04 Code

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The design and specification of work are in accordance with the following
codes and standards:
The design of the structural concrete follows the recommended practicesof:

• Saudi building code (SBC1101).

• Materials will generally follow the Saudi Standards, Metrology and
Quality Organization (SASO) & standard specifications of the American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).


Powerful structural programs ETABS & Safe, will be used to institute a
complete model of the project and the partial models of any of its
component. Excels sheet will be used to design the elements of the structure
as needed.


Design loads are determined according to SBC1101-2018 and the
requirements of the building occupancy, architectural and the
electromechanical design.

5.1 - Dead Loads (D)

Dead loads consist of the weight of the structure and all construction
elements of a permanent nature including elevations, cladding, partitions,
plaster, tiling, false ceilings, raised floors, mechanical and electrical fixed
equipment’s, roofing, and mainly fill for landscaping above the various
structures, and the contents of reservoirs measured at full capacity.
The following basic values are assumed:

Reinforced concrete 25.00

Block partition walls 20cm 14.40

Block partition walls 15cm 15.50

Block partition walls 10cm 17.50

Backfilling material (sand) 17.00

The following superimposed loads have been considered according to

theclient and architectural design requirements:

Gypsum board 0.12

Mechanical duct allowance 0.2

Covering & floor fill for floor & roof

10 cm finishing 1.70

20 cm finishing (Roof tiling + insulation system+

Foam Concrete)

Ac unit @ upper Roof 2.00

Fibber tanks’ location 10.00

5.2 - Live Loads (L)
Live loads consist of uniform live loads and, where required.
Uniform live loads are assumed unit loads that are sufficient to provide for
movable and transitory loads, such as the weight of people, furniture,
portable equipment which may be moved over on floors.
Special equipment live loads are based on information provided by the
owner and by the design team, for specific areas if any, and shall be applied
according to their sizes and shape.
Uniform live loads for the various type of occupation are considered as
Occupancy or use

All Floors (L) 2.00

Roof (Lr) 2.00

The load from Antenna if required to be installed on slab should beprovided

by the client.

5.3 - Flood Loads

Flood loads are neglected according to location, type and occupancy of the
building according to SBC 1101.

5.4 - Snow Loads

Snow loads are not applicable to KSA according to SBC 1101.
5.5 - Rain Loads (R)
Rain loads shall be permitted to ignore when assigning roof load of 2KN/M2
according to the provision (3A3.3.2.1 SBC1101)

5.6 - Ice Loads

Ice loads are not applicable to KSA according to SBC 1101.

5.7 - Seismic Loads (E)

Building Occupancy: Residential Villa/one family
Seismic coefficient accordance with (SBC-1101) with the followingfactors:

Risk Category II

Seismic Importance Factor, Ie 1.00

Soil Profile Description D
Site Classification D
The Mapped MCER acceleration parameter at shortperiod (Ss)
The site coefficients (Fa) 2.5
The MCER spectral response acceleration parameteradjusted (SMS)
Design earthquake spectral response acceleration
parameter at short period (SDS)
Seismic Design Category A
➢ According to provision (11.1.2-SBC301) the structure is seismic design
category A if Ss<=.15g.
➢ F= 0.01*W

5.8 - Wind Loads (W)

Building location: Khobar –Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The basic parameter of wind load accordance with (SBC-1101).These
parameters are:

Risk category II
The ultimate wind speed (V) 46 (meter persecond).
Wind directionality factor Kd 0.85
Exposure category B
Topographic factor Kzt 1.00
Gust effect factor 0.85
6 –The Basic Load Combinations.
Every building’s component is designed to withstand the most critical
effect resulting from the combination of factored loads as specified in the
Saudi building code.
6.1 Combination of factored loads (as per SBC 301-304-1101)
• CASE 1 = 1.4 D
• CASE 2 = 1.4 D + 1.7 L + 0.5 Lr
• CASE 3 = 1.2 D + + 1.6 Lr + 0.5 (L or 0.5W)
• CASE 4 = 1.2 D + 1.0 W + 0.5 L+ 0.5 Lr
• CASE 5 = 1.2 D + 1.0 E + L
• CASE 6 = 0.9 D + 1.0 W
• CASE 7 = 0.9 D + 1.0 E

6.2 Combination of nominal loads

• CASE 1 = D
• CASE 2 = D + L
• CASE 3 = D + Lr
• CASE 4 = D + 0.75 L+ 0.75 Lr
• CASE 5 = D + (0.6W OR 0.7E)
• CASE 6a = D + 0.75 L + 0.75(0.6W) + 0.75 Lr
• CASE 6b = D + 0.75 L + 0.75(0.7W)
• CASE 7 = 0.6 D + 0.6 W
• CASE 8 = 0.6 D + 0.7 E

7-1 Concrete properties

Reinforced concrete structures are designed in accordance with
(SBC1101). The materials described below are specified and used as abasis
for design.

• Cement: Cement shall conform to ASTM C150/C150M. Fly ash and

natural pozzolan shall conform to ASTM C618. Slag cement shall
conform to ASTM C989. Silica fume shall conform to ASTM C1240.

• Aggregates: Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33/C33M.

Maximum aggregate size:
The nominal maximum size of course aggregate shall not exceed one
–fifth the narrowest distance between side of forms or tree-fourths the
clear spacing between reinforcing bars or between a bar and the side
of the form.

• Admixtures: water reduction and setting time modification

admixture shall conform to ASTM C494.producing flowing concrete
admixture shall conform to ASTM C1017

• Water: water shall conform to ASTM C1602/C1602

The design compressive strength (F’c) of concrete, as measured and tested
on cylinders, at 28 days, will be as follows:


Plain Concrete 20 MPA

R.C Foundation 31 MPA

R.C Column Neck 31 MPA

R.C Ground Beam 31 MPA

Slab On Grad 25 MPA

R.C Columns 31 MPA

R.C Slabs 31 MPA

R.C walls 31 MPA

7-2 Steel reinforcement properties

Deformed bars of carbon steel shall conform to ASTM A615 (Grade-60).
Deformed wire & welded deformed wire shall conform to ASTM A1064
For carbon steel.

8.1 - Foundation
Foundations are designed according to the allowable bearing
capacity (0.90 kg/cm2) as mentioned in the investigation soil
Foundation is being design as a Raft. Dimensions and thickness
will be worked out meeting the flexure, punching and shear
requirements of the code.

8.2 - Columns and walls

Columns are designed to support vertical loads and the induced
lateral forces and moments, where required, from the wind load or
earthquake design (if the column forms a part of a frame).
Dimensions are chosen, in full coordination with the architect, in
order to suit both the structural requirements (in view of the
proposed concrete strength and the slenderness effect) and the
architectural layout and general arrangement.

8.3 - Floor slabs

Depending on spans dimension between supports, floor slabs are
designed as hollow block slabs with required thicknesses satisfying
the deflection and serviceability criteria as per the code.
8.4 - General considerations
• All structural elements design concept are based on the most
economical, Functional, safety requirements and practical considerations.

• To satisfy the stability of the building and the code serviceability





➢ Joist slab with hidden &drop beam

Table 5A-2: Minimum depth h for one-way joists support deflection insensitive
nonstructural elements

Slab thickness is 25 cm.

Time–dependent factor for sustained loads =2.0
Table 4C-2 Time-dependent Factor For Sustained Loads

Max permissible deflection is calculated according to the following table:

Table 4C-1 Maximum Permissible Calculated Deflection

Member Condition Deflection to be Deflection

Considered limitation
Flat Roofs Not Supporting or attached Immediate deflection due L/180
to nonstructural elements to maximum of Lrand R
Floors likely to bedamaged by large Immediate deflectiondue L/360
deflections to L
Roof or Supporting or Likely to be That part of the total L/480
Floors attached to damaged by deflection occurring after
non- structural largedeflections attachment of nonstructural
elements Not Likely to be element, Which is the due to L/240
damaged by all Sustained loads and the
largedeflections immediate deflection due to
any additional
Live load

- FOR deflection calculation:

LTD = case 1 – case 2 + case 3
Case 1 (nonlinear) = D + L
Case 2 (nonlinear) = D + 0.25 L
Case 3 (nonlinear-long term +cracked) = D + 0.25 L

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