Sample Risk Analysis Report Template

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Prepared for Dr: Mohamed Abdelfattah

Prepared by: Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim Mahmoud

Report about information System


Report about information system ,its types and difference between them

2. what is information system

An information system (IS) refers to a collection of interconnected components,

including hardware, software, data, people, and procedures, that work together to gather,
process, store, and disseminate information within an organization. It is designed to
support the organization's operations, decision-making processes, and overall

The primary purpose of an information system is to capture, store, process, and

deliver relevant and timely information to users, enabling them to perform their tasks
effectively and make informed decisions. It involves the use of technology and various
information technologies to manage data and facilitate communication and collaboration
within an organization.

3. Type of information system

information systems can be classified

in several different ways. For example,
several types of information systems
can be classified as either operations
(Support of business operation) or
(Support of managerial decision
making). Support of business operation
such as transaction processing
systems, process control systems and
Enterprise collaboration systems (office
automation system). Support of
managerial decision making such as
management information system,
decision support system and executive
information systems. According to
Patterson there are several categories
of information systems such as Data
Processing Systems, Management
Information Systems, Decision Support
Systems and Executive Information

4. Difference between types

Process Process control systems is Monitor and control industrial or physical processes.
Control Examples: petroleum refining, power generation, and steel production systems. For
Systems example, a petroleum refinery uses electronic sensors linked to computers to monitor
chemical processes continually and make instant (real-time) adjustments that control
the refinery process .A process control system comprises the whole range of:
equipment, computer programs, operating procedures .

Enterprise Office automation systems are one of the most widely used types of information
Collaboration systems that will help managers control the flow of information in organizations .
Systems Enterprise collaboration systems (office automation systems) are enhance team and
workgroup communications and productivity [1].Office automation systems are other
types of information systems are not specific to any one level in the organization but
provide important support for a broad range of users . Office information systems are
designed to support office tasks with information technology. Voice mail, multimedia
system, electronic mail, video conferencing, file transfer, and even group decisions can
be achieved by office information systems .

Transaction Transaction processing systems (TPS) are the basic business systems that serve the
Processing operational level of the organization. A transaction processing system is a
Systems computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions
necessary to the conduct of the business . At the lowest level of the organizational
hierarchy we find the transaction processing systems that support the day-today
activities of the business .

Management Management information systems are a kind of computer information systems that
Information could collect and process information from different sources in institute decision-
Systems making in level of management [9]. Management information systems Provide
information in the form of pre specified reports and displays to support business
decision making [1]. The next level in the organizational hierarchy is occupied by low
level managers and supervisors. This level contains computer systems that are
intended to assist operational management in monitoring and controlling the
transaction processing activities that occur at clerical level. Management information
systems (MIS) use the data collected by the TPS to provide supervisors with the
necessary control reports ] management information system is type of information
systems that take internal data from the system and summarized it to meaningful and
useful forms as management reports to use it to support management activities and
decision making.

Decision A Decision Support System is a computer based system intended for use by a
Support particular manager or usually a group of managers at any organizational level in
Systems making a decision in the process of solving a semi structured decision . Decision
Support Systems are a Kind of organizational information computerize systems that
help manager in decision making that needs modeling, formulation, calculating,
comparing, selecting the best option or predict the scenarios Decision-support systems
are specifically designed to help management make decisions in situations where there
is uncertainty about the possible outcomes of those decisions

Executive Executive Information Systems have been developed, which provide rapid access to
Information both internal and external information, often presented in graphical format, but with the
Systems ability to present more detailed underlying data if it is required [7]. Executive
information systems provide critical information from a wide variety of internal and
external sources (from MIS, DSS, and other sources tailored to the information needs
of executives) in easy-to use displays to executives and managers An EIS provides

senior managers with a system to assist in taking strategic and tactical decisions. an
executive information system is designed to generate information that is abstract
enough to present the whole company operation in a simplified version to satisfy senior
management .

Expert Expert systems are the category of AI which has been used most successfully in
Systems building commercial applications Expert systems are Knowledge-based systems that
provide expert advice and act as expert consultants to users. an expert system is a
computer program that tries to emulate human reasoning. Expert System is a set of
computer programs that perform a task at the level of a human expert .

Knowledge Knowledge management systems are knowledge-based information systems that

Management support the creation, organization, and dissemination of business knowledge to
Systems employees and managers throughout a company [1].Knowledge management is the
deployment of a comprehensive system that enhances the growth of an organization's
knowledge S

Sales and The sales and marketing function is responsible for selling the organization's product or
Marketing service. Marketing is concerned with identifying the customers for the firm's products or
Information services, determining what they need or want, planning and developing products and
Systems services to meet their needs, and advertising and promoting these products and
services. Sales are concerned with contacting customers, selling the products and
services, taking orders, and following up on sales. Sales and marketing information
systems support these activities . a marketing MIS supports managerial activity in the
areas of product development, marketing mix, distribution, pricing decisions,
promotional effectiveness, and sales forecasting .

Strategic Strategic information systems apply to a f, services, or business processes to help it

Information gain a strategic advantage over its competitors information systems are an important
Systems special type of organizational information system is used to secure or sustain
competitive advantage in the market place .

Functional Functional business systems are Information systems that focus on operational and
Business managerial applications in support of basic business functions. Examples information
Systems ( systems that support applications in accounting, finance, marketing, operations
Information management, and human resource management . tInformation system can be
Systems From classified by the specific organizational function to Sales and marketing systems,
Functional Manufacturing and Production systems, Finance and accounting system and Human
Perspective) resource system .

Finance and Finance function is responsible for managing the firm`s financial assets, such as cash,
Accounting stock, bonds, other investment. The accounting function is responsible for maintaining
Information and managing the firm`s financial records such as receipts, depreciation, payroll etc. .
Systems According to Shim The fundamental task of accounting software is to automate the
routine chore of entering and posting accounting transactions. This information is

organized in an electronic format so as to produce financial statements and can be
accessed immediately to assist in the management of the firm. A financial management
information system provides financial information to all financial managers within an
organization .Financial decisions are typically based on information generated from the
accounting system .

4-Relations between types of information system

The various types of information systems are interconnected and often work together to
support different aspects of an organization's operations and decision-making
processes. Here are some relationships between different types of information systems:

1 - Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) and Management Information Systems


TPS capture and process day-to-day transactions, such as sales, purchases, and
inventory updates.

MIS utilize the data from TPS to generate reports and provide information to support
managerial decision-making and control processes.

TPS provide the foundational data for MIS, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information
for decision-making.

2 - Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Business Intelligence (BI) Systems:

DSS provide analytical tools and models to assist in complex decision-making


BI systems gather, analyze, and present data in a meaningful way to support strategic
decision-making and identify trends and patterns.

DSS can leverage data from BI systems to provide insights and support decision-making
at various levels within the organization.

3 - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and Transaction Processing

Systems (TPS):

ERP systems integrate various core business processes and functions, such as finance,
human resources, and supply chain management.

TPS handle the day-to-day transactions within these processes, such as sales orders,
purchase orders, and payroll.

TPS feed data into the ERP system, ensuring that all relevant transactions are captured
and processed to maintain accurate and consistent information across the organization.

4 - Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems and Business Intelligence
(BI) Systems:

CRM systems manage customer interactions, sales activities, and customer data.

BI systems analyze customer data, such as purchase history and customer preferences,
to provide insights for targeted marketing campaigns and customer segmentation.

CRM systems can leverage data from BI systems to enhance customer relationship
management strategies and personalize customer experiences.

5 - Knowledge Management Systems and Collaboration Systems:

Knowledge Management Systems capture, organize, and share knowledge and

expertise within an organization.

Collaboration systems facilitate communication and collaboration among employees,

teams, and departments.

Collaboration systems can integrate with Knowledge Management Systems, allowing

employees to share and access knowledge resources during collaborative activities,
fostering knowledge sharing and innovation.

These relationships demonstrate how different types of information systems complement

and support each other to facilitate efficient operations, informed decision-making, and
improved organizational performance. Integration and data sharing between these
systems are often essential to ensure seamless information flow and maximize their


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