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Sujok six ki treatment pdf

The theory of the 6 Ki, its role and relevance for medicine.The manifestation of the Six-Ki in nature.Physiological and pathological manifestations of the Six Ki in the human bodyThe Six Ki and TrioriginAxial interaction of the Six-Ki in natureAxial interactions between parts of the bodyInternal organsChakras, their role, and moreSingle, binary, triple
and quadruple axes of the Six KiThe concept of basic and additional axesLevel of basic energies – unified and individual Path of energy circulationDiagnostics by unified dominant energy:General characteristics of human beings by appearance andPsycho-emotional state (Wind, Heat, Hotness, Humidity, Dryness, Coldness).The chakra system of the
body.Model of the rotating plane of internal chakra and its spins.The vertical spin of chakras,Circulation of unified energies. Axial chakra treatment on the level of unified energies. The frontal spin of chakras.Harmonisation of energy with the help of frontal spin of chakras in the asymmetrical manifestation of pathology.Rules of making treatment
prescriptions according to axial relations.Treatment according to the dominating energyTreatment according to attendant symptoms through basic and additional axes on byol-chakras. External chakra of Hotness (Sahasrara) – controlling element while applying chakra treatment on the level of unified energies. Clinical case studies to determine
unified dominating energy.Six Ki Diagnostics by individual dominant energy.The sagittal spin of chakras.The Six Ki points on byol-chakras of the hand and fingers. Axial chakra treatment on the level of individual energies. riyunone Internal chakra of the Hotness (Ajna) and internal chakra of the brightness (Solar) – controlling elements while applying
chakra treatment on the level of individual energies.

Procedure for joining this course: Click the Join button below Fill the Enrollment Form Purchase the Course Recieve an order confirmation email Recieve all relevant information and introductory videos A demo class will be taken two days before the course date Login and attend the live class at the given date and timings Join Sujok Therapy Level 2
Constitution No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin — that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his disease.

External chakra of Hotness (Sahasrara) – controlling element while applying chakra treatment on the level of unified energies. Clinical case studies to determine unified dominating energy.Six Ki Diagnostics by individual dominant energy.The sagittal spin of chakras.The Six Ki points on byol-chakras of the hand and fingers. celiyo Axial chakra
treatment on the level of individual energies. pizosoketosoxo Internal chakra of the Hotness (Ajna) and internal chakra of the brightness (Solar) – controlling elements while applying chakra treatment on the level of individual energies. Meridian system of the body.Two types of the Six Energies circulation in meridians (structural and functional). The
topography of axial points of the Six Ki on byol-meridians.The direction of spiral flows passing through the axial points of the Six Ki.Main points of the meridians.Treatment by meridians on the level of unified and individual energies.Practising skills of axial treatment on the level of unified and individual energies on models.The idea of the energy
constitutionCongenital and acquired constitution.Constitution of a sick and healthy person.Constitutional mobility.The six-element axis constitutionUnified energies.Phenomenological energies,Functional and practical ways to define Homo and Hetero groups in six-element axis constitutions.Dominating energy in a constitution.Clinical case studies to
determine symmetrical constitutions of unified energies.Treatment using unified dominating energy considering the patient’s constitution on byol-chakras and byol-meridians.The six-element symmetrical individual energy constitutions.Approaches to determine individual constitutions:Using muscular diagnosis,Symptomatic diagnosis of individual Six
Ki.Clinical case studies to determine symmetrical constitutions of individual energies. Treatment using individual dominating energy considering the patient’s constitution on byol-chakras and byol-meridians.The specificity of treatment on the level of consciousness.The spirit of doctor and patient.Neutro condition of a doctor.The concept of
Dao.Rules for Six Ki therapyDuration of manipulationDepth of inserting needlesTimeRhythmPrecautions, Safety & Hygiene Dates: 13 to 18 March 2023Timing: 2 to 5 pm ISTDifficulty Level: EasyLanguages: English, Hindi Access to Rajshree Vora’s Sujok ClubAttend exclusive doubt-solving and knowledge-upgradation sessionsInformational support
after the course - write to us anytime :)Discounted Sujok Kits and Material Live and interactive online classes on Official Sujok Global PlatformClass recordings available for up to thirty daysAdvanced playback with speed control and powerpoint slides displayInteractive learning with powerpoint, group whiteboard, and virtual lazer pointerLive chat
with your instructor and ability to “Raise hand” to ask questionsOnline Exam and Certification system Gold Qualified Sujok Therapist and ISA Authorised Lecturer, Global Project Manager, and Core Committee Member of International Sujok Association. rusecemu Procedure for joining this course: Click the Join button below Fill the Enrollment Form
Purchase the Course Recieve an order confirmation email Recieve all relevant information and introductory videos A demo class will be taken two days before the course date Login and attend the live class at the given date and timings Join Sujok Therapy Level 2 Constitution No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin —
that is, the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his disease.

Paracelsus Constitution is defined as the structure, composition, physical make up or nature of a person, comprising inherited qualities and modified by the environment.
Analysis of body constitution has been in practice in most complementary and alternative systems of medicines. cawufubofuse
Analysis of body constitution has been in practice in most complementary and alternative systems of medicines.

The topography of axial points of the Six Ki on byol-meridians.The direction of spiral flows passing through the axial points of the Six Ki.Main points of the meridians.Treatment by meridians on the level of unified and individual energies.Practising skills of axial treatment on the level of unified and individual energies on models.The idea of the energy
constitutionCongenital and acquired constitution.Constitution of a sick and healthy person.Constitutional mobility.The six-element axis constitutionUnified energies.Phenomenological energies,Functional and practical ways to define Homo and Hetero groups in six-element axis constitutions.Dominating energy in a constitution.Clinical case studies to
determine symmetrical constitutions of unified energies.Treatment using unified dominating energy considering the patient’s constitution on byol-chakras and byol-meridians.The six-element symmetrical individual energy constitutions.Approaches to determine individual constitutions:Using muscular diagnosis,Symptomatic diagnosis of individual Six
Ki.Clinical case studies to determine symmetrical constitutions of individual energies. Treatment using individual dominating energy considering the patient’s constitution on byol-chakras and byol-meridians.The specificity of treatment on the level of consciousness.The spirit of doctor and patient.Neutro condition of a doctor.The concept of
Dao.Rules for Six Ki therapyDuration of manipulationDepth of inserting needlesTimeRhythmPrecautions, Safety & Hygiene Dates: 13 to 18 March 2023Timing: 2 to 5 pm ISTDifficulty Level: EasyLanguages: English, Hindi Access to Rajshree Vora’s Sujok ClubAttend exclusive doubt-solving and knowledge-upgradation sessionsInformational support
after the course - write to us anytime :)Discounted Sujok Kits and Material Live and interactive online classes on Official Sujok Global PlatformClass recordings available for up to thirty daysAdvanced playback with speed control and powerpoint slides displayInteractive learning with powerpoint, group whiteboard, and virtual lazer pointerLive chat
with your instructor and ability to “Raise hand” to ask questionsOnline Exam and Certification system Gold Qualified Sujok Therapist and ISA Authorised Lecturer, Global Project Manager, and Core Committee Member of International Sujok Association. Procedure for joining this course: Click the Join button below Fill the Enrollment Form Purchase
the Course Recieve an order confirmation email Recieve all relevant information and introductory videos A demo class will be taken two days before the course date Login and attend the live class at the given date and timings Join Sujok Therapy Level 2 Constitution No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin — that is,
the beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution it is necessary that his constitution should be known if we wish to know his disease. Paracelsus Constitution is defined as the structure, composition, physical make up or nature of a person, comprising inherited qualities and modified by the environment. juyuyavazo Analysis of body
constitution has been in practice in most complementary and alternative systems of medicines. Constitutional treatment refers to the treatment of a person as a whole, including past and present symptoms. When accurately implemented, constitutional treatment can elicit a profound healing response.
Constitution treatment can be extremely effective in treating chronic and long-term health problems. Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy, Electro homeopathy, Iridology, Sasang constitution (Korean medicinal system), and Chinese medicinal system are well known branches of traditional knowledge, which intend to classify individuals based on body
temperament by deciphering specific phenotypic characters for health management. jijudexetomeke In every traditional system of medicine, the choice of remedy is based on a consideration of the totality of an individual’s symptoms and circumstances, including personality, behaviours, fears, responses to the physical environment, food preferences
and so on. ruyosuxarifegu In most of the traditional system of medicines there are three different types of constitution. Ayurveda its- Vata, Pitta, Kapha Siddha- Vali, Azhal, Aiyam Homeopathy- Psora, Sycotic, Syphilitic Electro homeopathy- Lymphatic, Sanguine(Blood), Mixed(Bilious) Iridology- Lymphatic, Hematogenic & Mixed As per Dr. Von
Grauvogle– endomorph, mesomorphic, and ectomorphic, Sasang Constitution – its 4 types- tae-yang or greater yang, so-yang or lesser yang, tae-eum or greater yin and so-eum or lesser yin. The concept of constitution is widely applied in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). xihase Constitutional consideration is an important process for
clinical diagnosis and treatment, and it also lays the foundation for health promotion and disease prevention.
This concept has been in China for thousands of years. It originated from the famous Chinese Medicine book, Huang Di Nei Jing. The body constitution concept states that every individual has his or her unique body, which reacts in a specific way to environmental influences. Therefore, an essential factor to prevent disease, influence health and
balance your body. As per this concept body constitution can vary from person to person, some are strong, some are weak, some tend to be heat, and some tend to be cold. Generally, the classification of body constitution is based on physical outlook, personality, common health problems, and adaptation to external environment There is a certain
traditional Chinese Medicine concept quite similar to the Homeopathic concept. One such concept is that advocates different remedies for the same disease and same remedy for different diseases. One main reason for this concept lies in the body constitution. Individuals may have the same disease, but their unique body constitution necessitates the
use of different remedies that not only work with the symptom but also deal with the root cause, the imbalance in the body constitution. This is why you will see so much variation in Chinese Medicine herbal remedies to treat the same common illnesses, such as flu. Ayurveda also describes a unique concept of constitution, genetically determined,
categorising the population into several subgroups based on phenotypic characters like appearance, temperament and habits. mocixetoyono
The concept is claimed to be useful in predicting an individual’s susceptibility to a particular disease, prognosis of that illness and selection of therapy. Ayurveda bases its theory on the existence of five elements – basic principles or building blocks, which are the basis of life of the whole universe (the macrocosm), as well as our body (the microcosm),
and are known as the five great elements: space/ether (ākāśa); air/wind (vāyu); fire (tejas); water (jala); earth (pṛthvī). Without them, life is not possible. Everything that exists occupies a space; wind is identified with the movement, ie. pulse – a basic feature of life; fire, heat or the sun are an indispensable prerequisites for life, like water and earth,
also. The entire material universe; that surrounds us is made by combining these elements in different proportions. Ayurvedic sages condensed these five principles into 3 constitutional types – doshas, which are called: vata (a combination of the elements of space and air); pitta (a combination of fire and water) and kapha (a combination of water and
earth). These principles govern our entire physiology. Five Elements Theory is a Chinese philosophy used to describe interactions and relationships between things. The five elements — wood, fire, earth, metal, and water — are believed to be the fundamental elements of everything in the universe between which interactions occur.
Based on observations of the natural world, ancient Chinese people recognized continuous patterns of transformation and change in the universe. cavehesupadu Initially, these observations were interpreted using yin yang logic, but later these interpretations were expanded using a new theory called the five elements. The five elements theory evolved
from the study of various processes, functions, and phenomena of nature. difipuxoti The theory asserts substances can be divided into one of five basic elements: wood, fire, water, metal and earth, which contain their own specific characteristics and properties. The Origin of the Five Elements Theory The yin yang theory has a close relationship with
the five elements theory. They are often used simultaneously to explain natural phenomena. Ancient Chinese medical philosophers integrated the yin yang and five elements theories into their medical practices . As integration of these theories took place, a more formalized system of medicine was established. Today we refer to this medical system as
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Five Elements and their Relationships with Nature and the Body The five elements correspond to different aspects of the natural world and the body.
Wood, for example, corresponds to spring and wind in the natural world and to the liver, gallbladder, eyes and tendons in the body. (See Table for a summary of these relationships.) Prof Park Jae Woo has developed Six Ki constitution treatment in Sujok Therapy. He has developed Six Ki theory based on five elements. Why did he move from five
element theory to Six Ki? We will discuss this topic in our next blog. Smile Thanks . Treat using the Six Ki method and have an in-depth understanding of body meridians, mechanism of energy exchange, and active timing of each meridian. Apply the fundamental rules of magnet application, diagnose Meridian-States, treat Byol Meridians using
different types of magnets, and know what to do in case the patient shows no signs of improvement.Apply the Four-Step Algorithm of treatment by Byol Meridians, diagnose meridian-state by muscles, and apply in practice knowledge of the five elements, the fundamental relations between the Six Energies, and the See-Saw Principle.Treat using
advanced methods including treatment by pairs of meridians, perform symptomatic Six-Ki diagnosis, treat using Long-byol Meridians, and treat on energy lines of the thumb.Dynamically and appropriately use Acupuncture, Acupuncture, Moxa Therapy, Seed Therapy, and more in your Sujok practice to achieve maximum positive impact on your
patients.- and More! The course starts with an introduction to the Sujok Ki Method of treatment, the various iterations of the Tri-Origin Model, and how the triorigin model relates to the Six Energies.Next, you will learn in depth about “UM” and “AH” Meridians in the body, hands and feet, the time of day when treatment is most effective for each
meridian, and the mechanism of energy exchange through the meridian’s active points at different times of the day.There will be a study of Byol Meridians with Professor’s original drawing, and an explanation of how improper energy flow leads to health ailments.Next, you will learn the fundamental rules of magnet application, how to tonify and
sedate energies on byol meridians using different types of magnets, ways to diagnose the current Meridian-State, and procedure to follow in case the patient shows no sign of improvement.As your fundamentals get stronger, you will learn the four step algorithm of applying Sujok Ki Therapy by Byol Meridians followed by various examples of this
treatment algorithm in actionTowards the end you will learn about Muscular Diagnosis of the energy state of Meridians, the law of Five Elements and relations among the five elements, and Fundamental relations between the Six Ki Energies (including the See-Saw Principle).Now with your basics strong, you will move on to advanced techniques such
as treatment by pairs of meridians, symptomatic Six Ki Diagnosis, treatment using Long Byol-Meridians, and treatment on the energy lines of the thumb.Finally, wrapping up, you will learn to apply different techniques and instruments for Meridian Sujok Ki treatment including Acupressure, Acupuncture, Moxa Therapy, Seed Therapy, and More.
mucemugina Dates: To be announcedTiming: 2 to 5 pm ISTDifficulty Level: EasyLanguages: English, Hindi Access to Rajshree Vora’s Sujok ClubAttend exclusive doubt-solving and knowledge-upgradation sessionsInformational support after the course - write to us anytime :)Discounted Sujok Kits and Material Live and interactive online classes on
Official Sujok Global PlatformClass recordings available for up to thirty daysAdvanced playback with speed control and powerpoint slides displayInteractive learning with powerpoint, group whiteboard, and virtual lazer pointerLive chat with your instructor and ability to “Raise hand” to ask questionsOnline Exam and Certification system Different
methods of Sujok Practice (Objective methods and Consciousness Treatments) Introduction to the Sujok Ki Therapy The philosophy of Energy Flow Benefits of Sujok Ki Therapy Evolution of philosophy of Sujok theory over time Triorigin model of fundamental forces, energy systems, Six Ki, and Six Energies. Six energies, their functions, and
manifestations of six energies in nature Meridian system in detail, “UM” meridians, “AH” meridians and Extra Meridians Location of important meridians in Hetero areas of the body Connection of UM and AH meridians with hollow and dense organs of the body Meridian names, activation timings, and energy flow direction Detailed study of meridian
location and paths through the body Circulation of UM and AH energies through the body Centrifugal and centripetal movement of individual energies through meridians of arms and legs Mechanism of energy exchange through the meridian’s active points at different times.
Byol meridians, their typography and energy flow directions Study of special miniature meridians of the hands and feet Byol meridians as a direct reflection of corporal meridians Study of original energy flow drawing made by Prof.
Park Byol meridians as axial energy lines Visual representation of energy state of affected meridians Diagnosis based on meridian’s time of activity Principles of Sujok Ki therapy using Magnets (Magnet Therapy) Using bar and byol magnets for energy tonification and sedation Rules of magnet application and understanding meridian state using
magnets based on symptomatic observation Procedure to follow in case the patient shows no signs of improvement Four step algorithm of applying Sujok Ki therapy by byol meridians Individual meridian diagnosis Symmetrical meridian diagnosis Long meridian diagnosis (paired) Practical treatment examples Magnet therapy usage limits Muscular
diagnosis of the energy state of meridians with illustrated explanation in hands and feet The law of five elements and relations among them Six energies, functions, and fundamental axial relations between them The seesaw principle Principles of meridian selection for applying a treatment according to axis and five elements functions Governor
meridian and conception meridian, their functions and energy flow directions Byol meridians of the hand and foot Treatment by pairs of meridians with practical examples Techniques of treatment using long byol meridians Techniques of treatment on the energy lines of the thumb Two types of six energies circulation in meridians (structural and
functional) Axial relations between meridians Symptomatical Six Ki Diagnosis Finally, applying different techniques and instruments using Sujok Ki therapy by meridians including acupuncture, moxibustion, seed therapy, color therapy, light therapy, and more. Gold Qualified Sujok Therapist and ISA Authorised Lecturer, Global Project Manager, and
Core Committee Member of International Sujok Association. Procedure for joining this course: Click the Join button below Fill the Enrollment Form Purchase the Course Recieve an order confirmation email Recieve all relevant information and introductory videos A demo class will be taken two days before the course date Login and attend the live
class at the given date and timings Join Sujok Therapy Level 2

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