Formulario Resuelto 6to A-1697728206

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ASIGNATURA: Social Studies FECHA: ______________


CURSO: 6to Básica A PERIODO LECTIVO: 2023 - 2024
ESTUDIANTE: __________________________________

Recomendaciones: Lea en silencio y detenidamente antes de responder, no use liquid paper, no se admite
prestamos de materiales, no realice tachones, trabaje con pluma azul o negra, no se permite lápiz.

1) Select the option that defines what WEATHER is:

A. Weather is when we see the sun and say it's hot.
B. Weather refers to the long-term average atmospheric conditions in a specific geographical area.
C. Weather is the facility that collects data on local weather conditions.
D. Weather is an invention of the state.

2) In which geological era did the dinosaurs dominate:

A. Paleozoic
B. Cenozoic
C. Mesozoic
D. Jurassic Park

3) From the following word bank, choose the 7 continents of the world:

Península Asia Cabo África Archipiélago de islas volcánicas América del Norte

Península América del Sur Europa Oceanía Antártida

4) How many major tectonic plates exist on a world map:

A. 1
B. 7
C. 4
D. 9

5) What are ALL the parts of Planet Earth:

A. Shifting Crust
B. Inner Core
C. Outer Core
D. Mantle
E. All of the above

6) Select the correct option correspondingly as true or false:

Dinosaurs predominated in the geological era:
A. Paleozoic (V/F)
B. Cenozoic (V/F)
C. Mesozoic (V/F)

Realizado por: Revisado por: Aprobado por:

Mr. Alexis Perugachi Mr. Jorge Fantoni Lic. Gladys Quiroz
Docente Administración Rectorado
7) In what year was the universe created:
A. 13.8 billion years ago
B. 2023 years ago
C. 10 million years ago
D. 2000 years ago

8) Complete the concept map.:

Types of Climate

Warm Climate Temperate Climate Cold Climate

9) What is Cartography:
A. Discipline that deals with the preparation of maps or geographical charts.
B. Science dedicated to the study of celestial objects.
C. Discipline that is responsible for studying and recovering evidence of human history.
D. Science that deals with the study of plants, including their classification, structure, and function.

10) What is the climate like on the following continents:

A. Asia (Warm Temperate Cold)
B. Antarctica (Warm Temperate Cold)
C. America (Warm Temperate Cold)
D. Africa (Warm Temperate Cold)

11) How many years ago was Pangaea created:

A. 250 million years
B. 100 million years
C. 25 million years
D. All of the above

12) In which civilization was democracy created and used as a system of government:
A. Spartan
B. Roman
C. Greek
D. Persian

Realizado por: Revisado por: Aprobado por:

Mr. Alexis Perugachi Mr. Jorge Fantoni Lic. Gladys Quiroz
Docente Administración Rectorado
13) What is Cartography:
A. Discipline that deals with the preparation of maps or geographical charts.
B. Science dedicated to the study of celestial objects.
C. Discipline that is responsible for studying and recovering evidence of human history.
D. Science that deals with the study of plants, including their classification, structure, and function.

14) Select the correct option correspondingly as true or false:

A. The climate is different in each region of our planet (T/F)
B. The climate in Ecuador is Too Cold (F)
C. Thunderstorms are very hot (F)

15) Complete the sentence with word of the bank words

The term A.Map comes from the greek words B.Krates meaning C.Map and D.Graphen meaning to write E.
Cartography , F. Etymologically

Map Cartography Krates Graphern Cartography Etymologically

16) How is the climate on the following continents:

A. Asia ( Calido Templado Frío )
B. Antártida ( Calido Templado Frío )
C. América ( Calido Templado Frío )
D. Africa ( Calido Templado Frío )

17) What are physical maps

A. It represents territorial divisions, limits and boundaries.
B. It represents the physical characteristics of a territory.
C. It represents specific historial facts that help in the under starding of an event.

18) Complete the concept map.:

Types of Climate

Warm Climate Temperate Climate Cold Climate

19) What is the percentage of water on the planet:

A. 55%
B. 70%
C. 07%
D. 65%

Realizado por: Revisado por: Aprobado por:

Mr. Alexis Perugachi Mr. Jorge Fantoni Lic. Gladys Quiroz
Docente Administración Rectorado
20) From the following word bank, choose the 7 continents of the world:

Península Asia Cabo África Archipiélago de islas volcánicas América del Norte

Península América del Sur Europa Oceanía Antártida

Realizado por: Revisado por: Aprobado por:

Mr. Alexis Perugachi Mr. Jorge Fantoni Lic. Gladys Quiroz
Docente Administración Rectorado

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