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Submitted by: Allen Hartman/ MSLRP Business Manager

We all know that ours is a very alive and vibrant parish, but I suspect that we are large enough that no one person including our pastor fully knows just what the activity level for the past year has been. For this reason I am addressing some of the more significant statistics for this past fiscal year: POPULATION GROWTH: Just in terms of raw growth we started the new fiscal year on July 1, 2011 with a parish enrollment of 4815 families. This represents a net gain of 415 families (a growth rate of 9.5%) that has helped fuel the energy in our parish. We estimate that an additional 1,000 families regularly worship at the Parish, but are not yet registered. EVANGELIZATION: A total of 105 adults were received into the Church through the completion of the initial sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation! SACRAMENTS: Our Sacramental programs are alive and well, serving our growing membership. We celebrated with our church family 194 infant baptisms, and 32 weddings. We also mourned the loss of 74 of our parish family through funerals provided at the Parish. Our catechetical team also prepared the families of 164 children who received their First Holy Communion. Bishop Brom celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation for 81 youth and 12 adults. Each week, our Ministers to the Sick and Homebound visit approximately 150 parishioners who are unable to join us at Mass. This totals about 7800 home visits by our lay ministers in addition to sacramental visits by our priests. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: We also offer a full children and youth catechetical program. This program provides education and church formation for approximately 700 students in both English and Spanish. The classes are taught by over 90 volunteer catechists. OUR PARISH SCHO0L: OLD MISSION MONTESSORI SCHOOL: Our parish school, OMMS, serves approximately 230 students, 70% of whose families are registered members of the Parish. Religious instruction and regular School Masses are an essential part of the schools curriculum. OUTREACH: Our Social Concerns Department provided meals at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter to approximately 900 families. Thanks to your generous contributions throughout the year, this department also assists families with rent, prescription drugs, utility payments, clothing, house wares and non-perishable food items. CHANGES IN PARISH STAFF: With the retirement of Martha Sandling, our long-time bookkeeper, we welcomed Malia Campbell. With any change in personnel, comes new ideas and programs, so you have seen the addition of an online giving program to supplement our already successful Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) program. In addition when you register your children in a Religious Education program you may register and pay your fees on line thanks to Malia and Karen Willson. We also welcomed Lupe Rios as our Director of Worship & Liturgy. We have also seen tremendous growth in our music ministry and new energy in our liturgies, including the formation of Childrens and Youth choirs, and the inclusion of traditional music such as Gregorian and Taiz chant. FINANCES: Financially, our parish has not been immune from the Great Recession. Our financial position is a bit more precarious. As you can see from the accompanying charts, our expenses for the fiscal year ($1,529,402) exceeded our income ($1,398,593) by approximately $130,000.00. Part of this shortfall was made up with revenues from bingo, but we also internally borrowed money from other accounts. Those funds are now being repaid. Our revenue requirements for the new fiscal year (2011-12) have increased by approximately $3000.00 per week for a total of a $156,000 increase overall! This appears to be a huge amount. At present, the average weekly donation per adult member of the parish is $4.50 (versus the national average of $6.50). If each adult member of our Parish Family would contribute just $2.00 more each week, we would be able to meet all of our financial needs! Please take a look at the income and expense charts to see where our money comes from and how it is spent. Full financial statements are available from the Office, but please call for an appointment if you would like to review them. Thank you to all those in our parish family who serve in ministry, give of their time, their talent, and their treasure. Without you we would not be the strong and vibrant multicultural parish that serves our community here in Oceanside. Allen B. Hartman Business Manager For a detailed report, please see the back page of the bulletin.

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