Hans Belting

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Hans Belting: Eine Privatkapelle im frühmittelalterlichen Rom.

Dumbarton Oaks
Papers 41, 1987, 55-69.

In the eight century it is situated. a Maria Antiqua (Milano, 1937),89 ff und 324 ff.
Die Inschrift: "(Ego) Theodotus primo (bzw.primicerio) defensorum et dispensa. Pope
Zacharius is from 741 to 752. During pope Hadrian 772-795 was him primicerius of the holy

The feauters for portraits are frontal positioned. Ernst Kitizinger Theodosus apeeras
portraited three times: Offcial with pope Zacharius The seocind time appears with his family
near Virgin Marry.

Virgin Marry is waring clothes that a kaiserin wears.

In the second picture Virgin Marry is depicted now as a mother with candels.

The third reveals the comanditar in proskynesis position as the emperor John

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