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Committee: united nation human right council (UNHRC)

Topic: Invisible Victims - Addressing the Unique Challenges and Rights of

Internally Displaced Persons.
Country: Belgium

Belgium stands here before the united nation human right council’s committee to address the
Unique Challenges and Rights of Internally Displaced Persons.
Belgium recognizes the critical importance of addressing the unique challenges and rights of
internally displaced persons (IDPs). In an increasingly complex world marked by conflicts, climate
change, and other crises, Belgium stands committed to working collaboratively to ensure that the
rights of IDPs are protected, and their challenges are adequately addressed.

Belgium acknowledges the multifaceted challenges confronting IDPs. These challenges include but
are not limited to:
1 .Lack of Legal Protection: IDPs often fall through legal gaps, as they are not considered refugees
and may not have the same level of international protection. Belgium supports the establishment
and adherence to guidelines such as the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to safeguard
the rights of IDPs.

2. Limited Access to Basic Services: Belgium recognizes the importance of ensuring that IDPs
have access to essential services, including shelter, healthcare, education, and food. We emphasize
the necessity of strengthening national infrastructure and international cooperation to provide
such services effectively.

3. Loss of Livelihoods: The inability to sustain their livelihoods often compounds the plight of
IDPs. Belgium emphasizes the importance of addressing this issue by supporting vocational
training programs, economic development initiatives, and microfinance options for IDPs.

4. Psychological Trauma: Belgium acknowledges the severe psychological trauma that IDPs
endure because of their displacement. We underline the necessity of integrating psychosocial
support and mental health services into IDP assistance programs.
Belgium firmly believes in the importance of safeguarding the rights of IDPs, recognizing that
every displaced individual has the right to:

1. Protection from Arbitrary Displacement: Belgium commits to upholding the principles of

non-discrimination and protection against arbitrary displacement. We advocate for the
implementation of mechanisms that hold accountable those responsible for displacement.

2. Right to Return: Belgium supports the IDPs' right to return to their homes in safety and
dignity when conditions allow. We stress the need for conflict resolution, peace-building, and the
removal of obstacles to return.

3. Right to Compensation and Recovery: Belgium advocates for the right of IDPs to receive
compensation for lost or damaged property and supports initiatives to assist IDPs in rebuilding
their lives, including access to legal remedies and reparations.

Belgium recognizes the primary responsibility of national governments to protect and assist IDPs.
As a country, we are committed to:
1. Providing Humanitarian Assistance: Belgium actively contributes to humanitarian efforts and
will continue to do so, focusing on IDPs' needs and protection.
2. Collaboration with International Organizations and NGOs: Belgium will strengthen
collaboration with international organizations and non-governmental organizations to enhance the
effectiveness of our response to IDP challenges. We will continue to provide financial and technical
support to organizations that work in this field.
Belgium acknowledges that there are protection gaps that need to be addressed. We commit to:
1. Allocating Resources: Belgium will allocate financial resources to support IDP protection and
assistance initiatives, both nationally and internationally.
2.Advocating for Political Solutions: Belgium will actively engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve
conflicts and disputes that lead to displacement, as a key element in preventing further IDP
Belgium is committed to working collaboratively with fellow member states, international
organizations, and civil society to address Invisible Victims - Addressing the Unique Challenges
and Rights of Internally Displaced Persons. Belgium is fully dedicated to addressing the unique
challenges and rights of internally displaced persons. We believe that a comprehensive approach,
including international cooperation and national commitment, is essential for ensuring the
protection and dignity of IDPs. We look forward to collaborating with the international community
to achieve these objectives and make the "invisible victims" visible in the pursuit of peace, justice,
and human rights for all.

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