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A poet chants:
“Studies develop brainpower, Sports develop willpower.
Ideal can do both, Without any pain!”
Students are the future of a country. Soon, they will be the nation0builders who would be
responsible for the education, economy, defence, health and general prosperity of their country. He
who is a good student today will be a responsible citizen tomorrow. Student-life is an important stage
of character formation and growth of ability.
Edison once said:
“Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
It is a thing to be an ideal because the ideal is always perfect in every aspect. He is
someone who is thirsty for knowledge. Such a student is never distracted by any evil means.
This thirst for knowledge ensures that he is attentive and is committed to learn thoroughly
about a particular subject so that he can understand it fully. An ideal student has certain
other unique qualities. He has well-defined goals in life and he tries to use all his energy to
achieve these goals. He as to good reason for what he desires to be. He has a clear vision of
what is necessary to attain his aspiration.
An ideal student respects his teachers but is not afraid of them. He has the
courage to admit his ignorance and asks for advice and direction if he needs it. He is not the kind of
person who accepts things blindly. He tries to grasp concepts thoroughly and if he finds it difficult, he
has the confidence to approach his teachers for more information.
It is rightly said:
“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.”
An ideal student is a true patriot. He does not hesitate to sacrifice his
personal interests, when the question of safety of his motherland comes. In a natural
calamity anywhere in the country, he always comes forward and offers himself for the
service to the distressed. He gives preference to humanity than anything else in life.
An ideal student is also regular and punctual in his work. He does not waste
his time in idle gossip or useless activities. His whole time and energies are devoted to get knowledge
and the formation of good habits and character. He is different from others. He participates in many
extra-curricular activities conducted in the institution where he studies. He possesses extra ordinary
qualities which make him distinguished.
Robert Martin says:
“Responsibility for learning belongs to the student, regardless of age.”
Early to bed ad early to rise is the way to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Therefore, the ideal
student must be an early riser because an idle fellow can never make satisfactory progress in his
studies. He takes a bath and says his prayer. He begins the day’s work with a definite programme.
Martin H. Fischer remarks:
“The entire world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind.”
An ideal student never neglects the opportunities which he has of forming
good habits. He takes the guidance of his parents and his teachers. He disciplines his body and mind.
He learns those things which will be of use to him in future life. He burns the mid night oil to get
success. A good boy needs not regret. He follows the example and advice of his parents and teachers.
He never ignores his parents or teachers because they are the most experienced people before him.
His education makes him learn new things.
He knows:
“When the old cock crows, the young cock learns.”


0301-4220466 Subject Specialist (Eng)
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There is no doubt that education is the first and foremost duty of an ideal student and he
leaves no stone unturned to acquire knowledge. He never neglects his body. He takes regular
exercise. The development of body, mind and soul is necessary for an ideal student. By
taking exercise daily, his mental as well as physical faculties flourish. He knows that without
exercise health does not stay good. Therefore, he pays full attention to his health as well.
“There is a brilliant child locked inside every student.”

An ideal student practices to live on a simple diet, to wear simple dress and always thinks of
the well being of others. He is always humble and never becomes arrogant. He wins the
heart of others by his gentleness and politeness. The spirit of service to humanity is his chief
quality. He has courage to sacrifice for the welfare of others. He is kindhearted and helps
others in time of their need. He is selfless. Honest, truthful and industrious.
All the students who have above mentioned qualities are entitled to
be called “ideal”. They are valuable assets for their country, parents and develop the positive
habits of character and personality. This will not only brighten their own future, but also
strengthen their country and nation.

Aristotle said:
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a
refuge in adversity.”


0301-4220466 Subject Specialist (Eng)

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