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Vocabulary 5 Przyjrzyj się mapie i zakreśl właściwe przyimki.

1 Dopasuj opisy (1–5) do miejsc (a–e).

 ou can drink hot a swimming pool
chocolate here. b cinema
 ou go here when you c museum 1 T he restaurant is in / between the supermarket
need to see a doctor. and the museum.
d café
3 You can see a film here. 2 The school is on / opposite the hospital.
e hospital
4 You can swim here. 3 The supermarket is next to / behind the restaurant.
 ou can learn about old 4 T he café is between / under the school and the
things here. library.
5 5 T he supermarket is in front of / opposite
the hospital.
2 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami. 5
wheel train shy stand dog Reading
6 Przeczytaj teksty o miejscowościach, w których
1 I don’t like the ghost . mieszkają Finley i Olivia. Następnie odpowiedz
2 The candyfloss is next to the na pytania.
3 I love the big ! Finley I live in the centre of Rompton. It’s a small
4 There isn’t a hot stand. town, but I like it! I live next to a French
restaurant. We sometimes have lunch
5 The coconut is fun. there, and the food is delicious! My town
hasn’t got a cinema, but it’s got a great
library. I can borrow DVDs and ebooks
from the library – it’s my favourite place.
Grammar My school is very near my house, so I can
walk there. Some of my friends go by car.
3 Połącz części zdań.
1 There aren’t … a any trees near your house? Olivia I live in Flatterly. My house is near the
hospital and I get the bus to school.
2 Is there … b a museum in my town. There’s a shopping centre in Flatterly.
3 There isn’t … c some dodgems at the funfair. There’s a cinema in the shopping centre,
and I sometimes go there with my
4 Are there … d a desk in your room? friends. In the centre of town there are
5 There are … e any clothes in the wardrobe. a lot of shops, some restaurants and a
library. My town has got two swimming
5 pools, but one only opens in the summer.
4 Z podanych wyrazów i wyrażeń ułóż zdania.
1 There / in our town / isn’t / a library 1 What is Finley’s favourite place?

2 in your village? / a supermarket / there / Is 2 Which place is next to Finley’s house?

3 a museum / There / in our city / is 3 Which place is near Olivia’s house?

4 Are / on this street? / any cafés / there 4 Where is the cinema in Olivia’s town?

5 here / any restaurants / There / aren’t 5 How many swimming pools has Flatterly got?

5 5

Link dla Klasy lV Unit 8 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Listening Extra
7 e 15 Wysłuchaj nagrania i oznacz literą
T (true) zdania prawdziwe, a literą F (false) zdania 10 Przyjrzyj się mapie. Co znajduje się na Mill Road?
fałszywe. Napisz zdania z wyrażeniami There is, There isn’t,
There are, There aren’t i podanymi wyrazami.
1 The girl’s name is Tina.
2 The funfair is at her school. Cinema
3 She doesn’t like the big wheel. Restaurant
Cinema School Pizza
4 She likes the ghost train.
5 She loves the dodgems.
Mill Road
5 1 (restaurants) .
Speaking 2 (swimming pool) .
8 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami. 3 (school) .
Turn left second Which straight 4 (library) .
5 (cafés) .
A Hi there! 1 way is it to the museum,
please? 5

B 2 right. Then take the 3 11 Przeczytaj zdania i ułóż pytania.

left. The museum’s next to the library. 1 There aren’t any books in the library.
A Thanks! Is there a restaurant at the museum? ?

 ell, there’s a café. But there are lots of restaurants 2 There’s a trampoline at the funfair.
in the centre of town. ?

A Where’s that? 3 There are some nice restaurants in this town.

B Turn 4 and go 5 on.
4 There’s a cinema in the town centre.
A Thank you! ?
5 5 There isn’t any money in her bag.
9 Przygotuj wpis na blog o trzech ulubionych
miejscach w twojej miejscowości. Możesz Total with Extra 55
wykorzystać wyrazy w ramce. Użyj 25–40
wyrazów. Napisz:
• co można tam robić,
• gdzie się te miejsca znajdują.

cinema library school restaurant café

museum swimming pool

Total Marks 45
Link dla Klasy lV Unit 8 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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