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Welcome to AP European History! I am so excited about this course. It will be an informative

and insightful journey through the intellectual, social, political, economic, and cultural history of
Europe. Thank you for joining the class.
The summer assignment includes 5 videos and notes/questions, map work, and Chapter 1
terms and paragraphs. ALL the work is due on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. There will be bonus
points for work submitted early. EARLY dates are included BELOW!
It is imperative that your work be completed and ready to turn in the first day of school.
Preparation for the AP exam requires that we maintain a faithful, rigorous, and timely
adherence to the AP European curriculum framework and schedule. As with all AP classes,
writing will also be a significant component of the class.
ALL work MUST be completed according to the specific directions. DO NOT type work. Work
must be legible and grammatically correct. DO NOT work with any other student. Work should
be written in your own words. DO NOT merely copy straight from the text.
START with the following VIDEOS:Total Points for Videos (50 Points)
There are 5 Videos:
When we get back to school, we will have an OPEN NOTES video quiz worth 50 points! Students
will be allowed to use Preview Q 1-9 and FINAL graphic organizers (not pencil).
VIDEO Work should begin and end in the following way:
JG Video TITLE Period 1 (1450-1648)
ALL Work MUST have to HONOR Code on the BACK of the paper with your signature beside it.
“Before God, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this
Signature: ____________________________
EARLY DATES: Work should be stapled and in an envelope or folder.
VIDEOS— (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED June 10th
EARLY DATE: Chapter 1 Work TERMS: — (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED July 10
EARLY DATE: Chapter 1 Paragraphs: (+5) EARLY date POSTMARKED July 20
MAIL to KNOTT OR place in a plastic bin on my front porch (IT will have a SIGN on it).
513 Springwood Drive North
Mobile, Alabama 36608

ALSO—email KNOTT to let me know you turned in early work.

knottl@mcgill- I will email you back to let you know the work was received.

ALL early work will be graded by the 1st day of school.

ANY work NOT submitted early will be due on the FIRST day of school. Late assignments will
lose 5 points per day late (so the entire 4-part assignment will lose 20 points PER day late).
PREVIEW of Crash Course European History (6:36 minutes)
Write Questions in BLACK and Answers in BLUE.
1. What is the reason why John Green made a Crash Course series JUST on European
2. What is the TIME SPAN of this Crash Course series?
3. EXPLAIN in your own words why John Green calls Europe a MADE-UP idea?
4. What is the dividing line between Europe and Asia?
5. What’s the problem with southeast Europe?
6. What 4 big developments will be addressed in this John Green Series?
7. Why is it impossible to study European History in isolation? (3 examples of
8. IN 1300 what was Europe like politically?
9. What example does John Green give to show that the 700 years in his series is a small
Medieval Europe: Crash Course European History #1 (14:09 minutes)
WATCH and take PENCIL notes on a Graphic Organizer. THEN rewrite notes in different colors
on a separate graphic organizer KNOTT will explain in ZOOM session and/or have a copy in THIS
packet. YOU choose important MAIN-topics and sub topics USE separate colors for EACH
different topic Practice on PENCIL NOTES 1stDo not write sentences—write phases
Florence and the Renaissance: Crash Course European History #2 (14:34 minutes)
WATCH and take PENCIL notes on a Graphic Organizer. THEN rewrite notes in different colors
on a separate graphic organizer. YOU choose important MAIN-topics and sub topics USE
separate colors for EACH different topic Practice on PENCIL NOTES 1stDo not write sentences—
The Northern Renaissance: Crash Course European History #3 (14:01)

WATCH and take PENCIL notes on a Graphic OrganizerTHEN rewrite notes in different colors on
a separate graphic organizer. YOU choose important MAIN-topics and sub topics USE separate
colors for EACH different topic Practice on PENCIL NOTES 1stDo not write sentences—phases
The Age of Exploration: Crash Course European History #4 (15:39)
WATCH and take PENCIL notes on a Graphic OrganizerTHEN rewrite notes in different colors on
a separate graphic organizer. YOU choose important MAIN-topics and sub topicsUSE separate
colors for EACH different topicPractice on PENCIL NOTES 1stDo not write sentences—phases
MAP WORK due EARLY on July 1
HEADINGS for the maps vary—see below:
1. YOUR NAME Europe in 1450
PERIOD 1: (1450-1648)
PERIOD 3 (1815-1914)
3. YOUR NAME MODERN EUROPE: Period 4 (1914-2017)
ALL Work MUST have to HONOR Code at the bottom of the paper with your signature beside
“Before God, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this
Signature: ____________________________
A. PERIOD 1 (1450-1648 MAP)—Late Medieval Europe (attached to this handout) NUMBER
and OUTLINE as indicated:
1. Atlantic Ocean
2. North Sea
3. English Channel
4. Baltic Sea
5. Mediterranean Sea 6. Black Sea
7. Adriatic Sea
COUNTRIES: Number and OUTLINE as indicated:
8. Kingdom of Naples (blue outline)
9. Papal States (purple outline)
10. Sicily (red outline)
11.Sardinia (yellow outline)
12.Corsica (green outline)
13. Portugal (black outline)
14.Castile (yellow outline)
15.Aragon (green outline)
16.France (blue outline)
17.England (red outline)
18.Ireland (green outline)
19.Scotland (black outline)
20.Ottoman Empire (brown outline)
21.Russia (purple outline)
22.Holy Roman Empire (red outline)
23.Denmark (black outline)
24.Norway (red outline)
25.Sweden (yellow outline)
26.Poland (pink outline)
27.Hungary (orange outline)
2. RUSSIA 1900 (PERIOD 3: 1815-1914)
 Identify the numbered items on NOTEBOOK paper (# 1-12).
 Staple NB paper to the map.

3. MODERN EUROPE (PERIOD 4: 1914-present)

 Identify the numbered items on NOTEBOOK paper (# 1-34).
 Staple NB paper to the map OR submit to CANVAS
REQUIRED TEXT for this class:
Text information is on McGill website.
NOTE: Students will begin THINKING and preparing for the AP Exam in the fall and EXAM fees
will be paid in the fall.
Chapter 1 Heading (for terms and paragraphs)
YOUR NAMEChapter 1 Intro to Period 1 (1450-1648
Chapter 1 WORK!!
TERMS: 75 points
It is a useful study habit and technique to work with vocabulary/terms/ or people, places or
things. If you do these well, you will have a good set of notes for unit tests, quizzes and the all-
important AP exam. Since we will cover the Renaissance period at the beginning of school and
have a test within the first two-three weeks of school, these terms provide important
foundations for our first unit.
Listed below is a helpful guide to correctly “doing” or completing terms from an AP Euro site.
Please follow this format when completing your list.
Terms do not have to be in complete sentences, but they must be in your own words. The
TERMS are listed in the below. Savonarola is already done. You DO NOT have to rewrite it.
Do not copy from the book. Use your own words.TERMS MUST BE clearly handwritten and
should provide the following information:
Ø Who or what is it?
Ø When and where?
Ø What happened or what did they do?
Ø Was there anyone/anything else involved?
Ø Why did it happen? Why is it historically significant?
Ø If it is a person, you must include any books/works of art, etc. associated with
the person in the text
ATTENTION--Students MUST use MULTIPLE colors of BALLPOINT PENS OR fine point
 Dominican friar
 Florence (1452-1498)
 Concerned about morality of Florence and the corruption of its leaders, the de’ Medici
 Had a large following with his inflammatory sermons that warned about punishment
from God which Savonarola saw as French King Charles VII’s invasion in 1494.
 Savonarola became a leader of Florence for a time, instigating the “bonfires of the
vanities” until he was excommunicated by the Pope and killed.
 Shows instability of Italian city-states, the influence of stronger powers (France), and the
start of political domination of the Italian city states by foreign powers (France/ HRE)
CHAPTER 1 TERMS: Most of these are in the pages provided by MRS.KNOTT. It is ok to also
use 9th grade text or another source if not enough info is available.
1. Hundred Years War
2. Richard II (England)
3. John Huss
4. Dante
5. Leonardo da Vinci
6. Wars of the Roses
7. Henry V (England)
8. Avignon Papacy
9. Lorenzo Valla
10. Raphael
11. The Black Death
12. Pope Boniface VIII
13. The Great Schism
14. Pope Julius II
15. Joan of Arc
16. Philip the Fair
17. Humanism
18. Civic Humanism
19. Machiavelli
20. Edward III (England)
21. John Wycliffe
22. Petrarch
23. Michelangelo
24. 24. Brunelleschi
CHAPTER 1--PART 2: 4 paragraphs: KAGAN Chapter 155 points
1. In one paragraph, describe the social and economic consequences of the plague and decide
which consequence was the most significant and explain why. DO not use personal pronouns in
your answer. (10 points)
 TOPIC SENTENCE: mention multiple consequences
 At least 3 sentences within the paragraph to discuss the varied consequences
 CONCLUDING SENTENCE or 2: Explain which consequence was the most significant and
why it was the most significant.
2.In one LONG paragraph explain how the Hundred Years War contributed to the growing sense
of national identity in France and in England. (25 points)
o BEGIN with background contextualization about the nature of medieval
o Include at least 2 sentences on the causes of the war and link this to national
o Include at least 2 sentences on the progress of the war and link this to national
o Include at least 1 sentence on the impact of Joan of Arc and link this to national
o INCLUDE at least 2 sentences on strengths and weaknesses of each country and
link these topics to national identity.
o CONCLUDE with 2 sentences linking the growth of a national identity in England
and France with the 100 Years War.
3.In one paragraph describe the impact of Mongol rule on Russia’s development and decide
why impact had the greatest effect and explain why.(10 points)
 Begin with background contextualization describing how and when the Mongols came
to dominate Russia.
 Identify and discuss various effects of Mongol rule on Russia.
 CONCLUDING SENTENCE: Explain which consequence was the most significant and why
it was the most significant
th th
4.EVALUATE the most significant challenge to papal authority in the 14 and 15 centuries. (10
 Start with background contextualization discussing problems of the medieval Catholic
 Identify and describe challenges faced by the Pope in his attempt to maintain authority.
 CONCLUDING SENTENCE: EXPLAIN which challenge to papal was the most significant
and why.

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