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IADC/SPE 87966

Heavy Oil Development: Summary of Sand Control and Well Completion Strategies
Used with Multilateral Applications
Travis W. Cavender, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Copyright 2004, IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition
Trinidad and Venezuela. It will also explore new synergistic
This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology technologies that will impact future development strategies.
Conference and Exhibition held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13–15 September 2004.

This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling Multilateral well-construction technology continues to gain
Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s).
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the International global acceptance as an economically viable and effective
Association of Drilling Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers, their officers, or
members. Papers presented at IADC/SPE meetings are subject to publication review by
heavy oil field development strategy. Heavy crude oils, which
Editorial Committees of the International Association of Drilling Contractors and Society of are typically identified as having API gravities of <20 degrees
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling and viscosities of >1000 centipoise, represent an estimated 5.5
Contractors and Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print trillion barrels of global reserves. These heavy oils are
is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The
proposal must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was traditionally found in weak, unconsolidated sandstone
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax
01-972-952-9435. reservoirs that require some form of lateral borehole support
and/or sand control solution. Another key to successful heavy
oil exploitation is reservoir exposure which increases the
mobility of high viscosity liquids within the reservoir matrix.
Multilateral drilling technology has been used in many heavy-
Proven reservoir exposure techniques such as horizontal
oil developmental projects to achieve maximum reservoir
drilling and well completion technologies have been further
exposure from a single surface location. The wellbore
enhanced through the successful integration of these
geometry and completion strategies for multilateral wells are
technologies into multilateral well construction strategies1.
planned and customized to fit the known reservoir
Lateral access must always be a primary consideration
characteristics and sand distribution qualities. Typically,
when planning the completion type and junction requirements
heavy oil reserves are found in unconsolidated sandstone
for any heavy-oil development. If lateral access might be
reservoirs that require some form of sand exclusion strategy
required during the life of the well, there are several re-entry
across the reservoir as well as at the lateral mainbore junction
techniques that can be deployed with the primary completion
interface. In heavy-oil sand, effective sand-control strategies
system as well as with remedial strategies. Lateral sand
must be carefully planned since one of the difficult problems
control methods have ranged from perforated and/or slotted
to address in heavy-oil targets is their natural tendency to
liners to horizontal gravel-pack methodologies. In-zone
suspend formation solids, often referred to as Basic Solids and
junction placements usually require a sealed junction, which
Water (BS&W) solids. An effective sand control strategy
minimizes and/or eliminates formation sand production. If the
should allow these solids to be produced to surface and
junction placement is in a competent shale section above the
separated by the production facility. The remainder of the
reservoir target, a non-sealed junction may suffice.
solids can be controlled, based on the sand-distribution
While the primary objective of multilateral well
qualities. If the formation sand is uniform, liner-only
construction is reservoir exposure, an optimal lateral design
completions can be used for effective sand exclusion without
must be chosen for the completion also and integrated into the
sacrificing rate. If the formation sand is non-uniform, gravel
overall well construction strategy. The lateral completion
packing will be required. For this reason, regardless of the
requirements must consider two issues. The first issue is
well scenario, the gravel pack or liner only completion should
effective reservoir-completion interface, which must also be
allow BS&W solids to pass through and be produced to the
considered in conventional, single heavy-oil wells.
Traditional heavy-oil horizontal completion methods range
Most heavy oil development areas use artificial lift such as
from openhole perforated liners to horizontal gravel packing.
PCP and ESP pumps. All multilateral completion strategies
The extent of lateral sand control or borehole support
must always consider the lift strategy, the ID requirements for
requirements will vary and depend on issues such as reservoir
pump deployment as well as necessary sand exclusion
lithology, oil viscosity, BS&W solids content along with the
requirements for the pump.
solids-handling capacity of the surface facility.
The paper examines successful multilateral completion
The other multilateral completion component one must
strategies used in heavy-oil development projects in Canada,
consider relates to the lateral junction requirements. While
2 IADC/SPE 87966

there are various completion methods that connect the lateral limitations may require some form of downhole sand
completion to the parent wellbore, issues such as lateral flow exclusion such as slotted liners, screens and/or gravel packs.
control, junction isolation, and solids control and re-entry While the heavy oil deposits are typically found in relatively
capabilities must be considered. Furthermore, knowledge of high permeabilities, artificial lift is generally employed to
the reservoir lithology surrounding the proposed lateral optimize production rates3.
junction depth is also crucial to determining the junction
completion requirements. Drainage Architecture. Advanced drainage architecture is
While the growth of multilateral technology continues to an important aspect in providing optimum reservoir contact in
advance into areas such as deepwater and tight-gas heavy oil multilateral development projects. While horizontal
development, heavy-oil applications still make up roughly 70 drilling and completion techniques provide the maximum
percent of all multilateral installations world wide. Another reservoir exposure, different types of multilateral drainage
interesting point is that most of these wells are in an onshore strategies exist. The most common drainage strategies are
cost environment where economics are closely and gullwing, stacked, and fishbone designs. Fig. 2 is a depiction
continuously scrutinized. In these circumstances, economic of these configurations. Under these multilateral drainage
justification for multilateral implementation is achieved strategies, multiple laterals or branches are strategically
through reduced field development and construction costs positioned across the reservoir and extend back to a single
along with the potential of reservoir value enhancement. mainbore casing. Proper reservoir engineering and planning
should consider the location of the mainbore/lateral junction,
Heavy Oil Multilaterals – Value Proposition reservoir exposure (including lateral length requirements), and
Reservoir Exposure: Increased reservoir exposure is one of the completion design that is optimum for the conditions.4
the key benefits to the implementation of multilateral
technology2. As mentioned above, reservoirs containing high- Artificial Lift and Cold Production. Due to high viscosity,
viscosity fluids such as heavy crudes are by far the most heavy oils require artificial lift to overcome friction and
popular application for multilateral well construction. Heavy- maintain optimal producing rates. All heavy-oil multilaterals
oil producers mandate maximum reservoir contact from fewer installed to date have been cold produced using artificial lift
surface locations. In addition to the economical advantage, systems such as progressive cavity pumps (PCP), electric
fewer surface locations also equate to a reduction in the submersible pumps (ESP) and gas lift (GS). GS and ESP
environmental impact involved with most field development systems can be completed to provide interventionless lateral
projects. A reservoir drainage strategy, which is accomplished access, whereas PCP-produced wells require rig intervention.
through the advances in horizontal drilling and multilateral ESP systems work well for heavy crudes; however, produced
technology, provides a borehole drill path and conduit to take solids have a negative impact on the pump life and
the wellbore to the hydrocarbon rather than bringing the maintenance. Diluent injection, typically Naphtha, has been
hydrocarbon to the wellbore. The economics of enhanced used extensively to reduce friction pressure by increasing the
reservoir exposure are further magnified through improved oil gravity. Wellhead, pump and toe diluent injection
hydrocarbon recovery and sweep efficiencies as well as techniques are used in conjunction with PCP completions.5
through the time value of rate acceleration and higher facility
output. Steam Assist. Thermal recovery methods such as Huff ‘n’
Puff and Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) have
Recovery Efficiencies. Simply put, increased reservoir proven to be very effective recovery techniques when used on
contact enhances sweep and reservoir drainage efficiencies. conventional single-lateral wells. While multilaterals
Furthermore, increased reservoir exposure also reduces applications have not deployed these recovery methods,
drawdown, which in turn, minimizes the incidents of water drilling and completion systems are available to permit the use
coning and gas breakthrough. Reduced drawdown will also of such techniques (Figs. 3 and 4).
minimize sand production and provide optimum lateral
contribution at accelerated rates. Multilateral Classifications and Sand Control
Multilateral classifications have been categorized by the
Time Value and Rate Acceleration. Heavy-oil asset value Technology Advancement for Multi-Laterals, also known as
can be affected substantially by rate acceleration and the TAML (Fig 5). The lithology surrounding the proposed
economics related to operation of the surface facility. More junction area, solids control, and zonal isolation requirements
laterals increase reservoir exposure, which accelerates will dictate the necessary TAML classification. Under the
hydrocarbon recovery through increased flow rates. Higher TAML classification, Level 1 multilaterals are openhole
output improves facility utilization and prolongs economic junctions, and typically, used in natural fractured carbonate or
viability. limestone formations. Since Level 1 junctions do not provide
hole stability or sand control across the junction area, they will
Heavy Oil and Flow Assurance not be discussed. Following are definitions of the other
Heavy-oil deposits are typically found in shallow, TAML levels used in heavy-oil development.
unconsolidated reservoirs. Without reservoir exposure,
productivity will be low due to the high viscosity of the Level 2: The Level 2 junction can be described as an openhole
produced fluids. These high-viscosity liquids also have a junction extending from a cased and cemented mainbore. This
natural tendency to suspend solids (Fig 1). Surface facility type of junction can either have an openhole section extending
IADC/SPE 87966 3

from the junction to the lateral TD, or a drop liner can be junction are cemented into place, the laterals are drilled
deployed into the lateral for borehole support. In either case, individually and tied back to the junction with some form of
the mainbore lateral junction remains exposed to the formation cemented lateral liner and hanger assembly. If the junction is
surrounding the junction area and does not provide flow installed in-zone, slotted liners or screens are typically used in
isolation and/or pressure integrity across the junction. Since place of cemented liners. The differential pressure rating
the formation lithology surrounding the junction area is across the junction will vary and depends on the type and size
critical, the junction is commonly placed in a carbonate or of the junction equipment.
stable shale environment.
Lateral Sand Control. As previously mentioned, effective
Level 3: The Level 3 junction begins as a Level 2 in that a lateral sand control can range from slotted liners to gravel
lateral borehole is drilled from a cased and cemented packing. The reservoir lithology along with the surface solids
mainbore. The exception is that a lateral completion handling capability will dictate the extent of sand exclusion.
assembly, typically a slotted liner or screen, is deployed into Another common producing strategy is to provide borehole
the lateral and tied-back to the mainbore using a lateral liner support using slotted/perforated liners but co-produce the
hanger device. While the hanger device does not provide formation sand with the heavy crude. Cold heavy-oil
positive isolation across the junction, it does effectively production with sand is also known as “CHOPS.”6 In offshore
connect the lateral conduit back to the mainbore completion at environments, where effective downhole sand exclusion is
the junction. The Level 3 junction will have a slight ID required, customized mesh screens and gravel packs are
restriction through the hanger, which may hamper some common.
completion requirements. While Level 3 hybrids exist that
can be cemented back to the junction, they are traditionally Junction Isolation and Sand Control. Under the TAML
categorized by TAML as a non-cemented junction. Since the junction classification, there are fit-for-purpose multilateral
Level 3 system provides no pressure seal junction, it should be systems that provide various degrees of sand-control
placed in a carbonate or stable shale formation that is not protection. The key to determining the proper system requires
susceptible to solids production or borehole collapse. thorough understanding of the formation lithology
surrounding the proposed junction depth. If junction stability
Level 4: The Level 4 junction begins as a lateral borehole is questionable, or if there is a nearby water sand, consider a
extending from a cased and cemented mainbore. The junction different junction depth and lithology or choose multilateral
construction involves cementing a lateral liner back to the equipment that provides pressure isolation at the junction.
mainbore. The lateral liner can be cemented entirely or can be
staged cemented above an external casing packer which Retrofits and Conversions. A multilateral junction may
protects a slotted liner or screen installation. While the require a pressure seal or pack-off across the junction area if
cement acts as a solids control and flow barrier, it can not be the formation surrounding the junction begins to produce sand
considered as a positive hydraulic seal. Once the lateral liner and/or water. There are differing degrees of junction
is cemented, the lateral remnant inside the mainbore is completion equipment that can provide low- or high- pressure
removed using a wash over and retrieval technique. After the isolation (Figs. 6 and 7). While these systems provide some
wash over is completed, Level 4 construction provides a full- level of pressure isolation, flow segregation and lateral
opened casing ID through the junction area, which permits the accessibility requirements must be considered during the
deployment of large-OD submersible pumps. The Level 4 selection process as well.
junction is ideal for heavy oil applications where solids
production can be isolated using cement. Multilateral Planning and Construction Issues
Risk Mitigation. Multilateral drilling and completion
Level 5: The Level 5 junction can be described as a pressure applications encompass many aspects of conventional well
seal that is established by the completion equipment across the construction, and that is why it is perceived to be a risky
junction. Packers and/or seal bores are used in conjunction proposition. In reality, risk mitigation can be optimized by
with dual tubing strings to obtain a three-way pressure seal. understanding risk and their interconnected relationship
The completion configuration can provide segregated or between each well-construction phase.
commingled flow to surface. Because the flow isolation is
obtained by the completion, the Level 5 junction completion Debris Management: In new-well multilateral construction,
system has been used to retrofit a L2, L4 and L6 junction. The pre-milled windows are an excellent debris management tool.
vast majority of Level 5 junctions have been installed from Pre-milled windows have an outer composite or aluminum
cemented Level 4 constructions. Level 5 junctions are well jacket that totally eliminates metal cuttings associated with
suited for flow-segregated installations that mandate high multilateral window construction. They also provide full
differential pressure ratings or for in-zone junction gauge lateral drill out. The window joint is placed in the
construction that requires a positive pressure seal to isolate parent-bore casing string and positioned at the desired junction
formation fluid and/or solids. depth prior to cementing. To achieve 3000 psi working
pressure during the cement job, the composite wrapped
Level 6: The Level 6 junction provides a pressure seal, which window joint requires an internal pressure sleeve, whereas the
is established by the casing. The systems are typically aluminum-wrapped joint does not (Fig. 8). The internal sleeve
deployed at the bottom of a casing string. Once the casing and is removed in the composite-wrapped window after the
4 IADC/SPE 87966

cementing job is complete and before mainbore drilling hanger. Total reservoir exposure was approximately 15,000
commences. feet.

Drilling and Completion Sequence. To date, most Case History 2: Level-4 with Gravel Pack – Trinidad: As
multilateral wells are drilled and completed from the bottom with single lateral wells, gravel packing of multilateral wells
up. Typically, the lower lateral is drilled as an extension from may be required if non-uniform reservoir sand qualities exist.
the bottom of the mainbore across a designated reservoir. This Such was the case with this well in Trinidad. This heavy oil
can be done using conventional drill mud or special, less- multilateral well was constructed in an unconsolidated
damaging drill-in fluids. Once drilled, a slotted liner, screen sandstone reservoir which contained 12-to-18 API gravity
assembly or gravel pack is installed into the lateral borehole crude. The lower lateral penetrated a separate lobe of the
and tied-back to the bottom of the mainbore casing. Next, a reservoir than the upper lateral. A 9-5/8-in. mainbore casing,
packer/plug configuration or bridge plug is installed in the which also contained a pre-milled window section, was used.
mainbore casing above the lower-lateral completion before the The inclination at the window joint was approximately 60
drilling whipstock is installed, and drilling commences on the degrees. The lower lateral extended horizontally for
upper lateral. With this scenario, each lateral is completed approximately 1200 feet from the bottom of the mainbore
prior to drilling the next. casing across the reservoir (Fig. 10). It was gravel packed
using a pressure-maintenance horizontal completion system
Lateral Re-entry. Lateral access can be provided by the with 5-1/2-in. premium mesh screens. Once the lower lateral
completion equipment installed across the junction area or by was completed, it was temporarily isolated while the upper
remedial means using coiled tubing or multilateral service lateral was constructed.
tools. If lateral access will be required for remedial logging Approximately 600 feet of 8-1/2-in. upper lateral borehole
and/or coiled-tubing applications, the completion equipment was drilled from the mainbore pre-milled window down to the
can be configured to provide access that does not require the top of the reservoir. Seven-in. casing was then deployed and
removal of the production tubing. Rigless intervention and cemented back into the 9-5/8-in. mainbore. Once the 7-in.
lateral access can be provided on ESP and gas-lift production casing was cemented into place, a 6-in. horizontal section was
systems. drilled across the reservoir for approximately 1000 feet. The
upper lateral was gravel packed using a pressure maintenance
Flow Segregation and Isolation. Most heavy-oil horizontal completion system with 3-1/2-in. premium mesh
multilaterals have commingled flow configurations and do not screens. Total reservoir exposure was approximately 2,200
require flow segregation. However, several Level 5 feet.
completion systems provide flow segregation and can be
consolidated into the overall completion strategy.7 These Case History 3: Level-4 with Slotted Liner – Venezuela:
systems are compatible with slotted liner and gravel-pack As with any heavy oil project, this customer wanted to place
applications, and also, offer rigless lateral re-entry capabilities. two additional laterals into the reservoir from the same surface
location. The mainbore had 9-5/8-in. casing that included two
Lateral Clean-up and Flow Optimization. As previously pre-milled window systems (Fig. 11). The inclination at the
mentioned, most heavy-oil multilateral wells use artificial-lift windows joints was approximately 80 degrees. A 7-in. slotted
methods. To simplify the unloading process, the laterals are liner was deployed in the mainbore lateral borehole extending
unloaded and cleaned up simultaneously. However, if flow- from the 9-5/8-in. casing shoe. Seven-inch slotted-liner
segregated lateral clean-up is necessary to optimize lateral assemblies were also deployed in the middle and upper
clean-up and establish base line production data, an ESP or laterals. Both the middle and upper lateral assemblies
gas-lift completion system that does not require rig included an ECP and cementing stage collar above the slotted
intervention can be configured. liner section. Once the lateral liner was positioned on depth,
the ECP was inflated and cemented from the cementing collar
Heavy Oil Case Histories back into the mainbore casing. The lateral sections were
Following case histories of heavy oil developments in which drilled and lined from the bottom up. Once the laterals were
multilateral technology was successfully applied. cemented into place, the tops of each lateral assembly, also
known as the transition joints, were washed over, re-
Case History 1: Level-3 with Slotted Liner – Canada establishing the mainbore casing drift through each junction
This heavy oil multilateral project was installed in an area. The oil gravity was ~9 degree API, and the total
unconsolidated sandstone reservoir that contained 14-degree reservoir exposure was approximately 15,000 feet.
API gravity crude (Fig. 9). The mainbore of the well was
drilled horizontally and cased with a 7-in. liner, which Case History 4: Level-3 with Slotted Liner – Venezuela:
included three premilled windows that were oriented to be This multilateral system was installed using a 9-5/8-in pre-
drilled in the same parallel direction. Each of the laterals were milled casing window. The inclination at the window was 66
drilled and lined with 3-1/2-in. slotted liners back to the degrees at a relatively shallow depth of 1,800 ft (Fig. 12). The
mainbore. An external casing packer (ECP) was installed reservoir contained extra heavy oil with an API gravity of 9
above each slotted liner for isolating formation sand degrees. The mainbore lateral was drilled and lined, using a 7-
production in the slotted liner annulus. The slotted liners were in. slotted liner assembly. The liner was tied back to the 9-
connected back to the mainbore using a Level 3 mechanical 5/8-in. casing with a conventional liner hanger packer. The
IADC/SPE 87966 5

upper lateral borehole was drilled using an 8-1/2-in. bit, and Acknowledgments
also, was lined using a 7-in. slotted liner. The upper lateral The author wishes to thank the management of Halliburton
liner was tied back to the mainbore using a large bore hanger. Energy Services, Inc. for permission and encouragement to
An 8-ft annular casing packer (ACP) was inflated just outside publish this paper as well as the operators who have been
the window for solids isolation from the slotted liner annulus. instrumental in proving these technologies.
Total reservoir exposure was over 8000 feet.
Multilateral Progression 1. Stalder, J.L., York, G.D., Kopper, R.J., Curtis, C.M., Cole, T.L.,
Several advanced technologies are providing new and Copley, J.H.: “Multilateral-Horizontal Wells Increase Rate
opportunities to further enhance the reservoir-development and Lower Cost Per Barrel in the Zuata, Field, Faja,
capabilities of multilateral technology. From a drilling Venezuela,” Paper SPE 69700 presented at the 2001 SPE
International Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium,
standpoint, rotary steerable technology is extending the limits Portamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela, 12-14 March 2001.
of advanced reservoir architecture while underbalance drilling 2. Brister, R.: “Screening Variables for Multilateral Technology,”
techniques are further enhancing the reservoir candidate Paper SPE 64698 presented at the SPE International Oil and Gas
selection to include under-pressured, depleted reservoirs Conference and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 7–
and/or damage-sensitive reservoirs not previously considered 10 November 2000.
as good candidates for the available technology. 3. Boardman, D.W.: “Design Considerations for a Heavy Oil
Expandable tubulars will now be considered to provide Multilateral Well,” Paper SPE 39086 presented at the 5th Latin
optimal wellbore geometry for deep gas and extended-reach American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference
development projects. and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 August – 3 September
New technologies will also enhance the completion 4. Fuentes, J. A., Economides, M.J., Carbonell, R.S.: “Stability of
capabilities of multilateral technology. For example, Junctures for Multilateral/Multibranched Wells,” SPE paper
intelligent completion systems can be consolidated into the 57279 presented at the 1999 SPE Asia Pacific Improved Oil
overall reservoir development strategies to provide enhanced Recovery Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25-26
reservoir management. The enhancements that would be October 1999.
provided would include realtime temperature and pressure 5. Ramírez, R. Fernandez, V Barrios, J. Multilateral Field Experience
monitoring as well as controlled commingling of multiple in Developing an Extra Heavy Crude-Oil Reservoir,” SPE paper
reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing is also being consolidated no. 86947 T presented at the SPE International Thermal
into multilateral technology. This process could include Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium and Western Regional
Meeting, held in Bakersfield, California, U.S.A., 16-18 March
casing fracturing, and selective fracturing in multiple stages in 2004.
each lateral. Downhole water/gas separation technology can 6. Wehunt, C.D. Burke N.E., Noonan, S.G., Bard, T.R.: “Technical
also be combined into multilateral technology to optimize Challenges for Offshore Heavy Oil Field Developments,” OTC
production and provide a self-contained production and Paper 15281 presented at the 2003 Offshore Technology
disposal operation from a single surface location. Conference held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 5–8 May 2003.
7. DeMong, K., Al-Yami, A., Lambe, S.: “The Application of
Conclusions Pressure Isolated Multilateral Junction Improves Economics in
Multilateral technology has proven to be a successful heavy Offshore Arabian Gulf,” Paper IADC/SPE77201 presented at
oil development tool, which has the capability to enhance the the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference
held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-11 September 2002.
overall economics. The key advantage of employing
multilateral technology is that it increases reservoir exposure,
SI Metric Conversion Factors
flow rates and ultimate recovery efficiencies. Various ft x 2.831 685 E - 02 = m3
completion strategies, which accommodate sand control, in x 2.54* E + 01 = mm
lateral re-entry, and flow segregation requirements, can be md x 9.869 233 E - 04 = m3
combined with multilateral technology to further optimize psi x 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa
production rates and increase asset net present value.
*Conversion factor is exact
6 IADC/SPE 87966

Fig. 1 ― Example of BS&W Solids

IADC/SPE 87966 7




Fig. 2 ― The 3 most common drainage strategies

8 IADC/SPE 87966

Fig. 3 ― Example of thermal recovery method, SAGD

Level 5 Completion

Fig. 4 ― Thermal recovery on a Level 5

IADC/SPE 87966 9

Fig. 5 ― Examples of the TAML multilateral levels.

10 IADC/SPE 87966

Fig. 6 ― Low Pressure Junction Isolation

Fig. 7 ―High Pressure Junction Isolation

IADC/SPE 87966 11



Fig. 8 ― Pre-milled Windows

12 IADC/SPE 87966

Fig. 9 ― Level 3 multilateral with Slotted Liners - Canada

IADC/SPE 87966 13

Level 4
Dual Lateral
“Gravel Packs”

Fig. 10 ― Level 4 multilateral with Gravel Packs - Trinidad

14 IADC/SPE 87966

Level 4
“Slotted liners”

Fig. 11 ― Level 4 multilateral with Slotted Liners - Venezuela

IADC/SPE 87966 15

Level 3
Dual Lateral
“Slotted liners”

Fig. 12 ― Level 3 multilateral with Slotted Liners - Venezuela

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