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NUTRITION 1) The importance of food includes: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Build healthy body Repair and replace damage

tissues Builds new cells For growth Energy provider






CARBOHYDRATE Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. 3 main types of carbohydrates i) starch ii) sugar iii) cellulose Example of food:- rice, potato, bread and bananas Main source of energy but excess of carbohydrate are stored as fat in our body.

PROTEIN Made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Sometimes phosphorus and sulphur. Examples of food:- fish, milk, meat and nuts. Used for building body tissues, enzymes and hormones. Required for building new cells for growth and to replace damaged tissue. Lack of protein causes disease called kwashiorkor. Protein also supplies energy when there is a lack of carbohydrate in the body.

FATS Made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but with different ratio from carbohydrate. Examples of food:- butter, coconut oil, fish oil and egg yolk. Functions of fats: i) Supplying energy ii) As an insulator of heat to reduce heat loss from body iii) Protecting the internal organs iv) Dissolving a certain vitamins in the body. (Vitamin A, D, E and K)


Required in small quantities only. 2 groups: i) Vitamins soluble in water vitamins B and C ii) Vitamins soluble in fat vitamins A, D, E and K Vitamins protect the body from various types of diseases and maintain the health of the body. MINERAL SALTS Required in small quantities. Help maintain body health. Examples:- Calcium, Sodium, Iron and phosphorus.

DIETARY FIBRE (ROUGHAGE) Made up of fibre such as cellulose. Fruits and vegetables are main sources of roughage. Help to stimulate peristalsis and the muscle movement of the small and large intestines. Deficiency of roughage will cause constipation.

WATER Supply by food and drink. Function of water includes:i) Controlling body temperature ii) Controlling the concentration of blood iii) As a lubricant

iv) Removing excretory products from our body. (Urea) IMPORTANT OF BALANCED DIET Balanced diet is made up of food that has all the nutrients in the right quantities. It is important because:i) Supplying the required energy ii) Balanced body growth iii) Maintaining the health of the body iv) Preventing deficiency diseases. Factors that influence a persons needs for a balanced diet: i) Gender - Men required more active ii) Age Babies, children and teenagers is more active. iii) Body size - Big sized individuals required more energy. iv) Physical activity Individuals doing heavy work needs more energy. v) Weather -More energy is needed to maintain body temperature in cold place Calorific value of food is the total energy produced when one gram of food is completely burnt. The quantity of energy in food is measured in calories or joules.

1 calorie (cal) = 4.2 joules (J) HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Digestion is the process of breaking down complex food into simple molecule for absorption by the blood circulatory system. Take place in two stages: i) Physical digestion: Food chewed by teeth ii) Chemical digestion: Enzymes break up complex food molecule. Enzymes are proteins that speed up the process of digestion. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Consist of all the organs in the body that help in the digestion of food. The alimentary canal (gut) is made up of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. (start with mouth and end with anus) Food is push along the alimentary canal by the muscular wall through the process of peristalsis. MOUTH Food is chewed and broken up into small pieces by the teeth.

The salivary gland secretes saliva that is alkaline and contains salivary amylase which digests starch into maltose (sugar).

OESOPHAGUS Food is pushed through the oesophagus by the process of peristalsis. No digestion takes place in the oesophagus. STOMACH Food is mixed with gastric juices which are secreted from stomach wall. Gastric juices contain hydrochloric acid and enzymes (rennin and pepsin). Function of hydrochloric acid: i) Provide an acidic medium for enzymatic reaction ii) Killing bacteria in food iii) Neutralising the alkaline property of saliva. Rennin coagulated milk in stomach to help the enzymatic action of pepsin. Pepsin digests proteins into peptones. SMALL INTESTINE Duodenum is the first part of the small intestine and it receives bile and pancreatic juice. Bile is produce in the liver and stored in the gall bladder. It flows through the bile duct to the duodenum.

The functions of bile are: i) Emulsification of fat break down large fatty globules into small droplet for enzyme reaction. ii) Provide alkaline medium for enzymic action. Pancreatic juice which is produced by the pancreas cell contains 3 types of enzymes: i) Pancreatic amylase which digest starch into maltose ii) Protease which digest peptones into amino acids iii) Lipase which digest fat into fatty acids and glycerol. The ileum in the small intestine produces enzymes that digest maltose into glucose. Digestion complete in small intestine. The digested food is ready to be absorbed through the thin walls of the small intestine into the blood stream. LARGE INTESTINE Water is reabsorbed from the undigested food substances in large intestine Undigested food is stored in rectum and expelled from the body through the anus as faeces. END PRODUCTS OF DIGESTION Digestion complete in small intestine. The end products of digestion must be in the simplest forms that can be readily absorbed into the small intestine through the villi.

CLASS OF FOOD Carbohydrate Protein Fat

FINAL PRODUCT Glucose Amino acids Fatty acids and Glycerol

ABSORPTION OF THE PRODUCTS OF DIGESTION Absorption is the process when the end products of digestion enter the blood stream through the small intestinal walls (villi). The efficiency of absorption depends on: i) number of villi ii) the thickness of villus iii) network of blood capillaries DEFAECATION Process of expelling undigested food in the large intestine as faeces is known as defaecation (defecation). The faeces that reach the rectum are made up of undigested food substances. When the rectum is full, it undergoes peristalsis and assisted by abdominal contraction, will push the faeces through the anus to be expelled. Constipation can occur because of the lack of water and roughage in the diet.

HEALTHY EATING HABITS Healthy eating habits will help in maintaining a healthy body. Unhealthy eating habits will cause various health problems. FOOD PYRAMID Show the food groups that serve as a guide to a balanced diet. The foods that form the base of the food pyramid are required in large amount daily. The foods at the top are required in small amounts in our daily diet. A diet based on the food pyramid will give the required nutrients and energy to maintain a healthy body.


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