3 A Picnic Party

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Memorable Day of My Life
It has been rightly said:
“This exhausted life,
Full of fright,
Need some rest;
And a happy quest.”

This machine-like life of ours sometimes becomes colorless and fatigued. Our soul
and spirits become dull and boring. At that time, our body and mind demand rest and peace
with a lot of fun. Picnic is the best sources to impart new vigor and energy to the sick human
soul. It helps us send some joyful moments with nature and smiles.
Different people have different choices and tastes. Their wish to get pleasure and
peace is also different. Some people find pleasure and peace in nature and some others in
books. On a holiday, some people like to enjoy sleep and some other people like to visit
different beautiful places. Some people like to play games and some others love to use
internet. But I have great love for visiting historical places. Holidays are a big chance to visit
the place or your own choice.

P. B. Shelley has said well:

“History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man.”

I am a great lover of history. Last Sunday, we all friends were planning to visit some
place for enjoyment and fun. My friends planned that we should go for a picnic to the River
Ravi. But I suggested that we should go to some historical place like Jahangir’s tomb. There
would be some novelty, knowledge and charm. My Friends accepted my suggestion and we
all got a taxi and set off towards the great monument of history. I was very excited.

Keats has said well:

“Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter.”

Lahore is full of historical buildings. Lahore itself is a historical city. Everybody who
visits Lahore must go to visit historical buildings. They show us the picture of the past and
the achievements of our great forefathers. I had not seen the tomb of Jahangir before. In no
time, we reached there. The grand tomb of Jahangir was before our eyes. Everybody was
happy to see it. It looked beautiful. I could not believe as it was so grand.
The four tall minarets of the tomb could be seen from a distance. The tomb is in a
park enclosed by a high wall. The part appeared to be well kept. The seasonal flowers were
in all their glory. There we many trees here and there spreading cool shade. A fountain in
front of the tomb was sending forth a cool shower of water. It was presenting a beautiful
scene. It filled our hearts with pleasure. For some time, we were lost in thoughts. It looked
another world. Cool breeze was blowing.

Keats has said well:

“Ah, happy, happy boughs! That cannot shed,
Your leaves, nor ever bid the spring adieu.”
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After it, we reached the tomb itself. It is a large and beautiful structure. In an inner room
sleeps the Great Mughal Emperor. There was nothing to disturb him now. The walls of his
room have curious and colored designs on them. The huge tomb has a vast terrace. In each
corner a minaret soars up in the sky. I went up and from the platform of the minaret saw
the splendid city of Lahore. Man does not believe in his eyes. Everything looked so attractive
and so charming.

Keats has said well:

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

We kept on moving about for quite a while. We sat in the grassy lawn for some time.
We also played cards and made a lot of noise enjoying our little pieces of mischief. All the
friends were extremely happy as they all had gathered at a beautiful place away from the
hurries and worries of life. We also ate our lunch there.

When it was evening time, the light began to fade. The silence and peace affected us
strangely. Our minds were full of thoughts and colorful memories. In the twilight, it
appeared to us as if we were in a fairy land. The whole scene was presenting a beautiful
picture. We were much impressed by the scene.

Keats has remarked beautifully:

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”

It was time to go back. We did not feel like coming back but we had to. We came
back tired but happy. The peace and aesthetic pleasure that we gained through that
memorial still enchants my soul. Whenever I remember the splendor and glory of that
artistic phenomenon, I feel my soul elated to the heights of ecstasy.

Picnics and other pleasure trips are healthful activities as these fill our lives with
smiles, energies and enthusiasm. We should spare some precious moments from our
machine-like life for the good of our soul. It is said that pleasure is short living but one can
live many stunning lives in those brief moments of bliss.

John Wanamaker says:

“People who cannot find time for recreation
are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.”


0301-4220466 Subject Specialist (Eng)

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