Going Pee in The Potty Is Fun!!!

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Going pee in the potty is fun!!!

If I go pee in the potty, that

makes mommy and daddy happy too .

When I need to go potty,

I feel pressure in the bottom of my tummy
When I have to go potty,
I can tell mommy
or daddy
or my teacher.
They will help me.
First I take off my pants

and my underwear.
Then I sit on the potty and wait,
so my pee will come out.
I can also go poop in the potty,
if I need to.
When I'm done, I wipe myself with toilet paper.
Sometimes I need help to wipe.
That's ok. I just ask for help.
After I'm all done,
I put my underwear


pants back on.

I'm really happy!
I went pee in the potty.

Now I get to flush the toilet.

Student Picutre

The End!!!!
Student Name’s
Potty Book

Student Pic

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