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Report Date: 22 Mar 2019

Operate the Defense Advanced Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver (DAGR)
Status: Approved


Security Classification: U - Unclassified

Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors only Administrative and Operational purposes only. This determination was made on 12 MAR

2019. Insert ATSF-D 700 McNair Rd, Knox Hall, Fort Sill, OK 73503

Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document

Foreign Disclosure: FD3 - This training product has been reviewed by the developers in coordination with the FCoE foreign disclosure officer. This training product cannot be used to instruct

international military students.

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Conditions: Given a field environment, an operational Defense Advance Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver (DAGR); instructions to prepare
for movement from the Platoon Leader to lead the platoon convoy to the next location using DAGR. Some iterations of this task should be performed in

Standards: Operate the Defense Advanced Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver (DAGR) to within 100% accuracy to ensure it is functionally
operational for service as specified IAW TM 11-5820-1172-13&P.

Special Conditions: None

Safety Risk: Low

MOPP 4: Sometimes

Task Statements

Cue: Given a Warning Order (WARNO) from Platoon Leader stating the movement of equipment and personnel to a predetermined location.


If abused, lithium batteries can explode causing severe injury. Be sure to store batteries in original packaging
until ready to use and observe polarity during installation. Reverse polarity can cause damage to the battery
and DAGR.

DAGR displays a warning to prevent misuse of the present position as a target position that could cause
personal injury or death. After power-on and prior to the DAGR automatically displaying the Present Position
page, a warning stating your position is displayed, NOT the target position if the Fire Support page was used
or nonvolatile memory was cleared prior to power up.


Remarks: None

Notes: If applying power to DAGR in cold weather and the display does not come on, do not keep turning the unit off and then back on for power-up.
The DAGR has the capability for the user to enable a display heater, and without the heater enabled, the DAGR could take up to 20 minutes to become

To conserve battery, the DAGR should be kept warm before applying power, then kept warm in between usage such as keeping the DAGR inside the
vehicle or inside the users coat.

Under normal conditions, the DAR is fully functional following the power on procedure.
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If a more accurate position is needed, retrieve COMSEC key from S6 and enter into the DAGR within guidance of Unit SOP.

Ensure outside when DAGR or antenna positioned outside. DAGR uses Line of Site (LOS) with satellites.

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Performance Steps
1. Apply Power
Note: To determine the latest DAGR software version, refer to TM 11-5820-1172-13&P, Table 2-1.

The copyright displayed for the AN/PSN-13 during power on is 1989-2009.

a. Inspect primary battery and/or external power source connection.

b. Engage the PWR KEY to turn on DAGR.

Note: A display page briefly appears indicating the DAGR software and hardware versions.

2. Verify Power-On Status Message.

Note: Following power-on, if any of the following conditions exist, a message requiring operator acknowledgement appears. If an AN/PSN-13A or
an AN/PSN-13B DAGR is not loaded with CV keys, two messages must be acknowledged after power-on that warn the user to load CV keys. After this,
a third warning message must be acknowledged every ten minutes until the DGR is loaded with CV keys. This is normal operation if the DAGR is not
loaded with CV keys, the DAGR is not defective.

If any error messages appear, refer to TM 11-5820-1172-13&P.

a. Confirm SELF TEST has PASSED/FAIL and Battery Used/Left.

Note: Self Test is always displayed. Battery Used/Left is displayed using internal primary battery power only.


Note: POWER indicates external power being used. Displayed when external power only.

Days Remaining, if CVw or BCVm (black CV monthly) key is loaded, indicates days remaining in mission; and also indicates if enough CV keys are
loaded for mission duration.

3. Acquire Current Position.

Note: If the DAGR has been customized and SV Sky View page is not included in the POS page set, then the DAGR uses the SV Sky View page of
the Satellite submenu page set. While the SV Sky View page is displayed, the operator can push and hold the POS key to manually go to the Present
Position page.

If the DAGR is not tracking satellites, the display will blink and the Present Position page displays the last position recorded by the receiver before
being turned off.

After the Power-On Status display times out or is acknowledged, the DAGR displays the SV (Satellite Vehicle) Sky View page with satellite acquisition
status appearing at the top. Initially, status is displayed as Acquiring SVs..., followed by Navigating. After DAGR has acquired current position, the unit
automatically switches to the Present Position page of the POS page set and displays position coordinates. During satellite acquisition, the PAGE or
QUIT keys can be used to access the Present Position page.

4. View the SV Sky View Page.

Note: The SV Sky View is part of the POS page set containing commonly used pages. The page displays information on visible and tracked

5. View the Present Position Page.

6. Adjust the Keypad/Display Lighting.

Note: This adjustment method is also made by highlighting the Display Lighting field, pushing the ENTER key, then using editing techniques to
change the display lighting value.

a. Push the MENU key twice to display Main Menu.

b. Select Display Setup, push ENTER key.

c. Select Light/Contrast, push ENTER key.

d. Push the respective up or down cursor control key.

Note: The Display Lighting field percentage value and slider control adjust by one percent for each push of the up or down cursor control key.
For larger adjustments, push and hold the up or down cursor key.

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When position data fields blink between black and gray text, the DAGR is not tracking satellites or has not yet
acquired present position. Field data may be inaccurate when the DAGR does not have a position fix. Be
sure the DAGR has an open view of the sky. Current position is necessary before accurate navigation of
waypoints and routes can be accomplished.

7. Perform Manual Initialization.

Note: Manual Initialization may be needed when the DAGR has difficulty obtaining current position coordinates, or DAGR datum is mismatched with
present position.

a. Power DAGR on

(1) Push PWR key

(2) Push ENTER keys as prompted to acknowledge start up displays.

b. Access Present Position page.

(1) Push and hold the POS key.

(2) Verify the Present Position page is displayed.

c. Initial setup

(1) Select datum

(a) Access Present Position page, push MENU key.

(b) Locate SELECT DATUM, push ENTER key

Note: A Datum list appears.

(c) Locate geographical map used, push ENTER key.

Note: Display returns to Present Position page with datum change made to upper right corner of the field.

(2) Select coordinate/grid system.

(a) Access Present Position page, push ENTER key.

(b) Locate SELECT COORD/GRID, push ENTER key.

Note: A Coordinate/Grid system list appears.

(c) Locate coordinate/ grid system needed, push ENTER key.

Note: Display returns to the Present Position page with the coordinate/grid system change made to the upper left corner of top field.

(d) Select units of measure or references.

(3) Configure initialization data(position, time, ground speed, and track)

Note: Entering data may not be necessary if a current almanac (satellite position and time data) is available. The DAGR is capable of tracking
satellites and acquiring a current almanac in Continuous, Fix, Average, and Time Only operation modes. Observe the SV Sky View page for satellite
tracking and almanac information.

DAGR ground speed must be greater than 0.56 meters per second (1.25 MPH, 2 KPH, or 1.1 knots) to initialize track.

(a) Access Present Position page, push ENTER key. Scroll through and view fields. Edit field content to configure initialize data for current
geographical location.

(b) Select desired field, push ENTER key.

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Note: For list editors, scroll to the desired field content and push ENTER key. For text or numeric editors, refer to procedures in TM-11-
5820-1172 13&P Paragraph and Paragraph

(c) View Present Position page with changes made to field content.

(4) Select Continuous Operating mode.

(a) Access Present Position page, push MENU key.

(b) Locate SELECT OP MODE, push ENTER key.

(c) Select CONTINUOUS, push ENTER key.

Note: If a message is displayed instructing the operator to acknowledge initialization is required, push ENTER key.

(d) View Present Position page with operating mode change in lower right corner of field.

If expecting to operate in conditions where tracking satellites is not possible (such as entering a cave), the
DAGR should be placed in Standby mode prior to entering these conditions. If done, the DAGR performs a
direct Y- code acquisition (if keyed) when set back to a tracking mode in unobscured conditions. If the DAGR
is left in a tracking ,ode for a period of one hour while obscured, the ability to perform direct Y-code
reacquisitions may be lost. To correct this, cycle the DAGR to Standby mode and back to a tracking mode.

When attempting to acquire satellites after the signals have been blocked for a period of time (e.g,, When
exiting a cave), acquisition time may be improved by momentarily cycling the unit to Standby mode and then
back to the previous operating mode.

(5) Observe Present Position page.

Note: If Present Position page is not already displayed, push and hold POS key until present position page is obtained. The display position
data fields stop blinking when the DAGR has obtained a current position fix (wait approximately one minute). This current position data replaces any
position data entered manually.

DAGR is initialized with information corresponding to the current geographical location.

(6) Observe SV Sky View page.

Note: If Present Position page is not already displayed, push and hold POS key until Present Position page is obtained.

Repeatedly push the PAGE key until the SV Sky View page is obtained. Satellite acquisition can be monitored from this page.

8. Select Operating Mode.

Note: The DAGR mode of operation can be selected from the Present Position page menu, GPS Setup page, SV Sky View Page menu, or
Receiver Status display menu. The following procedure uses the Present Position page menu.

a. Push and hold POS key until Present Position page is displayed.

b. Push QUIT key to unhighlight any fields.

c. Push MENU key.

d. Locate SELECT OP mode, push ENTER key.

e. Select desired Op Mode, push ENTER key

Note: Display returns to the Present Position page displaying the selected operating mode below the present position coordinates.

9. Power Off the DAGR.

Note: When in the OFF mode, the DAGR maintains crypto keys, waypoints, routes, and setup data providing either primary power, memory power,
or external power is available. Perform the following procedure to turn the DAGR off.

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a. Push and hold PWR key, wait 30 seconds.

b. Push ENTER key for immediate turn off.

(Asterisks indicates a leader performance step.)

Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier a “GO” if all steps are passes (P). Score the Soldier a “NO-GO” if any steps are failed (F). If the Soldier
fails any step, show the Soldier what he/she did wrong and how to do it correctly.

Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure that all information, references and equipment required to perform the task are available. Use the
performance measure and the references to score the Soldier’s performance. Brief the Soldier, tell the Soldier what to do IAW the Task, Conditions and


1. Turned on the DAGR.
2. Verified Power-On Status Message.
3. Acquired Current Position.
4. Viewed the SV Sky View Page.
5. Viewed the Present Position Page.
6. Adjusted the Keypad/Display Lighting.
7. Performed Manual Initialization.
8. Selected Operating Mode.
9. Powered Off the DAGR.

Supporting Reference(s):

Step Reference ID Reference Name Required Primary Source Information

01-516-8038, AN/PSN-13A NSN 5825-01-
526-4783, AN/PSN-13B NSN 5825-01-590-

TADSS : None

Equipment Items (LIN):

LIN Name
N96248 Navigation Set: Satellite Signals AN/PSN-13

Materiel Items (NSN) :

Step ID NSN LIN Title Qty

No materiel items specified

Environment: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning.
Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training
resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to the current Environmental Considerations manual and the current
GTA Environmental-related Risk Assessment card. Safety is the responsibility of all Soldiers and DA civilians to protect the environment from damage.
AR 200-1 delineates TRADOC responsibilities to integrate environmental requirements across Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership
and Education, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF) and ensure all training procedures; materials and doctrine include sound environmental practices
and considerations. The Army's environmental vision is to be a national leader in environmental and natural resource stewardship for present and future
generations as an integral part of all Army missions. This Lesson Plan Package meets this standard. Environmental protection is not just the law but the
right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and
missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects.
Refer to ATP 3-34.5 Environmental Considerations and GTA 05-08-002 ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT.

Safety: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with current Risk Management Doctrine. Leaders will
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complete the current Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet in accordance with the TRADOC Safety Officer during the planning and completion of each
task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC).
Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed
during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW
current CBRN doctrine. Safety is of the utmost importance in any training environment. During the training process, commanders will utilize the 5-Step
Risk Management process to determine the safest and most complete method to train. Every precaution will be taken during the conduct of training.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility, so stay alert and recognize, mitigate, and report hazardous conditions immediately.

Prerequisite Individual Tasks : None

Supporting Individual Tasks : None

Supported Individual Tasks : None

Supported Collective Tasks : None

Knowledges :
Knowledge ID Knowledge Name
K1171 Know the location, purpose, and function of the DAGR (AN/PSN-13)
K2440 Know microcomputer operating systems and applications
K0786 Know how to interpret data on computers
K2442 Know how to connect different types of connectors
K0784 Know how to identify components
K0817 Know how to read DAGR Screen
K0820 Know how to read the DAGR Operator's Pocket Guide
K2443 Know how to detect problems with batteries

Skills :
Skill ID Skill Name
S0168 Disconnects the DAGR
S0189 Operate the DAGR in a certain sequence
S0164 Connect the DAGR to the Host Platform
S0167 Differentiate between types of connectors

ICTL Data : None

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