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But to make the post longer you can use examples, success stories, infographics and

make it interesting instead of rotating the same term in all possible ways.

How to create fresh headlines for the post from Buzzsumo App.

Here is an Example by Neil Patel for the search 'Social Media Strategies';

Old Title: "How to build a content strategy using a social media audit"

Fresh Title that you can create:

"The Top 15 Social Media Marketing Strategy Mistakes to Avoid"

"The Top 15 Social Media Marketing Strategy Mistakes to Avoid"

[The Title was also finalized]

I always use some quotations, questions, and examples at the start to make readers
excited and creating interest in them to read the post fully. So you can also use
the same strategy for writi

If you write well and according to the needs of your readers then definitely they
will share your posts and appreciate your work. If your article provides useful
information then your post will be linked to other websites without asking owners
to do so or without writing guest posts.

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