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Unit One Assessment

Task 01: I Fill in the gaps with the appropriate personality feature

1/If you are ………………, people can trust and believe you.

2/If you are ………………, you are not afraid of Dangerous situations.

3/If you are ……………….., you are quiet and you don’t laugh a lot.

4/If you are ………….…….., you like to be with people and meet new people.

5/If you are …………………, you always tell the truth.

6/If you are ……………….., you worry a lot.

7/If you are ……………….., you are happy and you smile a lot.

8/ If you are ……………….., you only care about yourself.

9/ If you are ……………….., you always want to help.

10/If you are ………………, you learn quickly and understand things easily.

11/If you are ………………, you don’t worry a lot and you feel relaxed.

12/If you are ………………, you often give people money and presents.

Task 02 : Stress the NEW Information

a/ The boys are playing a video game.

b/ My computer is broken.

c/ where are you going after class?

d/ She doesn’t like cakes.

e/ Are they going to come to the party?

Task 03 : Read the below E-mail and answer the questions

To: James Forrester

Date: 6 November

Subject: Possible help with product design

Dear James,

As you know, we have been working on the new perfume that we are launching in April and

we are unsure about some of the packaging details. We have seen some of your creative work

in the sales department and we think you have a very good eye for detail.

Do you have some time before close of business this Friday to sit down with us and talk

through some of our designs ? We would truly appreciate your advice on this. It shouldn't take

longer than two hours of your time and we would be happy to clear it with Patricia, your

department head, if necessary.

Best regards,

Sarah Ford

Head of Department

Product Design

Task 01 :A Circle the correct option

1/What department does James work for?


Product Design


Research and Development

2/What is happening in April?

The company will introduce the new perfume to the public.

The product design department will finish their design of the new perfume.

The sales department will stop selling perfume.

The marketing department will design advertisements for the new perfume.

3/What is Sarah requesting?

For James to design the perfume.

For James to have a meeting with the product design department to help them with the

packaging of the perfume.

For James to ask Patricia for permission to sell the perfume.

For James to move to the product design department.

4/Who is the head of the sales department?





B/Put the events in order.

James has a meeting with Sarah and her team.

Sarah asks Patricia for permission to use James.

Sarah writes an email to James asking for help.

The product design department starts work on the design of the new perfume.

Sarah and her team finalise the details of the packaging for the new perfume.
The product design department introduces the new perfume to the public

Best of Luck

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