Prototype Formation in Autism

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Development and Psychopathology, 13 (2001), 111–124

Copyright  2001 Cambridge University Press

Printed in the United States of America

Prototype formation in autism


a b
University of Alabama; and University of Washington

Individuals with autism have difficulty integrating information and generalizing previously learned concepts to new
situations. It was hypothesized that these problems result from an underlying impairment in category formation.
Persons with autism may not abstract a summary representation (a prototype) during category learning and, instead,
may form categories by memorizing a list of rules. Children with autism, Down syndrome, and normal development
participated in one set of category learning tasks that could be solved using a rule-based approach and a second set
of tasks in which there was no rule that defined category membership (prototype tasks). In the rule-based tasks, all
groups were successful at using a rule to learn a new category. In the prototype tasks, only the typically developing
children were able to learn a new category. Neither the persons with autism nor the persons with Down syndrome
appeared to develop a prototype during category learning. These data suggest that persons with autism and Down
syndrome have difficulty categorizing new information by forming prototypes and, instead, tend to rely on a rule-
based approach to learning.

The information-processing skills of persons tion is a cognitive process that allows persons
with autism have intrigued researchers for to organize information into conceptual
nearly 30 years. During this time, there has groupings and then make inferences about
been a consensus in the field that individuals new information based on previously formed
with autism have trouble generalizing infor- concepts. For example, once a child learns a
mation across a number of different experi- concept called “dog,” he or she can categorize
ences, but the exact nature of the cognitive a new animal as either belonging or not be-
impairment that leads to this difficulty re- longing to the “dog” category. If that animal
mains a mystery. One cognitive process that does belong to the dog category, the child can
allows individuals to generalize information make inferences about the animal based on
across situations is categorization. Categoriza- previous experiences with members of that
category (e.g., the animal can probably bark).
Without this ability to categorize new infor-
mation based on previous experience, a child
This research is based on a doctoral dissertation submit-
ted by the first author as partial fulfillment of the require- would view each new situation as something
ments for the degree of PhD in psychology at the Univer- completely unique and may become over-
sity of Washington. This project was supported by a grant whelmed by the complexity of the environ-
from the Washington Association for Retarded Citizens ment. We hypothesized that the difficulty
to the first author. We are indebted to the children and generalizing information across settings in
their parents in Seattle, Washington, and Fayetteville, Ar-
kansas, who participated in this study. We also wish to persons with autism is linked to an impaired
thank Leslie Collins for sharing her artistic abilities, Sta- categorization process. This theory is detailed
cey Hanson for help in data collection, and Mark Klinger in Klinger and Dawson (1995) but will be re-
for his editorial comments on earlier drafts of this manu- viewed briefly here along with empirical sup-
script. Parts of the manuscript appeared in a revised form. port.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to:
Laura Grofer Klinger, Department of Psychology, Box There is some limited empirical support for
870348, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487; the idea that categorization skills may be im-
E-mail: paired in person with autism. Several re-

112 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

searchers (Bowler, Matthews, & Gardiner, uals with autism showed intact categorization
1996; Hermelin & O’Connor, 1970; Min- of perceptual information (e.g., sorting by ge-
shew, Goldstein, Muenz, & Payton, 1992) ometric shape) but were specifically impaired
have suggested that, in contrast to typically on categorization tasks requiring the internal
developing individuals, persons with autism manipulation of information (e.g., sorting rep-
may not group items into conceptual catego- resentational objects). The purpose of the
ries during recall (e.g., they do not list all the present study was to further examine the issue
fruits, then all the vehicles, etc.). For example, of whether persons with autism use the same
Bowler and colleagues found that typical processes of concept formation as persons
adults were able to recall more words from a without autism. In particular, we were inter-
list of related words than from a list of unre- ested in categorization of information that re-
lated words. Individuals with Asperger’s syn- quired integration of information across expe-
drome remembered as many words from the riences. Prior to detailing specific hypotheses,
unrelated list as typical adults. In contrast, we next present a brief description of theories
they did not show improved recall for the list of concept formation in typical development.
of related words. These studies suggest that
persons with autism may not rely on categori-
Concept Formation in
zation as a mechanism to enhance their mem-
Normal Development
ory. However, the issue of whether persons
with autism are capable of categorization is In the 1st year of life, there must be some way
not addressed. in which infants are able to organize the new
There have been four studies that have information they encounter in order to sim-
directly addressed the question of whether plify their environment and reduce the amount
persons with autism are capable of categoriza- of information that needs to be stored and re-
tion. Tager–Flusberg (1985a, 1985b) evalu- trieved from memory. Researchers have sug-
ated categorization abilities using a matching- gested an abstraction process whereby a sin-
to-sample task in which children were shown gle best example (a prototype) is abstracted
a target picture and then asked to choose a from experience with different category mem-
picture from the same category, and a sorting bers and stored in memory. Posner and Keele
task in which children were asked to sort pic- (1968, 1970) have argued that a prototype is
tures by category. For both tasks, she found the central tendency of a particular category.
no differences in performance between chil- This central tendency is created by computing
dren with autism, mental retardation, and nor- the average of all previously experienced cat-
mal development who were matched on re- egory members. By storing summary images
ceptive language mental age. Similarly, (prototypes) in memory, individuals do not
Ungerer and Sigman (1987) found no differ- need to memorize all instances of a category
ences between preschool-age children with and can recognize previously unseen mem-
autism and children with normal development bers of a category (Rosch, 1978). This con-
who were matched on chronological age in cept formation strategy effectively simplifies
their ability to sort objects into categories on the environment and reduces memory load.
the basis of perceptual (e.g., color and shape) The ability to abstract a prototype from ex-
and functional (e.g., furniture, fruit, and vehi- perience with different members of a category
cles) domains. These studies demonstrated is thought to be an automatic process that de-
that persons with autism are capable of cate- velops within the 1st year of life (Husaim &
gorizing information. However, these studies Cohen, 1981; Strauss, 1979; Walton &
do not address the question of whether per- Bower, 1993; Younger, 1990). For example,
sons with autism use the same processes of using an infant habituation paradigm,
categorization as persons without autism Younger (1990) showed 10-month-old infants
when learning new information. This issue pictures of animals from the same category
was addressed by Shulman, Yirmiya, and that varied on size of features (e.g., length of
Greenbaum (1995), who reported that individ- legs). Following the familiarization phase, in-
Prototype formation 113

fants responded as if the prototype animal was natural categories are complex and cannot be
more familiar than an animal composed of fa- defined by a list of rules. An attempt to create
miliar features and did not appear to remem- such a list may lead to categorization errors.
ber specific animals that they had seen during For example, while most dogs have four legs,
the familiarization trials. Similar results have a tail, and bark, this list of rules is not true
been found in infants ranging from a few of every instance of the dog category. Social
hours of age to 1 year of age in studies using information is particularly unpredictable and
facial features (Strauss, 1979; Walton & complex and, thus, difficult to define
Bower, 1993) and dot patterns (Bomba & (Klinger & Dawson, 1992, 1995). For exam-
Siqueland, 1983). These results suggest that ple, there is no list of rules that defines con-
during the 1st year, and perhaps within a few cepts such as “happiness” or “stranger.” An
hours of birth, infants do not learn categories insistence on using a rule-based approach to
by memorizing specific examples; rather, they categorization may explain why persons with
learn by forming prototype representations of autism have such a difficult time understand-
category examples. ing social information.
The tendency to form prototypes during There is some anecdotal evidence from
concept formation continues into adulthood parents, clinicians, and individuals with au-
(Posner & Keele, 1968, 1970). However, as tism themselves to support the notion that per-
children age, they are also able to use other sons with autism may not form prototypes
methods of categorizing new information. For when learning new categories of objects. For
example, Younger (1990) found that by the example, in Temple Grandin’s autobiographic
2nd year of life infants were able to form a writings about her life with autism, she de-
prototype and could also remember individual scribes an inability to form a generic, general-
category members. Kossan (1981) found that ized image of a category and instead she
second graders were able to use rules to learn forms a “video library” in which she memo-
new categories. In Kossan’s study, however, rizes every instance of a category that she
when the rules were complex or when there experiences (Grandin, 1995). Clearly, her
were no rules that defined category member- writings suggest that she has developed cate-
ship, children who tried to learn rules were gories, but she does not appear to form a pro-
unable to distinguish between two categories totype during category learning.
of novel animals. Children who did not try to Frith and colleagues (Frith, 1989; Frith &
learn a set of rules and used a more holistic Happé, 1994) have proposed that the prob-
or prototype style of concept formation, how- lems experienced by people with autism in in-
ever, were successful at learning the catego- tegrating information across experiences is
ries. Thus, when a person’s information pro- due to a lack of “central coherence.” Frith and
cessing abilities are strained, or when there is Happé define central coherence as a charac-
no rule that defines category membership, it teristic of normal information processing that
may actually be to the child’s disadvantage to allows people to “draw together diverse infor-
attempt to discover a set of rules that defines mation to construct higher-level meaning in
a category (Markman, 1989). context” (Frith & Happé, 1994). They hypoth-
esized that a lack of central coherence in au-
tism could explain their inability to gain the
Prototype Versus Rule-Based Approach to
“gist” of a situation and a tendency to rely on
Categorization in Autism
memorizing each individual aspect of a situa-
It is possible that persons with autism do not tion. Frith’s description of central coherence
use a prototype style of concept formation and seems parallel to the process of prototype for-
instead try to formulate rules that define each mation in concept learning, and her hypothe-
category. While this particular approach may sis of a weak central coherence in autism
be successful in some situations, as Kossan’s seems similar to our hypothesis that individu-
work demonstrates, this approach is not effec- als with autism are unable to form prototype
tive when learning complex categories. Most representations.
114 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

Several studies have provided evidence for inferential rule-based processing was re-
the hypothesis that persons with autism do, in quired.
fact, use rule-based strategies. Hermelin and
O’Connor (1986) found that autistic individu-
als with savant abilities were able to infer and
apply rules necessary to calculate past and
present calendar dates. Berger and colleagues
(Berger, van Spaendonck, Horstink, Buyten- The participants were 12 individuals with au-
huijs, Lammers, & Cools, 1993) found that tism, 12 individuals with Down syndrome,
individuals with autism were able to infer the and 12 individuals with normal development.
correct category rule in order to successfully Participants with autism were recruited
sort cards depicting geometric designs. How- through an existing research subject pool at
ever, when the rule was changed unexpect- the University of Washington Department of
edly, participants with autism had difficulty Psychology. They ranged in age from 5 years
learning to use a new rule. Thus, although 10 months to 21 years 3 months. A diagnosis
they had difficulty shifting set, their initial of autism was made according to the criteria
rule acquisition was not impaired. specified by the Diagnostic and Statistical
Taken together, there is some tentative Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition, re-
support for the idea that persons with autism vised (DSM-III-R; American Psychiatric As-
may use an unusual process of concept forma- sociation, 1987). Diagnostic ratings were
tion. While they are able to categorize infor- completed following a structured play session
mation during concept learning, they may use designed to systematically elicit DSM-III-R
a rule-based style of processing rather than an symptoms and a parent interview conducted
abstract or prototype form of processing. Be- by one of the authors. Participants with Down
cause prototype formation is present within syndrome and with normal development were
the 1st year of life while rule-based categori- recruited to serve as mental age matched com-
zation develops later in childhood, reliance on parisons for the persons with autism. Partici-
a rule-based style of concept formation does pants with Down syndrome were recruited
not seem attributable to a developmental de- through an existing subject pool at the Uni-
lay. Thus, we are proposing that persons with versity of Washington Center on Human De-
autism have an unusual style of concept for- velopment and Disability and ranged in age
mation that is not due to a developmental from 7 years 8 months to 19 years 2 months.
delay. Normally developing children were recruited
In order to test this hypothesis, we exam- from an existing subject pool of volunteer
ined categorization performance in three dif- parents compiled at the University of Arkan-
ferent sets of conditions. In one condition, sas Department of Psychology.
there was no rule or set of rules that deter- Using infant habituation paradigms, proto-
mined category membership. Thus, the parti- type formation has been reported in infants as
cipants were required to form a prototype rep- young as 8 hr old (Walton & Bower, 1993).
resentation in order to correctly learn the new However, when relying on children’s ability
concept. In the second condition, participants to choose a picture rather than measuring in-
were explicitly told that there was a rule that fant gaze pattern, prototype formation has not
defined category membership. In the third been found consistently in children under 5
condition, there was a rule that defined cate- years of age (Inn, Walden, & Solso, 1993). In
gory membership, but participants were ex- piloting, we were able to demonstrate a proto-
pected to infer this rule for themselves. We type effect in children with a receptive lan-
predicted that persons with autism would be guage of at least 4 years. Thus, in the present
unable to learn a new concept when prototype study children were excluded if they had a re-
formation was required, but would be able to ceptive language mental age of less than 4
learn a new concept when either explicit or years. Four children with autism and 4 chil-
Prototype formation 115

dren with Down syndrome were excluded be- name (e.g., mip, dak, sop, pev, or tuz). See
cause they did not meet this screening criteria. Figure 1 for an example of each category.
One child with autism was not cooperative Animals were created following the meth-
during testing and a valid receptive language odology described by Younger (1985, 1990).
age was not obtained; this child was also ex- Within each category of animal, four features
cluded. The final sample size included 12 varied along quantitative dimensions. For ex-
children in each diagnostic group. ample, members of the “pev” category (see
Across all three diagnostic groups, partici- Figure 1) varied in length of beak, height of
pants were individually matched on language eye, length of leg, and width of head. Each
comprehension mental age assessed by the feature varied along five discrete values. For
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Revised example, in the pev category, the smallest
(PPVT-R; Dunn & Dunn, 1981). The decision beak length was 2.5 cm and subsequent
to use the PPVT-R as a matching measure lengths increased by .50 cm. The smallest
was based on Tager–Flusberg’s research length was assigned a value of 1 and the
demonstrating that verbal mental age (mea- largest length was assigned a value of 5.
sured by the PPVT-R) rather than nonverbal
mental age was the best predictor of categori- Prototype stimuli. Familiarization stimuli were
zation ability in children with autism, mental developed such that children were shown ani-
retardation (including Down syndrome), mals composed of feature values 1, 2, 4, and
and typical development (Tager–Flusberg, 5. The features associated with value 3 were
1985a). Each child with autism whose re- not seen during familiarization trials. How-
ceptive language age was below 8 years was ever, the figure composed of all value 3 fea-
matched to a child with Down syndrome and tures was the mathematical average (i.e., the
a child with normal development whose re- prototype) of the previously seen animals. As
ceptive language ages were within 6 months an example, the values of the familiarization
of the autistic child’s receptive language age. stimuli for the “mip” animal category (see
Persons with autism receiving a receptive lan- Figure 1) are listed in Table 2. A test set of
guage age of 8 or more years were matched pictures consisted of either the prototype
within 1 year to persons with Down syndrome (3333) or one of the previously seen familiar-
and normal development. Across all three ization animals (1515, 5151, 1155, or 5511)
groups, PPVT-R scores ranged from 4 years versus a novel animal composed of previously
1 month to 12 years 1 month. In order to en- seen features in a new combination (1551 or
sure that the normally developing children 5115).1
were representative of the population, chil-
dren whose PPVT-R standard scores were Rule stimuli. Rule stimuli were identical to the
outside the normal range (i.e., below 85 or familiarization stimuli used in the prototype
above 115) were excluded from the study. De- condition except that one feature was consis-
mographic data for participants in each of the tently large (i.e., had a value of 5) or small
three diagnostic groups are summarized in Ta-
ble 1.
1. Novel animals were composed of familiar features that
were not similar to the prototype (e.g., feature values
Experimental stimuli 1 and 5). When features that were similar to the proto-
type were used (e.g., feature values 2 and 4), normally
The stimuli consisted of black-and-white developing children did not differentiate between the
drawings of imaginary animals. Each drawing prototype animal (3333) and a similar animal (e.g.,
was mounted on an 8 × 8 in. poster-board 2442). Thus, data are only presented for novel animals
composed of feature values 1 and 5. To insure that
card. There were five different animal catego-
novel animals and familiar animals were composed of
ries. Each of the animal categories was similar the same features, only familiar animals composed of
in complexity (e.g., equivalent number of fea- feature values 1 and 5 were used (i.e., 1515, 5151,
tures) and was given a novel one-syllable 1155, or 5511).
116 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

Table 1. Participant characteristics

Diagnostic Group
Down Normally
Characteristics Autism Syndrome Developing

Chronological age (years-months)

Mean 14-5 14-2 6-8
Range 5-10 to 21-3 7-8 to 19-2 4-4 to 11-8
PPVT standard score
Mean 56.8 51.3 99.9
Range 39a –87 39–68 81–114
PPVT mental age (years-months)
Mean 6-9 6-7 6-8
Range 4-1 to 12-1 4-5 to 11-0 4-1 to 11-4
Males 10 8 10
Females 2 4 2
The minimum possible PPVT Standard Score is 40. Any participant whose score was
below 40 is listed as having a score of 39.

Figure 1. Examples of each animal category.

Prototype formation 117

Table 2. Feature values for the prototype the first familiarization trial, participants were
condition for the mip animal category told the name of the target animal and then
asked to touch the target animal on each subse-
Familiarization Stimuli quent trial. They were given 5 s to choose the
Stimulus Horn Wing Mouth Foot category member and encouraged to look at the
Number Width Width Width Length pictures for the full 5 s.2 They were told to
“look closely” because it was going to get
1 1 5 1 5 “tricky” later on. Participants were praised for
2 1 1 5 5
a correct response, and all incorrect responses
3 2 4 2 4
4 2 2 4 4 were corrected. During the familiarization tri-
5 4 2 4 2 als, 75% accuracy (i.e., choosing the correct
6 4 4 2 2 animal six out of eight times) was required to
7 5 1 5 1 continue the study. The familiarization trials
8 5 5 1 1
for the mip prototype condition are shown in
Note: Feature values were developed by Younger (1985, Figure 2.
1990). Test trials were administered immediately
following the familiarization stimuli. No feed-
back or corrections were provided during the
(i.e., had a value of 1). This one feature deter- test trials. If a participant responded that both
mined category membership (e.g., the pres- animals were category members, the partici-
ence of long feet in the mip animal category pant was encouraged to choose the “best” ani-
determined category membership). Test stim- mal. All participants willingly made a choice
uli consisted of two novel animals that were when given this additional prompt.
identical except that one followed the rule
(e.g., it had long feet) and the other did not
(e.g., it had short feet). Prototype conditions. Two sets of trials exam-
ined category learning in which no rule or set
of rules defined category membership. Partici-
Procedure pants were shown the target animal (e.g.,
There were four different sets of trials: two “This is a mip.”) and then told to point to the
sets of the prototype conditions and two sets target animal on all subsequent familiarization
of the rule-based conditions (one explicit rule and testing trials (e.g., “Touch the mip.”).
and one implicit rule task). The order of con- Following the familiarization phase, two
ditions was counterbalanced across partici- paired-comparison test trials were presented:
pants. A different category of animal was (a) the prototype (3333) paired with a novel
used for each condition, and the type of ani- animal composed of familiar features (1551
mal for each condition was counterbalanced or 5115) and (b) a randomly chosen pre-
across participants. To avoid experimenter viously seen familiarization stimulus (1515,
bias, a research assistant placed cards in the 5151, 1155, or 5511) paired with stimulus
correct order before handing them to the ex- 1551 or 5115 (the stimulus that was not
perimenter and then recorded the children’s paired with the prototype was chosen). Test
answers. Labels were on the back of each pair order was counterbalanced across partici-
card, and neither the experimenter nor the par- pants. The test stimuli are shown in Figure 3.
ticipants looked at the labels.
During familiarization trials, participants
were shown eight examples of a category
member compared to eight noncategory exam-
ples. The same eight noncategory comparison 2. Five seconds was the maximum amount of time that
normally developing children could be coaxed to look
animals were used for all of the conditions. Or- at the stimuli cards before making a decision and was
der of presentation and side of presentation was the same presentation time used by Strauss (1979) in
determined randomly for each participant. On his infant studies.
118 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

Figure 2. Familiarization stimuli for the “mip” animal category in the prototype condition.

Explicit rule condition. This condition assessed Implicit rule condition. This task was identi-
the ability to categorize novel information in cal to the explicit rule condition except that
which an explicit rule defined category mem- participants were not told that there was a rule
bership and was used to ensure that partici- that could be used to learn the new category.
pants were able to form some basic categories. As in the explicit rule condition, three fea-
This condition was identical to the prototype tures varied in size and the one feature that
condition, except that during the familiarization determined category membership remained
trials participants were told that there was a constant across the familiarization trials. Al-
rule that defined category membership and though there was a rule that determined mem-
were told the relevant rule (e.g., “This is a mip. bership (i.e., the size of the constant feature),
All mips have long feet.”). Three features var- participants were expected to infer the rule.
ied in size, but one feature (e.g., foot size) re- That is, they needed to figure out that the one
mained constant throughout the familiarization constant feature determined category mem-
trials. The rule was reiterated on every famil- bership. While there was no rule that deter-
iarization trial. During familiarization trials, mined category membership in the prototype
participants who chose the correct animal were condition, there was a rule that determined
praised for remembering the rule, and those category membership in the implicit condi-
who were incorrect were reminded of the rule. tion.
Test trials consisted of three paired compari-
sons composed of two animals that varied only
on the feature that determined category mem-
bership (e.g., same wing length, horn width,
Prototype condition
and mouth width, but with one animal having
long feet and one animal having short feet). Prototype versus novel animal comparisons.
Participants were asked to choose the target an- Across conditions, children received two
imal (i.e., “Touch the mip.”). paired comparisons contrasting the prototype
Prototype formation 119

Figure 4. Percentage of trials that (a) the prototype

and (b) the familiar stimuli were chosen during the
prototype category learning tasks.

diagnostic group showed evidence of acquir-

ing prototype representations. Normally de-
veloping children chose the prototype 79% of
the time over the novel animal. This was sig-
nificantly more often than chance (i.e., 50%),
t (11) = 3.02, p < .02. In contrast, the partici-
pants with autism chose the prototype over
the novel animal 54% of the time, and the par-
ticipants with Down syndrome chose the pro-
totype 42% of the time. Neither of these
groups performed at levels that were different
Figure 3. Test stimuli for the “mip” animal cate- from chance, both t (11) < 1, ns. These data
gory in the prototype condition. suggest that both individuals with autism and
individuals with Down syndrome did not
with a novel animal. Data from the two proto- form prototype representations during cate-
type trials were combined for these analyses. gory learning.4
Thus, participants could choose the prototype Across all three groups, there was no rela-
in both of the conditions (100%), in one of tionship between receptive language mental
the conditions (50%), or in neither of the con- age and participants’ ability to chose the pro-
ditions (0%). The mean percentage of trials totype, suggesting that prototype formation
in which the prototype was chosen for each was not related to receptive language mental
diagnostic group is depicted in the left side of age (r = .15, ns). Additionally, prototype for-
Figure 4. Performance across diagnoses was mation was not significantly affected by order
compared using a matched-subject ANOVA,3 of condition presentation. That is, prototype
and there was a significant effect of diagnosis,
F (2, 22) = 3.67, p < .05. 4. An examination of individual scores for each partici-
For each diagnostic group, performance pant also failed to show prototype formation in chil-
was then compared to chance using single dren with autism or Down syndrome. The number of
sample t tests in order to test whether each children with autism (N = 3) and the number of chil-
dren with Down syndrome (N = 5) who chose the pro-
totype on both test trials did not differ from the fre-
3. Because participants were individually matched on quencies expected by chance (N = 3). In contrast,
their receptive language mental age, data analyses were significantly more typical children chose the prototype
conducted using a matched-subjects ANOVA. Thus, on both trials (N = 8) than would be expected by
diagnosis was treated as a within-subject factor. chance.
120 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

formation was not changed if a rule-based

task occurred prior to the prototype task.

Familiar versus novel animal comparisons.

Across conditions, participants received two
paired comparisons contrasting an animal
seen during the familiarization trials with a
novel animal. Thus, participants could choose
the familiar animal over the novel animal 0%,
50%, or 100% of the time. The mean percent-
age of trials in which the familiar animal was
chosen is depicted in the right side of Figure
4. Performance across diagnoses was com- Figure 5. Percentage of trials that (a) the explicit
pared using a matched-subject ANOVA, and and (b) the implicit rule stimuli were chosen during
there was a significant effect of diagnosis, F the rule-based category learning tasks.
(2, 22) = 5.37, p < .013.
For each diagnostic group, performance was calculated for each person in each type
was then compared to chance using single of trial (explicit or implicit rule). The mean
sample t tests in order to test whether each percentage of trials in which the animal that
diagnostic group showed evidence of remem- followed the rule was chosen is depicted in
bering the familiar animal that they had seen Figure 5. Performance across diagnoses was
during the familiarization trials. None of the compared using a matched-subject ANOVA.
groups of participants chose the familiar ani- Participants with autism, Down syndrome,
mal over the novel animal more often than and normal development did not, overall, dif-
chance. Specifically, normally developing fer in their rate of correct categorization on
children chose the familiar animal 25% of the rule-based test trials, F (2, 22) < 1, ns. How-
time over the novel animal. They actually ever, there was a significant effect of rule type
chose the familiar animal significantly less of- (explicit vs. implicit), suggesting that diag-
ten than expected by chance, t (11) = −3.316, nostic groups performed more accurately in
p < .05. The participants with autism chose the explicit than the implicit rule condition,
the familiar animal over the novel animal F (1, 11) = 5.21, p < .05.
38% of the time, and the participants with Single-sample t tests revealed that all three
Down syndrome chose the familiar animals diagnostic groups chose the stimuli that fol-
62% of the time. Neither of these groups per- lowed the explicit rule at above-chance levels.
formed at levels that were different from Specifically, individuals with autism were ac-
chance, both t (11) < 1, ns. These data suggest curate 83% of the time, t (11) = 3.46, p < .01,
that none of the diagnostic groups relied on individuals with Down syndrome were accu-
memorization of individual exemplars when rate 97% of the time, t (11) = 16.98, p < .002,
learning new categories. and individuals with normal development
Across all three groups, there was no rela- were accurate 86% of the time, t (11) = 3.76,
tionship between receptive language age and p < .01.
participants’ ability to chose the familiar stim- Similarly, all three diagnostic groups chose
uli, suggesting that memory for the familiar the stimuli that followed the implicit rule sig-
animal was not related to receptive language nificantly more often than chance. Specifi-
mental age (r = .08, ns). cally, individuals with autism were accurate
80% of the time, t (11) = 3.53, p < .01, indi-
viduals with Down syndrome were accurate
Rule-based condition
75% of the time, t (11) = 2.46, p < .05, and
Each person received three test comparisons individuals with normal development were
in the explicit and implicit rule sets of trials. accurate 86% of the time, t (11) = 3.76, p <
The percent correct (0%, 33%, 67%, or 100%) .01. Taken together, these data suggest that
Prototype formation 121

participants in all three diagnostic groups the developmentally delayed groups did not
could learn and apply a rule that determined show the typical pattern of prototype learning.
category membership. Additionally, at some Categorization based on specific features
level they were able to infer the rule when it or rules is thought to be more closely related
was not explicitly stated. to age and IQ. As expected, we found that
Across diagnostic groups, performance on receptive language mental age was positively
the rule-based conditions was related to re- correlated with rule-based categorization abil-
ceptive language mental age. Specifically, for ity for all groups of children. This finding
explicit trials, participants with a higher re- suggests that, similar to typical children, chil-
ceptive language mental age were more likely dren with autism and Down syndrome be-
to choose an animal that followed the rule come more proficient at remembering specific
than participants with a lower mental age (r = pieces of information and forming appropriate
.35, p < .04). A similar relationship was found rules based on that information as their ability
between higher receptive language mental age level increases. It is surprising that the devel-
and accuracy on the implicit rule trials (r = opmentally delayed groups showed rule learn-
.44, p < .01). This suggests that the ability ing without prototype learning. Typically,
to learn and apply rules develops with mental prototype learning is presented as a prerequi-
age. site to rule learning. This pattern of results
suggests that rule-based category learning can
occur without prototype learning.
It is important to note, however, that the
Results of this study suggest that persons with rules used in this study were quite simple and
autism and persons with Down syndrome based on a single feature. Therefore, the rule-
have difficulty forming abstract prototypic based condition did not require the ability to
representations of their worlds. Prototype for- integrate multiple pieces of information
mation is considered to be a fundamental way across experiences. It is possible that more
in which infants learn to make sense out of complex rule learning would be impaired in
their environment. Thus, an inability to learn the absence of prototype formation. Addition-
categories through prototype formation may ally, it is possible that because the rule-based
represent a very basic impairment that signifi- task required attention to a single feature and
cantly disrupts the way in which individuals the prototype task required attention to four
with autism and Down syndrome learn new different features, the prototype task may
information. have been more difficult and required greater
information processing demands than the
rule-based task. However, because 10-month-
Implications for understanding
old infants have been shown to demonstrate
typical development
prototype formation using similar stimuli
The results of this study can be used to make (Younger, 1985, 1990), it is unlikely that task
inferences about the normal development of difficulty can completely explain these find-
categorization skills. Typically, research has ings.
shown that prototype formation is an early de-
veloping cognitive skill that precedes the abil-
Impairments in prototype formation are not
ity to remember previously seen category
specific to autism
members (Hayes & Taplin, 1993; Younger,
1990). Prototype formation has been docu- The finding that both groups of developmen-
mented within the first few hours of life (Wal- tally delayed children do not form prototypes
ton & Bower, 1993) and is thought to develop during category learning suggests that this im-
independently of age and IQ. As expected, we pairment is not specific to autism. The most
did not find a relationship between prototype parsimonious explanation of the current find-
formation and receptive language mental age ings is that prototype impairments in persons
for any of the diagnostic groups. However, with autism and in persons with Down syn-
122 L. G. Klinger and G. Dawson

drome are due to the lower mental age that syndrome are linked to prototype impair-
often accompanies both disorders. This con- ments. Indeed both persons with autism and
clusion is consistent with prior research show- persons with Down syndrome have been re-
ing that persons with autism do not show a ported to have difficulty disengaging their at-
syndrome specific disturbance in categoriza- tention from a stimulus (Cohen, 1981;
tion abilities (Tager–Flusberg, 1985a, 1985b; Courchesne, Townsend, Akshoomoff, Yeung–
Ungerer & Sigman, 1987) but is inconsistent Courchesne, Press, Murakami, Lincoln,
with research showing that categorization of James, Saitoh, Egaas, Haas, & Schreibman,
representational information is specifically 1994; Wagner, Ganiban, & Cicchetti, 1990).
impaired in autism (Shulman et al., 1995). It Certainly, an attentional focus on a single fea-
is possible that mental age may not com- ture of the novel animal (e.g., the legs) with-
pletely account for the disrupted prototype out attending to the other relevant features
learning observed. Tager–Flusberg found that (e.g., the wings, horns, feet) might prohibit
persons with autism and mental retardation the ability to form a prototype.
had categorization abilities equivalent to their Alternatively, given the small sample size
receptive language mental age. In the present and wide age span used in the present study,
study, persons with autism and Down syn- there may not have been sufficient statistical
drome showed impairments beyond what power to detect a more subtle difference be-
would be expected by their receptive language tween the participants with autism and Down
mental age. That is, their performance was be- syndrome. Future research with a larger num-
low that of normally developing children ber of participants is needed to examine this
matched on receptive language mental age. It issue.
is possible that nonverbal mental age may be
a better predictor of the type of categorization
Implications for understanding autism
skills assessed by this particular task. How-
ever, because children with autism typically This study is consistent with several of the
have higher nonverbal than verbal mental theories concerning cognitive impairments in
ages, it is unlikely that nonverbal mental age autism. For example, Frith and colleagues
can completely explain prototype formation (Frith, 1989; Frith & Happé, 1994) proposed
impairments in autism. that individuals with autism have a syndrome-
Other aspects of mental retardation besides specific impairment in their ability to inte-
mental age, such as level of mental retarda- grate information across experiences to con-
tion or cognitive impairments associated with struct a higher level meaning due to a weak
mental retardation, may explain the impaired “central coherence.” It could be argued that
prototype formation found in both develop- prototype formation requires the ability to in-
mentally delayed groups. Previous research tegrate information across experiences to
has demonstrated intact prototype formation form a central gestalt representation and
in persons with nonorganic mild mental retar- therefore requires “central coherence” abili-
dation (Hayes & Taplin, 1993). The partici- ties. The present study raises the questions of
pants used in this study had more moderate whether an impairment in central coherence is
mental retardation with an organic cause. It is specific to autism or whether it is also present
possible that the prototype impairments ob- in Down syndrome.
served in this study resulted from the greater The present findings are also consistent
level of mental retardation. However, some of with Minshew, Goldstein, and Siegel’s (1997)
the children with autism and Down syndrome research demonstrating that persons with au-
received PPVT standard scores in the border- tism do not have global information process-
line and mild range of mental retardation (i.e., ing impairments but show specific impair-
scores between 55 and 85) and even these par- ments in complex, not simple, information
ticipants did not show prototype learning. processing. In the present study, persons with
It is possible that underlying cognitive im- autism were impaired on the more complex
pairments in children with autism and Down task that required integration of information
Prototype formation 123

across experiences (prototype formation task) tion fits within current theories of cognitive
but were not impaired on the simple task that functioning in autism. These theories may
required the processing of a single piece of also be applicable to underlying cognitive im-
information (rule-based task). Again, the pres- pairments in persons with Down syndrome.
ent results suggest that impairments in com- Future research needs to examine whether this
plex information processing may not be spe- task produces prototype impairments in other
cific to autism but may also be true of Down groups of persons with mental retardation
syndrome. (i.e., persons with mild and moderate mental
retardation or other specific syndromes) and
whether poor prototype formation abilities are
Summary related to impairments in underlying cognitive
skills such as selective attention. Finally, fu-
The results from this study suggest that both ture research needs to examine whether im-
children with autism and children with Down pairments in prototype formation are related
syndrome have impaired prototype learning to different factors in autism than in Down
abilities. An impairment in prototype forma- syndrome.

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