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geoingegneria e attività estrattiva

Maddalena Marchelli*

A design method for double * Dipartimento di Ingegneria

per l’Ambiente, il Territorio e le
line of rockfall net fences in Infrastrutture (DIATI). Politecnico di

the framework of prabilistic Corresponding author:

trajectory analyses

Rockfall net fence are a widely adopted rockfall risk mitigation measures, suitable for the great velocity. According to the existing
majority of the cases. Nevertheless, in particular complex morphologies, the trajectories of the National Standards (UNI 11211-
possible detached blocks can be anomalous, with very high values of both the kinematic pa- 4:2018; ONR 24810:2021), the
rameters of passing height and kinetic energy. In this case, a double line of net fence can be a characteristic values are chosen
convenient solution. In this case, the upper line is conceived as a fuse element that intercepts a as the 95th or 99th percentiles of
percentage of blocks at least lowering them, while the lower line stops the remaining part. In the these distributions. This approach
framework of partial safety factors design approach, a design method conceived by the Author is has thus been tailored by the Au-
herein explained and tailored for a practical application in the common design practice, i.e. with
thor to a double line considered as
the common trajectory softwares. An example of application on a real site is provided, showing the
importance of performing a set of trajectory analyses to optimize the design of the whole system.
a system, i.e. the generally adop-
Keywords: double line rockfall barreier, net fence, probabilistic trajectory analysis, mitigation ted characteristic values for the
measures. actions are considered as acting
on the entire set of barriers. Con-
sequently, the reference value to
design the lower line only reveals
1. Introduction The present paper focuses on to be lower than the 95th (or 99th)
the design of the double line of percentile.
Net fences, or flexible barrier, are net fences, considered as a system In this work, the proposed
among the widely adopted protecti- capable, as a whole, to satisfy the method is fitted to the common
ve mitigation measures against safety requirements. The design practice, i.e. the adoption of se-
rockfall (Hearn et al., 1995, Peila & methodology developed by the mi-probabilistic trajectory models
Ronco, 2009; Lambert et al., 2021). Author (Marchelli, under review) capable to insert a physical barrier
Their high energy absorption capa- is herein presented in its exact inside themselves (Dorren et al.,
city as well as their easiness of in- expression. In the common practi- 2011; Leie et al., 2013; Grimod &
stallation, even in very steep slope ce, following the Eurocodes (EN Giacchetti, 2014). These barriers
faces, represent the most recogni- 1990:2002, EN 1997-1:2004), the serve to evaluate the interception
zed advantages (Marchelli, 2020; design of a structural work starts capacity of both the upper and the
De Biagi et al, 2020). Nevertheless, from the evaluation of the effects lower line, computing the percen-
rockfall prone areas on slopes with of the actions, choosing referen- tage of blocks lowered by the up-
a particular complex morphology, ce, say characteristic, values insi- per line. An example of application
directly insisting on infrastructu- de their frequency distributions. with a lumped-mass 2D model,
res or buildings, might involve very The design values are obtained by through RocFall code (RocSciene
high trajectories, often associated applying appropriate safety fac- Inc., 2022) is presented and di-
very high kinetic energies (Gia- tors to the characteristic values. scussed. Finally, conclusion and
comini et al., 2009, Matasci et al, In case of net fences, the actions further perspectives are outlined.
2018). In these cases, a single line are represented through the hei-
of net fences could not be suffi- ght and the velocity, and thus the
cient to intercept and arrest all the kinetic energy, of the possible
potential detached blocks. Thus, impacting blocks. These quan- 2. Method
two lines of net fences, both below tities can be computed through
the rockfall source area and one pa- probabilistic trajectory analyses This section illustrates a metho-
rallel to the other can represent an (Li & Lan, 2015; Macciotta et al., dology to design a double line sy-
effective and efficient solution for 2015), allowing to obtain frequen- stem of net fences, i.e. a system
mitigating the risk. cy distributions of both height and of two lines, intercepting blocks

Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria, Anno LIX, n. 2, agosto 2022, 19-26 19

georesources and mining

the 95th or 99th percentile of the

distribution. In particular, for the
passing height both the Italian
(UNI 11211-4, 2018) and Austrian
Standards (ONR 24810, 2021)
suggest to take the 95th percentile,
while for velocity, or kinetic ener-
gy, UNI 11211-4 recommends the
95th percentile, while ONR 24810
the 99th. These values, once ap-
plied the appropriate partial safety
factors, are adopted to evaluate the
effects of the actions and to pro-
perly choose the performances of
the barrier to satisfy the safety re-
quirements. Leaving aside the par-
tial safety factors, and taking the
values suggested by UNI 11211-4
(2018) as representative, the mi-
nimum required performances
are those for which the 95% of the
simulations are intercepted and
stopped. The design concept of a
double net system is that the resi-
stances, i.e. the performances, of
whole system, i.e. upper line plus
Fig. 1 – Double line system (Valle d’Aosta, Italy). lower line, should be at least equal
or greater than the effects of the
from the same source area, lo- methodology and its application actions. Practically the upper and
cated above the upper line (Fig. are based on performing probabi- the lower lines should intercept
1). Consequently, the situation listic propagation (or trajectory) and stop at least the 95% of the si-
in which another rockfall source analyses, i.e. where the input pa- mulations. Providing that the 95th
area is identified in between the rameters representing the inte- of the total should be intercepted,
two lines is not considered here. raction between block and slope, it reveals that, as a percentage of
In this last case, each line has to as well as the initial detachment the simulations are stopped by the
be designed separately according conditions, are not deterministic upper line, the actions for which
the standard procedures. A double values but vary inside a predefi- the lower line should be designed
line is thus here intended as a sy- ned range. Consequently, a trajec- pertain to a percentile lower than
stem in which: (i) the upper line tory analysis consists in a series the 95th, say the qth percentile.
is conceived to intercept the great of launches, i.e. simulations, from In the following the proposed
majority of blocks, stopping them the individuated source area, in methodology is explained in the
or at least lowering their velocity, which each of the inputs are ran- more general situation. N simu-
(ii) while the lower line should domly selected inside their range. lations are considered. From here
stop the remaining fraction of The number of simulations has on, the terms “blocks” stands for
blocks. The upper line is thus like to be statistically significant and, “simulations”. Table 1 reports the
a fuse element of the system, whi- generally, not less than 1000. The list of the adopted nomenclature.
le the lower line should not fail in results, in terms of velocity, or Starting from a source zone
either of the two failure modes, energy, and passing height are insisting on both the upper and
i.e. it should both intercept and provided as distributions, from the lower lines, a number ns,u of
arrest blocks. which reference, i.e. characteristic, simulations stops before reaching
In the framework of partial values can be selected and used for the upper line. The remaining N1
safety factors design approa- the design. blocks arrive at the upper line lo-
ch promoted in the Eurocodes In a standard design procedure cation.
Standards for civil structures for a single line, the characteristic In this line, a percentage α1 of
(EN 1990:2002), the proposed value of each output is chosen as the N1 blocks can be intercepted

20 Agosto 2022
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Tab. 1 – List of symbols.

Symbol Meaning
hb Height of the barrier as sold by the producer: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. hb,u and hb,l
Energy of the barrier as sold by the producer: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. Eb,u and Eb,l. Generally
γE,b Partial safety factor relating to the energy of the barrier. Generally γE,b = γMEL
Maximum blocks velocity retained by the barrier, assumed mk as the characteristic value of the impacting blocks
mass: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. vb,u,max and vb,l,max
Characteristic value of the trajectories height, as used for the design of a single line, whatever the source area (TA1,
hk TA2, or the combining). Applying UNI 11211-4:2018, k= 95. Subscripts u and l stand for quantities recorded in the
upper and lower line location, respectively, i.e. hk,u and hk,l
Characteristic value of the trajectories velocity, as used for the design of a single line, whatever the source area (TA1,
vk TA2, or the combining). Applying UNI 11211-4:2018, k = 95. Subscripts u and l stand for quantities recorded in the
upper and lower line location, respectively, i.e. vk,u and vk,l
Characteristic value of the trajectories height of the intercepted block, only, whatever the source area (TA1, TA2, or
hk,i the combining). Applying UNI 11211-4 k = 95. Subscripts u and l stand for quantities recorded in the upper and lower
line barrier, respectively, i.e. hk,i,u and hk,i,l
Characteristic value of the trajectories velocity of the intercepted block, only, whatever the source area (TA1, TA2, or
vk,i the combining). Applying UNI 11211-4:2018, k= 95. Subscripts u and l stand for quantities recorded in the upper and
lower line barrier, respectively, i.e. vk,i,u and vk,il
mk Characteristic value of the blocks mass
γh Partial safety factor relating to the trajectories height
γv Partial safety factor relating to the trajectories velocity
γm Partial safety factor relating to the blocks mass
Trajectory Analysis TA1
N Number of simulations in the initial analysis TA1
N1 Number of simulations arriving in the upper line location
ni Number of simulations intercepted: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. ni,u and ni,l

ni Number of simulations not intercepted: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. ni ,u and ni ,l

na Number of simulations arrested: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. na,u and na,l

na Number of simulations not arrested: subscripts u and l stand for upper and lower, i.e. na,u and na,l
Number of simulations stopped before reaching the barrier line location: subscripts u and l stand for upper and
lower, i.e. ns,u and ns,l
α1 % of blocks, among those arrived, intercepted but not arrested by the upper barrier 1 
ni ,u
α2 % of blocks, among those arrived, not intercepted by the upper barrier 2 
% of blocks, among those intercepted but not arrested by the upper line, arrived in the lower location
β n n n n ^
  a,u s,l  i ,l i ,l . This value, following Sec. 3, can be estimated thanks to TA2, i.e. β.
na,u na,u
ni ,u  ns,l ni ,l  ni ,l
β % of blocks, among those not intercepted by the upper line, arrived in the lower location   
ni ,u ni ,u

Agosto 2022 21
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follows tab. 1
Symbol Meaning
Trajectory Analysis TA2
N* Number of simulations
vi Initial velocity of the simulations vi  v vk2,u 
mk  E ,b  m v2
Number of simulation intercepted, not intercepted, arrested, not arrested, stopping before the lower line,
ni*,l ,ni*,l na*,l ,na*,l ,n*s,l respectively, pertaining to TA2
^ ^ ni*,l  ni*,l
β % of blocks arrived in the lower location pertaining to TA2, β = 
Trajectory Analysis TA1 + TA2
Number of simulation intercepted and not intercepted by the lower line, respectively, pertaining to TA2 but scaled to
ni+,l ,ni+,l ^
consider that N*  na . ni,l  ni,l = βα1(1 – α2)N1
ni ,l
δ % of blocks, among those arrived, not intercepted by the lower barrier  
ni ,l  ni ,l
q Percentile to consider to compute the characteristic value of the velocity in the lower line
vq,l Characteristic value of the trajectories velocity, for the design of the lower line, in a double net system.

but not arrested, while a percen- ble line system, the capacity of the = 0, Eq. (1) becomes:
tage α2 of the N1 blocks can be lower line must be selected in such   0.05
higher than the height of the up- a way that the ratio q between na,l q 1 (4)
per barrier. The presence of the and ni,l satisfies: 1 
upper line reduces thus the velo-
city of the α1 blocks, and (α1 + α2)  2  1 (1  2 )  0.05
q (1)
N1 blocks continue their motion  2  1 (1  2 ) (1   )  2.1. Applying the method in
along the slope. While some of the the common practice
blocks (ns,l) can stop in between Thus, the characteristic value of the
the two lines, a reduced number of trajectories velocity, for the design The above presented methodolo-
blocks, i.e. (α1 + α2)N1 – ns,l, arrive of the lower line, is obtained taking gy was merged with the practice,
at the lower line location. Conside- the qth percentile vq,l of the distri- i.e. with the existing software to-
ring separately α1N1 and α2N1, i.e. bution of the velocities among tho- ols to perform trajectory analy-
not arrested and not intercepted se intercepted by the barrier. If all ses. Generally speaking, among
by the upper line, respectively, a blocks are intercepted, but not all the existing codes (Steven, 1998;
percentage of each of them arrive stopped, by the upper line, i.e. α2 = Dorren, 2015), a net fence with its
on the lower line location, namely 0, Eq. (1) reduces to: performance can be inserted in the
β and β , respectively. simulation. However, if a block im-
At the lower line location, the 1  0.05 pacts on the barrier with an energy
q (2)
blocks can be intercepted, or not. 1 (1   ) higher than its capacity, it is assu-
Bearing in mind that, to accompli- med that the block can continue
sh the safety requirement, the sum On the contrary, if all blocks are its motion without being affected
of the blocks not intercepted and intercepted by the lower line, i.e. by the impact neither in its veloci-
not stopped by the double line sy- δ = 0, Eq. (1) turns into: ty nor in its direction. This implies
stem should be lower or equal the  2  1 (1  2 )  0.05 that, in modelling double line sy-
5% of N1, the height of the lower q (3) stems, the energy reduction effect
net fence hb,l is selected among the  2  1 (1  2 ) of the upper line barrier is not con-

products and the ratio δ between sidered in the software, with the
the number of blocks not intercep- Finally, for simulations with trajec- blocks arriving at the lower line
ted and those arrived is defined. tories lower of both the upper and with a velocity greater than what
To achieve the target of the dou- the lower barriers, i.e. α2 = 0 and δ is expected in reality.

22 Agosto 2022
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To tackle this problem, a pro- line, the results from TA1 and equal to 2 m3. It should be noticed
fitable solution could be perfor- TA2 should be merged. Since the that even though the definition of
ming a trajectory analysis (TA1) number of simulations of TA2 the design block volume is beyond
inserting in the software, in corre- differs from α1N1, consequently, the scope of the example, its choi-
spondence of the upper line, a bar- the number of blocks arrived in ce should be accurately performed
h the lower line location should be through, whenever possible, sur-
rier with a height equal to b,u  t ,
h appropriately scaled when merged veys on the discontinuities sets on
being the tolerance (e.g. the block to those arrived in TA1. The sca- the rock face and the distribution
radius), and an infinite capacity. ling must not vary the trend of the of blocks volumes in the possible
Blocks not impacting against the distributions of blocks heights and location of the mitigation measu-
barrier (α2N1), i.e. not intercepted velocities (see Sec. 3). res. RocFall v8.017 (RocScience
by the upper line, continue their Similarly to the upper line, a Inc, 2022) is the software selected
motion along the slope. product with a height hb,l should be for the lumped-mass trajectory
Knowing the real nominal capa- selected for the lower line. The ma- analysis. In the adopted model,
city of the product chosen as upper ximum intercepted height is thus the input parameters representing
barrier, i.e. Eb,u, the maximum block hb,l/γh. Among blocks arrived in the block-slope interaction proper-
velocity that can be arrested is: the lower line location, the percen- ties are the normal and tangential
tage δ, i.e. blocks not intercepted restitution coefficients, RN and RT,
vb,u,max  by the lower line, can be obtained. respectively, and the friction angle
mk  E ,b  m  2v  (5)
Thanks to Eqn (1), (2), (3), and (4), ϕ. Similarly to the design block vo-
the qth percentile of the distribu- lume, also these parameters should
From the blocks velocity distribu- tion of the velocities, related to be carefully evaluted, through both
tion in the upper line location, the the trajectories intercepted by the in-situ surveys and back-analyses
number of not retained blocks, barrier, only, is computed and then of past events. Table 2 reports the
na,u , among the total intercepted adopted to define the absorption selected values. The number of
can be computed. If thus α1 ≠ capacity required by the lower line. performed simulations is 1000,
0, another additional trajectory verified as statistically representa-
analysis (TA2) should be perfor- tive of the results. The method illu-
med, with a source area located strated in Sec. 2 is herein applied,
in the upper line location, with an 3. Example of application adopting both the characteristic
initial velocity equal to: values and the partial safety fac-
(6) The proposed methodology and the tors suggested by the Italian Stan-
vi   v vk2,i,u  vb2,u,max possible suggestions in its applica- dards UNI 11211-4 (2018). In the

tion are herein proposed in a 2D analysis, the selected design block
being vk,i,u the 95th percentile of the case, with a lumped-mass trajec- volume, topography of the slope,
velocities distribution of blocks tory model. A real slope profile in and the other input parameter are
impacting against the upper line. the North-western Italian Alps is assumed as the “most accurate pos-
This velocity should be oriented used as representative of the sce- sible”, thus the lowest coefficients
parallel to the slope, as it has been nario in which a double line of net are required. The input details are
observed during impact tests that fences could be a suitable solution reported in Table 3, together with
blocks are generally accompanied for risk mitigation, i.e. a very steep the results.
by the net in the slope direction. rock face insisting on a transporta- First, a simulation without net
Relating to the initial height of tion infrastructure (Figg. 1-2). The fences is performed to examine
simulations, precautionary, it is source area is located at an altitude the potential trajectories. Figure
suggested to consider: in between 507 m a.s.l. and 520 m 2.a depicts the results in absence of
a.s.l., with a possible release volume mitigation measures. This analysis
hi = γh hk,i,u (7)
being hk,i,u the 95th percentile of Tab. 2 – Soil input parameters for lumped mass analysis with RocFall.
the heights distribution of blocks
impacting on the upper line. It Soil type RN RT Color in Fig. 2
should be noted that the number Rocky outcrops 0.4 ± 0.04 0.8 ± 0.04 Grey
of simulations N* in TA2 should Vegetated rock 0.3 ± 0.04 0.7 ± 0.04 Violet
be statistically representative, i.e.
Debris with vegetation 0.3 ± 0.04 0.6 ± 0.04 Yellow
minimum 1000.
To properly design the lower Asphalt 0.4 ± 0.04 0.8 ± 0.04 Grey

Agosto 2022 23
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Fig. 2 – Trajectory analyses in the considered path (RocFall v8.017). See Table 2 for details on input parameters: a) without barriers, b) TA1
with a physical barrier with infinite capacity in the upper line locations, and a physical barrier in the lower line, c) TA2. Red lines state as
collectors, while green for physical barriers.The source zone location is indicated in blue.

serves to evaluate whether a single 3 displays the obtained results. thus ni+,l + ni+,l values of height in-
line is sufficient or a double line is It reveals that the 35,5% of the side the intervals. These values
a suitable solution. In the present blocks are not intercepted by the should be added to those obtained
case, due to the very high trajec- upper line (α2), while, among tho- by the all trajectories arrived in
tories, a single line in the upper or se intercepted, the 96.6% are stop- the lower line location in TA1 and,
in the lower portion of the slope ped (1 – α1). In the same trajectory thus, a cumulative distribution of
is not able to intercept and stop at analysis, the blocks not intercep- the height pertaining to TA1+TA2
least the 95% of the trajectories. ted by the upper barrier arrive in is obtained. In the present case, as
Thus, an alternative solution must the lower line location with vk,l α1 is equal to the only 3.4%, only
be considered. Assuming the dou- equal to 16.86 m/s and hk,lu equal one value of TA2 should be added
ble line as the most convenient to 9.68 m. As third step, further to TA1. Among the products, a
solution, a proper location for the trajectory analysis, TA2, is realised, barrier 6 m height is selected to
upper barrier is selected, together standing for those blocks that are intercept the great majority of the
with its performances, according to intercepted but not arrested by the blocks. Considering thus an ef-
the constraints imposed by the con- upper barrier. As reported in Sec. fective intercepting height equal to
struction difficulties. In the present 2.1, the number of simulations of hb,l/γh, i.e. 5.77 m, among those ar-
case a barrier with hb,u equal 5 m and TA2, N*, should be chosen as to be rived, the percentage of block not
absorption capacity of 1000 kJ is statistically significant, thus, the intercepted by the lower barrier is
selected. Meanwhile, a preliminary obtained results should be scaled equal to 15%. Practically speaking,
location for the lower line should proportionally to α1. Figure 2.c inserting in the model a physical
be identified. In this case, the upper reports the obtained trajectories. barrier, with a height hb,l/γh at the
line is located at 474 m a.s.l., while The fourth step is to merge the lower line location, allows deter-
the lower line at 346 m a.s.l. results from TA1 and TA2. This mining, among those arrived, the
Following this step, the specific process consists in scaling the percentage of block not intercep-
trajectories simulations are per- number of trajectories arrived in ted by the lower barrier, i.e. δ. As
formed. As suggested in Sec. 2.1, a the lower line in TA2, i.e. subdi- the goal of the design method is
physical barrier with a height hb,u/ viding the cumulative frequency that the double line, as a system,
γh and infinite capacity is inserted distribution of the height obtai- intercepts and arrests at least the
in the model and the simulation ned in TA2 in ni+,l + ni+,l intervals 95% of the blocks, applying Eq. (1),
TA1 is performed (Fig. 2.b). Table equally spaced, and extracting and considering the velocity distri-

24 Agosto 2022
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Tab. 3 – Input and output values in the performed example.

for the upslope line, and a 6m-2000
Symbol Value Symbol Value kJ for the downslope line can be in-
General Trajectory Analysis TA2 stalled to adequately intercept and
stop the 95% of the falling blocks.
mk 5400 kg N* 1000
γm 1.02 (-) vk,i,u 23.23 m/s
γv 1.04 (-) vi (Eq. 6) 10 m/s
γh 1.04 (-) hk,i,u 3.33 m Conclusion
γE,b 1.2 (-) hi (Eq. 7) 3.46 m Rockfall barriers are among the
hb,u 5m ni*,l + ni*,l 20 most adopted solution for miti-
Eb.u (= EMEL) 1000 kJ ^ gating rockfall risk. Nevertheless,
β 2% in some morphological situations
vb,u,max 16.73 m/s
vk,l 11.01 m/s a single line is not sufficient to
hb,l 6m intercept and stop the blocks or
hk,l 1.41 m
Eb,l (= EMEL) 2000 kJ
vk,i,l 11.02 m/s
a suitable product could present
Trajectory Analysis TA1 difficulties in its installation. The
hk,i,l 1,29 m present study focuses on net fen-
N 1000
ni,l 20 ces disposed along double lines,
ns,u 0 i.e. on approximately parallel
ni ,l 0
N1 1000 isohypses, stopping blocks from
Trajectory Analysis TA1 + TA2 the same source area. The upper
vk,u 25.40 m/s
ni+,l + ni+,l 1 line serves to intercept and at least
hk,u 8.21 m decelerate the great majority of the
ni,u 645 vk,l 16.21 m/s blocks, while the lower line to stop
hk,u 9.47 m the remaining ones.
ni ,u 355
ni,l 89 With the idea that the entire set
na,u 611 of net fences constitutes a system,
ni ,l 17 a methodology to design a double
na,u 34 line system of net fences, developed
vk,i,l 15.03 m/s
α1 3.4 % hk,i,l 4.95 m
by the Author, is herein reported. To
α2 35.5 % merge the proposed method with
δ 16% the common practice, i.e. probabi-
ns,l 250 q 0.54 listic trajectory analyses allowing
ni ,u + ni ,u 105 vq,l 12.84 m/s obtaining the output quantities as
distributions, inside which a cha-
vk,l 16.86 m/s na,l 89
racteristic value is selected for the
hk,l 9.68 m na,l 0 design, tailored formulas are con-
vk,i,l 16.72 m/s ceived and reported. Following the
hk,i,l 4.95 m proposed approach, the design va-
(Fig. 3). The design energy Ed,l that lues should thus be considered per-
ni,l 86 the lower line should stop, is thus taining to the whole system, and,
ni ,l 19 consequently, the required products
computed as Ed ,l  mk  mvq2,l  2v , have global performances generally
29.6 % 2 lower than those required by a sin-
δ 18% in this case equal to 530 kJ. Thus gle line positioned on the slope toe.
na,l 86 among the products available with According to the procedure, se-
hb,l equal to 6 m, a 2000 kJ barrier parated trajectory analyses should
na,l 0
is chosen. be realised in order to obtain the
Although this represents only reference values for the lower line
bution of the blocks intercepted an example, it can be noticed that design.
only, the qth percentile to compute a single line cannot be adopted at Further developments could
vq,l, i.e. the value to which partial a first solution, due to the high consider the tailoring the proposed
safety factors should be applied trajectories. A double line system method accounting also for the pre-
for the design value, is obtained composed of a 5 m-1000 kJ barrier sence of multiple source zones.

Agosto 2022 25
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26 Agosto 2022

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