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The Reflective Essay format for a QUOTE

WORD COUNT: 700-1000 words

I. Introduction (6-8 sentences):

A. Hook (rhetorical question/general statement/quote) (1 sentence).
B. Transition smoothly from the hook to mentioning the quote and the person behind the
quote (1 sentence)
C. Further explanation of the meaning of the quote (1-2 sentences).
D. Elaboration: Further explanation of the quote (1 sentence).
E. The theme (what kind of issue does the quote cover; a social issue or psychological
issue or educational or environmental issue?)
F. Thesis statement (1 long sentence which provides a hint to the reader on what will be
discussed in the essay): Your agreement or disagreement with the quote, based on
your feelings/personal experience and general knowledge, the research conducted and
the impact it has on the society (and the world).

II. 1st body paragraph (Reflective Paragraph-feelings and thoughts) (9-10

A. Topic sentence (1 sentence)
B. Thoughts? What do you agree with? Why? OR What do you disagree with? Why?
What have you come to realise as a result of this thought process.
C. What are your feelings about the situation? (check pages 23-25 in the handout for the
vocabulary you are expected to use in this part of the paragraph)
D. How far can you relate to this situation? (Refer to your real-life experience, a
member of your family or friend’s experience, a real account of something
similar that you perhaps read in a book, or a saw in a documentary/talk
show/news/face book post) (refer to pages 26-28 in the handout to introduce you to
reflection vocabulary/phrases).
E. Decisions i.e., What would you change about this experience? What would you do
differently in a similar experience? What would you do if you were to experience a
similar situation?
F. Concluding sentence (1 sentence)

III. 2nd body paragraph (Use 2 online sources to support the ideas previously
mentioned in the 1st body paragraph) (9-10 sentences):
A. Topic sentence (1 sentence) i.e., many researchers have provided evidence in attempt
to explain this issue in great detail.
B. Research, data (facts/statistics) or studies done to prove the above-mentioned ideas
through i.e., definition/history/statistics/causes/effects on different stakeholders-only
include what is relevant (use 2 sources to either support or refute the author’s
C. What is the opinion of credible scientists/researchers/public figures/celebrities?
D. Concluding sentence (1 sentence).

IV. 3rd body paragraph Relate this problem to your community/society/country and
the rest of the world (9-10 sentences):
A. Topic sentence:
B. Elaboration: Example/Incident:
C. Effects
D. Suggested solutions or effective solutions done to overcome/minimise the above-
mentioned issue.
E. Concluding sentence/Wrap up (1 sentence)

V. Conclusion (5-6 sentences):

A. Restate your thesis statement (1 sentence).
B. Sum up the main points that were mentioned in the essay (2 sentences).
C. Add your personal recommendations or advice (1-2 sentences).
D. What did you learn (lessons learnt)? How can it be applied in the future? (1-2

Focus on the usage of language to express the following:

- Feelings and thoughts

- Impressions and reactions
- Hopes and regrets
- Plans and decisions

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