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Edwin P. Hubble defines SCIENCE as:

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the
universe around him and calls the adventure Science.”

This modern age is the age of science. The influence of science can be
seen in every walk of life. Science has provided us with many wonders. We can fly in the air
like a bird. We can swim in the water like a fish. If our ancestors happen to visit the modern
world, they will not be able to recognize it. The world of today has completely changed.

Edward Teller said well:

“The science of today is the technology of tomorrow.”

The contribution of science can be seen in our daily life. It has

increased the happiness and comforts of human being greatly. It has made our domestic life
very painless. We have the latest electric appliances like heater, iron, air-conditioners,
cooker, washing-machine and refrigerator. Electricity is our maid-servant, which cooks meal
for us, heats water for us, washes and presses clothes for us. It brings us into light from
darkness. Food can also be preserved for a long time in the refrigerator. Thus a housewife
can enjoy more leisure time and can save a lot of the time.
Ralph Waldo Emerson praises science
“Science does not know its debt to imagination.”

Science has also made transportation very comfortable. There

are so many modes of travel available to us. We can travel by railway trains, motor cars,
buses or ships. Aero-planes have brought the different countries very close. Within a few
hours, we can travel thousands of miles away and reach different corners of the world.
Science has also revolutionised the methods of communications. We can talk with our
friends and relatives thousands of miles away from us with the help of modern scientific
devices like telephones and mobiles phones. We can also send messages to different parts
of our country and even to all corners of the world within a few minutes. Broadcasts made
from England, America or from any continent can be watched all over the world. This is the
reason that the world of today is titled as a “global village”.
Robert Stein praises technology:
“Technology is a wonderful tool and is capable of
Exploring wonders.
Today scientists have reached the Moon and the Mars.
Who knows what more blessings of science will confer on us tomorrow? The world of
tomorrow will be highly sophisticated in terms of science. The exposure of nature will reveal
countless hidden facts of this universe to us. Knowing the nature of unknown has become
the prime concern of this scientific era.
Anatole France exclaims:
Science has also helped mankind in fight against dangerous
diseases. It has lessened the sufferings and miseries of man. Many diseases which were
incurable in the past can be cured now. It has also worked wonders in the field of surgery.
Operations of delicate parts of the body like brain and heart can be carried out.


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Even transplantation of hearts, livers and kidneys has become possible. Science has helped
in wiping the tears of the suffering humanity.

Science has also done miracles in the field of

agriculture. It has helped us to cope with the ever increasing needs of the population on this
planet. Today we can get better and more food using the scientific methods. Manufacturing
of pesticides and wee-killers has made the plants immune to many diseases.
It has been well said:
“Science bas blessed us with wonders to wonder.”

But this is only one side of the picture. If in certain

aspects, it has proved to be a blessing; it has also acted as a curse in some other fields. It has
produced highly destructive weapons like atom bombs and hydrogen bombs which can
destroy the world in no time. During the Second World War millions of people were killed in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki when USA dropped atom bombs. If a Third World War takes place
in the near future, it may destroy all life on the earth as it will be nuclear war. Man was
never as insecure as he is today.

Martin Luther King Jr. rightly said:

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power We
Have guided missiles and misguided men.”

Science has opened up a whole new world of

entertainment. Entertainment is a source to take a breath of calmness in this modern world
of strife. But this opportunity of pleasure is also being used negatively. The entertainment
programmers on our media houses are often immoral. Vulgar movies, songs and pictures
are badly affecting our youth. They should be saved through proper check on media.
Internet is a great utility. It has put the whole knowledge of the world on our finger tips. But
it is also used negatively.
G. B. Shaw as said well:
“Science never solves a problem without creating ten more.”
We can conclude that there is nothing wrong with science in
particular terms. It is up to the man to decide whether he wants to use it for peaceful or
destructive purposes. Science is such a knowledge which can be turned both into a blessing
and a curse. But man should always use science for the promotion of peace, welfare and
happiness of mankind.
Jeremy Bentham opines:
“The effect of science is neither bad nor good. It is effect only
and it is our view point that describes it as good or bad.


0301-4220466 Subject Specialist (Eng)

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