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My story begins two years ago, one day before Aunt Sally's funeral.

liked Aunt Sally and people were very sad because she had suddenly died. It
was a sad day in Brooklyn city and we didn’t know what happened to her. She
was found on a bridge without her black wig.
That night I couldn’t sleep because I heard a noise in the bathroom. I thought it
was my cat. Then, I get up to check and I couldn’t believe it ! On the mirror
there was a message “WIG BOX BED”. I was really scared that night, I didn’t
sleep! But in the morning I had a mystery
to solve. I went to Sally’s house and under the bed there was a box with the
wig. I understood that it was a message from Aunt Sally’s ghost, the wig was
very important to her! I was happy that I solved the mystery and my aunt had
her wig for the funeral.

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