 2023

the Foundation for data Deborah (11am -12pm)

9. Chapter Nine:The significant x Mukwaya Joel 24th October, 2023

Role of metadata (2:00pm - 3:00pm)

Read chapter Nine F Paul Kagoda 24th October, 2023

(3:30pm - 4:30pm)
As the project manager for the
development of the data
warehouse for a domestic
soft drinks manufacturer, your
assignment is to write a
proposal for providing metadata.
Consider the options and come
up with what you think is needed
and how you
plan to implement a metadata
3. As the data warehouse
administrator, describe all the
types of metadata you would
need for performing your job.
Explain how these types would
assist you.
4. You are responsible for
training the data warehouse
end-users. Write a short
procedure for your casual
end-users to use the business
metadata and run queries.
Describe the procedure in user
terms without using the word
5. As the data acquisition
specialist, what types of
metadata can help you? Choose
one of the data acquisition
processes and explain the role
of metadata in that process

10 Chapter Ten: Principles of C Osbert / 25th October,2023

. dimensional modeling Nanteza Nuriat (8:00am - 9:30am)

11. Read chapter Ten I 25th October,2023

Maani Sam
Principles of dimensional (9:30am - 11am)
modeling ( Refer back to the
information package given for a
hotel chain in Chapter 5 (Figure

5-6). Use this information

package and design a STAR

3. What is a factless fact table?

Design a simple STAR schema
with a factless fact table to track
patients in a hospital by
diagnostic procedures and time.

4. You are the data design

specialist on the data
warehouse project team for a
manufacturing company. Design
a STAR schema to track the
production quantities.
Production quantities are
normally analyzed along the
business dimensions of product,
time, parts used, production
facility, and production run.
State your assumptions.

5. In a STAR schema to track

the shipments for a distribution
company, the following
dimension tables are found: (1)
time, (2) customer ship-to, (3)
ship-from, (4) product, (5) type
of deal, and (6) mode of
shipment. Review these
dimensions and list the possible
attributes for each of the
dimension tables. Also,
designate a primary key for
each table.

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