Günter Prinzing

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Günter Prinzing

He is a bizantinist and a slavistic and a specialist on the history of east and south
Europe. He studied at Hamburg, Wien, Lyon and Munchen. At 25 he together with Hans-
Georg Beck started a research on the relationship between the south Slavic countries of the
byzantine commonwealth in the beginning of the 13 the century. From 25 to 29 he was a
benefactor of scholarship and assistant of Hans Wilhelm Haussig at the Historical Institute of
Ruhr University Bochum. When reached 33 until 39 he and Jadran Ferluga held a seminarium
at Munster University. For his qualification as a teacher in a domein he edited Demetrii
Chomateni Ponemata Diaphora. AT 43 he was hired as a university teacher at Mainz. He is a
specialist on the relationship of the Byzantine empire and south eastern Slavic countries.
From 1999 to 2009 he was the head of the branch Society in south eastern Europe. From 2001
to 2011 he was the president of the german Research of Byazantine studies.

When, for what reason and to whome gave the reliquar kaiser Isaak II Angelos?

Esztergom was known as archbishopric from 1001.

a.Kaiser Isaak II. Angelos (1185-1195, erneut 1203-1204) 4 und Erzbischof Jób von
Esztergom (1185-1203)

b. Zum anderen kam ich zum Ergebnis, dass der wahrscheinliche Anlass für die
Aufnahme des Briefwechsels die Vorbereitung des bevorstehenden Herrschertreffens Kaiser
Isaaks II. mit seinem Schwiegervater, König Béla III. von Ungarn, an der Donaugrenze bei
Belgrad war (Abb. 2) ein Ereignis, bei dem, wie gleich gezeigt wird, auch mit der An -
wesenheit Erzbischof Jóbs zu rechnen war.This is what he believes.

1. sie in den Zeitraum 1190/91 bis 1192 zu datieren

2. die Staurothek als ein diplomatisches Geschenk dem Erzbischof Jób übersan

He tries to corect what Schreiner wrote about this reliquary and about the date of this
gift. The key lies in the correspondence between Kaiser Isaak II. Angelos (1185-1195, erneut
1203-1204) 4 und Erzbischof Jób von Esztergom (1185-1203). Staurothek is a gift from
kaiser to bishop. It dates from1190. He states that it belogs to bishop not to the king Bela
beacause it was found in th archives of the chucrh.

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