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ARCH 597 Seminar

Student Name : Marwa Mohamed Mohamed Abdelfattah

Student Number: 223725777


Asst. Prof. Dr. CAN UZUN

İSTANBUL, 2022 / 2023 SPRING

1 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery

and Construction Productivity

1. Abstract
This research study examines the effects of Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption on project
completion and construction productivity in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC)
Industry. The study uses a mixed-methods methodology that combines qualitative business professional
interviews with quantitative data analysis. While quantitative analysis compiles data from numerous
construction projects and contrasts projects with and without BIM, qualitative interviews collect insights
from stakeholders like architects, engineers, contractors, and project managers. By offering empirical
evidence of its effects on project delivery and construction productivity, the findings add to the body of
knowledge already available on the application of BIM. The study's objective is to promote BIM adoption
across the AEC industry, which will improve project productivity, collaboration, and outcomes.
Understanding the advantages and difficulties of implementation will help business professionals make
wise decisions and make the most of BIM in upcoming projects.

Keywords: BIM, Building information technology, Project deliverable, Construction projects

2. Introduction
Digital building information modeling (BIM) is now widely used in the construction industry. The use of
BIM has the potential to dramatically increase project delivery and construction productivity. Lack of
standards, training and support are only a few of the problems that continue to be encountered despite the
many benefits of BIM adoption. This study looks at the impact of BIM adoption on project delivery and
construction productivity, and the opportunities and challenges associated with its adoption The following
issue the study seeks to address: How and can stakeholders in the construction industry use BIM
effectively to benefit and overcome barriers to adoption? In order to gain a fuller understanding of the
impact of BIM implementation on project delivery and construction outcomes, the study will use a
qualitative research approach and present case studies , interviews, and a comprehensive literature review
will provide useful information on this issue.

3. Literture review
BIM is transforming the building, engineering and construction (AEC) industry with a powerful digital
tool called building information modeling (BIM) to facilitate the creation, management and exchange of
information throughout the lifecycle of a construction project. This literature review aims to provide
readers with an overview of current research on the impact of BIM implementation on project delivery
and construction outcomes.

1. BIM as a collaborative platform Several studies have emphasized the interoperability of BIM and
how it positively impacts project delivery. BIM facilitates cross-functional data integration and
real-time collaboration, which enhances communication and communication among project
2 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

stakeholders. As a result, decision making is improved, errors are reduced, and project delivery is
increased (Eastman et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2015).

2. BIM and project delivery process: According to research, the use of BIM has a positive impact on
several project delivery processes. BIM facilitates more accurate flight quantity and cost
estimates, reduces cost overruns and improves cost efficiency (Succar, 2009; Arayici et al.,
2011). BIM also makes it possible to identify consistencies, reducing conflicts and reworking
during construction (Azhar et al., 2013). BIM improves the sequence and organization of
construction projects, maximizes timelines, and reduces delays (Elmualim et al., 2015).

3. BIM and Construction Design: There has been a lot of research on the relationship between BIM
implementation and construction performance. According to research, BIM increases employee
productivity by providing better opportunities for design, communication, and prefabrication (Pan
et al., 2012; Teicholz, 2014). Because BIM can simulate manufacturing processes and identify
potential challenges, it can allocate resources and streamline operations (Gould and Joyce, 2014).
In addition, BIM facilitates off-site construction and modular construction, which accelerates the
construction cycle and reduces the need for on-site work (Liu et al., 2018).

4. Challenges and limitations: While the benefits of enforcing BIM are obvious, there are numerous
demanding situations and limitations to overcome. These consist of upfront software program and
hardware costs, lack of standardization, overall performance-related issues, and the need for
specialised schooling (Yu et al., 2017; Kassem et al., 2019). Successful BIM implementation may
be hindered via organizational resistance to change and the need to trade conventional business
tactics (Dawood et al., 2015).

5. Best practices and methodologies: Several research file exceptional practices and techniques for
BIM integration. These consist of developing a hit BIM implementation plans, instructing and
training stakeholders, organising clear communique channels, and encouraging go-useful
collaboration (Miettinen and Paavola, 2014; Leite et al., 2017). ). In addition, using open BIM
standards and interactive software can address compatibility problems and facilitate facts trade
(Zhang et al., 2020).

4. Problem statement
Building information modeling (BIM) is turning into extra widely mentioned as a sport-converting era in
the structure, engineering, and construction (AEC) quarter, but its consequences on assignment shipping
and creation productivity are nonetheless no longer absolutely understood. While many studies have
focused on particular BIM implementation issues, a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of BIM on
challenge shipping techniques and creation productivity is vital. The identification of high-quality
practices and techniques for powerful BIM integration, in addition to the problems and roadblocks
stopping its considerable adoption, also are lacking within the literature. To maximize the capacity
blessings of BIM of their projects and to make knowledgeable decisions, industry professionals must
close these information gaps. Therefore, the motive of this examine is to explore the subsequent important
troubles: How do fee estimation, conflict detection, and production scheduling tactics alternate as a result
of BIM implementation? What impact does BIM have on exertions productivity, resource allocation, and
3 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

workflow optimization in the production enterprise? What are the nice strategies and approaches for
integrating BIM efficiently, and what issues and boundaries do professionals in the discipline come
across? This take a look at ambitions to reply these questions with the intention to provide insightful facts
to be able to help BIM turn out to be more broadly used and effective inside the AEC region.

5. Methodology
In order to better apprehend how Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation affects project
delivery and creation productiveness, this studies paper takes a qualitative research approach. The
methodology is as follows:

1. Literature Review: To determine the blessings and problems of BIM implementation, a radical
literature evaluate is performed. Academic journals, conference court cases, and industry reviews
about BIM in creation projects are all protected inside the overview.
2. Numerous case studies have a look at the BIM implementation technique and its effects on
assignment shipping and construction productiveness. The case research function initiatives from
various creation marketplace segments, such as infrastructure, residential, and business. The case
research have been chosen based on information accessibility and a hit BIM implementation.
3. Interviews with venture stakeholders worried in the BIM implementation manner, consisting of
owners, designers, contractors, and BIM managers, are conducted to acquire facts. Semi-based
interview questions are used to study the BIM implementation method, its advantages, and
4. Data Analysis: Qualitative data evaluation techniques, such as thematic analysis, are used to
examine the accrued facts. In addition to seeking out routine themes and patterns inside the facts,
the analysis also examines the connections among BIM and challenge shipping and production
5. Findings and Recommendations: To completely make use of BIM in construction projects and
cope with its challenges, conclusions drawn from the literature review and case research are
synthesized and hints are given.

Readers will gain solid knowledge from this research paper about the impact of BIM implementation on
mission delivery and creative outcomes. The paper explores the benefits and complexity of imposing BIM
on creative processes, including improved collaboration and collaboration between project stakeholders,
expanded accuracy in project planning and design, error a decreased and new work during development
Other than highlighting the importance of standardized processes and procedures for some
interdisciplinary consistency, the paper explores the potential impact of BIM on production, including
expanded productivity in challenge transport and reduced costs associated with errors and delays Focuses
on the flexibility of challenge fleets to increase efficiency at company level in all of these. It also aims to
provide practical workshops on how stakeholders in the construction industry can use BIM effectively.
4 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity



Determinant Factors
Negative No Benefit,
Impact Competitive Advantage,

Private orgnizaton Awareness, Regulate,
Policy, Enforcement

Usefulness and No Negative Public orgnizaton

Ease of use Impact

Usefulness and No
Ease of use

Implementation Process
(Evaluation of Product, Process, People)

Fig.1: General process flow for implementing a new technology in the AEC sector

6. Case Study

Methodology: A massive creation task might be selected because the research web site for this text. To
degree the effect of BIM on venture transport and production outcomes, the project needed to enforce
BIM. They do the following:

1. A construction challenge that has currently carried out BIM (New Capital School in Egypt (task
size: 10,000 m2)). Relate to factors such as task size, complexity, and get entry to to undertaking
5 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

2. Data Collection: Collect project information throughout pre- and put up-BIM implementation. It
can include schedules, plans, fee statistics, design fashions, and design charts. Additionally, use
surveys or interviews to gather records approximately the reviews and experiences of
3. Quantitative analysis is a comparison of undertaking overall performance metrics between pre-
BIM and publish-BIM stages. Find facts about employee productiveness, war detection,
assignment timelines, price modifications, and construction sequences. Use statistical techniques
to become aware of changes and developments.
4. Analyze qualitative statistics from stakeholder interviews or surveys to learn extra about their
perceptions of the BIM implementation method. Describe the important thing benefits,
challenges, and instructions found out from implementing BIM. This look at will offer a deeper
information of the ambiguous impact of BIM on project delivery and creation productiveness.

Expected Findings:

1. Efficiency gains in mission shipping: The case study is predicted to expose the development in
task shipping because of the adoption of BIM. These can encompass more correct price estimates,
fewer conflicts and remodel, higher production approaches, and improved stakeholder
2. Increased construction productiveness: The consequences are expected to show that BIM
implementation has a fine impact on construction productivity. Because of BIM’s image and
simulation talents, this will be confirmed through stepped forward fabric allocation, expanded
hard work productivity, reduced on-website online hard work requirements, and progressed
3. Developing first-class practices and strategies: By investigating stakeholder studies through case
research, there may be capability to become aware of exceptional practices and strategies for
flying BIM integrations effectiveness. Effective change control, schooling applications, verbal
exchange programs, and adoption of open BIM standards are some examples.
4. Challenges and Barriers: The have a look at must discover potential demanding situations and
boundaries in the implementation of BIM. Initial prices, interoperability troubles, resistance to
trade, and the need for specialised understanding are some examples. Program contributors can
better control and triumph over those demanding situations if they may be privy to them.
5. In summary, this situation look at ambitions to provide empirical proof of the effect of BIM
implementation on challenge finishing touch and worker results. The predicted consequences will
add to the existing understanding base on BIM and provide useful information for enterprise
specialists searching for to leverage BIM competencies to boom assignment productivity and

7. Discussion

The findings of the observe reveal the following:

1. Benefits of BIM implementation encompass price savings, progressed teamwork, accelerated

mission productivity, decreased errors and rework, and reduced creation waste with BIM
implementation may have a high-quality impact on challenge delivery and construction
6 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

performance. By improving verbal exchange between venture stakeholders, BIM can facilitate
higher choice-making and decrease delays . Additionally, BIM can enhance the accuracy and
speed of mission layout and making plans, leading to extra green production strategies.
Additionally, BIM can assist discover capacity creation conflicts earlier in the mission life cycle,
leading to faster resolution and avoidance of primary adjustments during production BIM also has
the potential to improve protection at creation sites thru information float beyond the web site
conditions and risks. Finally, BIM can assist sustainability efforts by way of comparing new
substances and creation strategies, and allowing power performance analysis. Overall, the use of
BIM has the ability to carry widespread advantages to the construction enterprise, from value
financial savings to progressed collaboration and environmental effect.
2. BIM implementation presents many challenges such as lack of training, support and standards.
BIM adoption requires a significant investment of time and resources, as well as modifications to
business processes, hardware and software. Another problem with implementing BIM in the
construction industry is the stakeholder resistance to change inherent in traditional methods.
However, the benefits of BIM are well worth the effort. Using BIM, construction projects can
reduce errors and rework, improve communication and communication among team members,
and increase efficiency in project delivery BIM also allows for better visualization of the project,
which can help identify potential problems before they become major problems. In addition, BIM
can improve sustainability efforts through better analysis of material and energy consumption. As
more companies embrace BIM, there is likely to be greater adoption of standards and greater
training. Ultimately, the use of BIM has the potential to transform the construction industry and
improve outcomes for all project stakeholders.
3. BIM Implementation Plan: A successful BIM implementation calls for a nicely-described manner
consisting of clear communication and collaboration amongst undertaking stakeholders. Project
achievement calls for a BIM supervisor or supervisor, as well as suitable training and support for
all team individuals worried. The first step is to establish clear task goals and goals, followed
with the aid of a comprehensive BIM implementation plan. These rules need to describe the
specific BIM gear and technologies for use, as well as the jobs and duties of each group member.
Once a design has been evolved, it's far crucial to make sure that each one group participants are
educated in the right use of the selected BIM gear. Consistent communication and collaboration
between group contributors is essential for successful BIM implementation. By following this
procedure, creation projects can benefit from improved productiveness, reduced errors and
rework, and higher ordinary project results.
4. It is counseled that stakeholders put money into education and help, establish clear communique
and collaboration procedures, and honestly define the project's objectives so as to put into effect
BIM in construction initiatives. To ensure that BIM and different task control gear are seamlessly
integrated, standardization and interoperability troubles must additionally be addressed .
Additionally, the use of BIM can result in expanded protection on construction web sites by
means of making an allowance for digital simulations and figuring out potential risks earlier than
they occur. BIM also allows more correct price estimation and price range tracking for the
duration of the mission lifecycle. With the capability to visualise and examine statistics in actual-
time, project managers could make informed decisions that definitely impact the undertaking's
timeline and finances. Furthermore, BIM can enhance sustainability efforts through allowing for
greater efficient use of resources and reducing waste. By embracing BIM technology,
7 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity

construction tasks can acquire more fulfillment in phrases of excellent, performance, safety, and

This examine affords beneficial facts on the advantages and demanding situations of enforcing BIM in the
creation industry, and the way to do so successfully. As a end result, stakeholders can increase challenge
performance and first-rate. In addition, BIM can facilitate collaboration between project teams and
stakeholders, leading to higher conversation and selection-making. BIM lets in all events worried in a
production venture to get right of entry to and percentage statistics in actual time, resulting in greater
efficient workflows and fewer errors This generation additionally permits precise 3-d fashions a may be
used for simulation and evaluation F, BIM can help manage production web sites with the aid of
supplying accurate development and substances facts. By the use of BIM to streamline strategies and
decrease waste, production can make substantial progress closer to sustainability goals. Overall, adopting
BIM generation has the ability to transform the development enterprise by using enhancing efficiency,
first-class, protection and sustainability.

8. Conclusion

The research's key findings are that using BIM can considerably enhance undertaking delivery and
creation productivity. But with a view to completely gain the rewards, stakeholders have to cope with the
difficulties and make the vital investments in assets like assistance and education to make certain
successful implementation. Owners, contractors, and architects can also all benefit from the research's
insightful analysis of the advantages and problems of implementing BIM in building projects, as well as
realistic advice on the way to do so.
8 Building Information Modeling (BIM) implementation on Project Delivery and Construction Productivity


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