Hoa Module 2 P2

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▪ Basilican church and baptistery

▪ Atrium
▪ Nave and side aisles
▪ Bema
▪ Apse

▪ Circular polygonal plans
domical roof

▪ Pendentives and dosseret block
▪ Mosaics and frescoes

▪ “Roman-like”; round arch Roman
▪ – load-bearing walls,
masonry ceiling, and buttress piers
▪ few and narrow windows, sparse
ornament, towers, Latin cross plan, cross vault

▪ Style Ogivale; the Cathedral as the main building type
▪ Heightening and lightening
▪ Pointed arch, ribbed vault, and flying
▪ Latin cross plan, traceries, rose window,
triforium and clerestory.

▪ “Rebirth of the classic” – use of classical orders, round
arches, and proportion

▪ simple silhouettes, flat roof, emphasis
on horizontality, rusticated masonry,.sgraffito

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