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It is fun to play games with my friends. One game I can play is called
hide and seek. I can play it indoors or outdoors.

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This boy is “it”

If my friends and I want to play hide and seek, then first we need to
pick someone to be “it.” The person who is “it” is the seeker. They
find all the people who are hiding.

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When I am “it,” I close or cover my eyes and count out loud to 20
while my friends run off to hide. I won’t peek though because it is
more fun when I cannot see where my friends hide.

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When I finish counting, I shout, “Ready or not, here I come!” That

tells my friends that I am coming to find them.

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When I am searching for my friends, I can look behind things (such
as a tree or a couch) or under things (such as a park bench or bed). I
can also use my ears to help find my friends. They might be giggling
while they are hiding!

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When I find my friends, I can say, “I found you!” Once I have found all
of my friends, we pick someone new to be “it.” We should all take
turns being “it.”

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Sometimes I might find it hard to find all of my friends and that’s

okay. I can simply say, “I give up!” and my friends will come out from
their hiding spots. I can also ask my friends who I already found to
help me find any other friends.

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When it is my turn to hide, I have to run and hide before the person
who is “it” finishes counting to 20.

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If I am playing outdoors, then I need to make sure my parents or
babysitter can still see where I am playing. I need to stay inside the
house or at the playground.

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I need to hide in a spot that is safe to hide in. I can hide under things
(such as a bed or park bench) or behind things (such as a tree or a

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When I am hiding, I should try to pick a spot to hide by myself. It is
more fun if my friends and I hide in different spots.

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When I am hiding, I should try to hide in a new place each time I
play. If I hide somewhere that one of my friends or I did before, then
it is too easy for the person who is “it” to find me.

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When the person who is “it” is coming to find me, I should stay quiet,
but it’s okay if I make noise or giggle while hiding. That just means
my friend will find me quicker.

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When my friend finds me, they will say, “I found you!” I can then help
my friend search for other friends if they want my help.

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Once all of my friends are found, we can play again because playing
hide and seek is so much fun!

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