PSC Checklist

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Port State Inspection pocket checklist

Port State Control

01 Nov 2021 - 00:01

Full name: Ship name: Position:

01. Master's Office/responsibilities

01 Certificates, documents and records

all trading certificates, class, flag or port state authority approved documents available, in date,
appropriately completed and approved, records completed as required

02 Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW)

all personnel appropriately certificated with documents available

03 Records of rest hours

all available and up to date and consistent with other records, e.g. drill records etc.

04 Minimum Safe Manning Document

up to date and original copy available

05 International Safety Management (ISM) emergency preparedness

drills to be carried out regularly and effectively with documented evidence


1. Photographic records, with dates, provide good evidence of drills being regularly held.
2. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1206 provides guidance on ’Measures To Prevent Accidents With Lifeboats’.

06 International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS)

records and arrangements in accordance with requirements

07 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)

approved copy available on board and matching IOPP Form A and B, up to date with contact
details included

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02. Bridge area

01 Charts

valid, corrected up to date (including temporary and preliminary notices)and as required for the
applies to both paper and/or electronic charts
primary and secondary means of navigation recorded

02 Nautical publications

valid and corrected up to date (including temporary and preliminary notices) and appropriate to
the voyage to be completed
applies to both paper and electronic NPs

03 Magnetic compass

easily readable and correctly adjusted (deviation card), free of air bubbles

04 Lights, shapes, sound-signals

in working order and properly maintained

supporting structures in good condition and well maintained

05 Echosounder

in working order

If the echosounder is not functioning, ensure that a flag administration exemption has been received
and is on board.

06 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)

in working order and reserve sources of power fully charged, DSC test records up to date

07 Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)

in working order; updated maintenance records available, battery and HRU valid

08 Fire detection cabinet

alarms in working order, no error or fault messages displayed

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09 Radar

- 9GHz radar to be provided for navigational assistance and collision avoidance

- where required a 3GHz radar or a secondary 9GHz radar (where considered appropriate by the flag

- radars to be in working order and properly maintained in accordance with the manufacturers

10 Bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS)

03. Life-saving appliances

01 Lifeboats

structure sound and with no unapproved repairs

02 Lifeboat engines

can start without difficulty by cranking or any starting battery


1. Engine must be able to start without ’magic spray’ (engine spray)

03 Lifeboat inventory

all as required and in date, no damage to the vacuum seal of food ration packages.

04 Lifeboat davits

well maintained and in good working order, launching instructions posted and legible


1. It is recommended that decks at embarkation areas have a non-skid coating.

05 Emergency lighting and batteries

in place and functioning correctly

06 Lifejackets

correct number, correct location, with appropriate marking and in good condition

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07 Lifebuoys

correct number, correct location, with appropriate marking and in good condition
correct weight for attached lights and/or smokesignals

08 Inflatable liferafts

no structural damage to liferaft container

no unapproved means of securing (e.g additional rope or wire lashings)
clear of obstructions
serviced in accordance with the manufacturers instruction
weak link correctly positioned
hydrostatic release in date

09 Embarkation arrangements for survival craft

all in order as per requirements

guardrails or chains for crew protection in place


1. It is recommended that decks at embarkation areas have a non-skid coating.

04. Accommodation

01 Fire doors

able to close tight and in good condition

provides sufficient protection in accordance with the fire division
self-closing device in good order
no missing or deteriorated door seal
no hook back provided

02 Fire fighting equipment

available, in place and in good working order

03 Fire control plan

in place and up to date

04 Signs, indications (weathertight doors, fire detectors, fire dampers, ventilation)

all in place and as required

05 Emergency lighting and batteries

functioning correctly and in place

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06 Sanitary facilities

equipment in place, clean and functioning correctly

07 Galley

- fixed and portable fire fighting equipment available and ready for use

-fire doors not hooked back

- clean and hygienic

- garbage management in place

05. Deck area

01 Decks

well-maintained and not corroded, holed or wasted

02 Railings and cat walks

well-maintained and not corroded, damaged, wasted or missing sections

03 Cargo and other hatchways

covers are in good condition
securing devices are in place and adequate


1. The condition of the hatchway covers and their closing devices are always checked during PSC

04 Weathertight doors

in good condition and securing correctly

self-closing devices working

05 Ventilators, air pipes and casings

clearly marked, well maintained and not corroded, holed or wasted

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06 Winches, capstans and anchoring devices

clearly marked and in good working condition

no hydaulic oil leaks

07 Fire dampers, quick-closing devices and means of control

clearly marked, easy to operate and corrosion-free


1. Corroded or non-operable fire dampers are one of the most common detaining items.

08 Fire fighting equipment and appliances

available, in place and in good working order with valid recharge date marked where appropriate

09 Fixed fire extinguishing installation

bottles correctly serviced and dated; release mechanisms in good condition and in place

10 Rescue boats

all in order as per requirements

06. Working spaces

01 Emergency fire pump

starts easily
delivers sufficient pressure at hoses
self-priming device in working order

02 Emergency generator

can be operated easily and connected to the switchboard

secondary means of starting is available and working
auto-start with connection to emergency switchboard (black out or simulated black out tests)
no oil leaks
no defects

03 Lighting

is adequate, no earthing (grounding) issue

04 Safe means of access

lighting adequate
arrangement as required
no obstructions

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07. Engine room

01 Cleanliness

clean, no oil leaks, clean bilges and tank tops and no oily rags, no oil contaminated or oil
soaked lagging/insulation

02 Retention of oil on board

correct tanks are being used and are emptied at port facilities
Oil Record Book entries maintained properly

03 Jacketed piping system for high pressure fuel lines

approved system in place

leak tank alarm in working order

04 Oil filtering equipment (oily water separator)

working correctly, no illegal pipes, no unapproved modifications

05 15 ppm alarm arrangements

functioning as required
calibration up to date
records match Oil Record Book entries

06 Propulsion main engine

all components functioning correctly

no leaks (oil/water/smoke)
engine body clean

07 Auxiliary engines

all in working order

no leaks (oil/water/smoke)
engine body clean

08 Oil record book

data correctly entered and entries up to date

09 Fire pumps

in working order with adequate pressure

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10 Steering gear

functioning correctly
no oil leaks
rudder angle between local and bridge checked
communciations between local and bridge tested and working

11 Signs, indications (weathertight doors, fire detectors, fire dampers, ventilation)

all in place and as required

fire detector heads not covered
no sections manually disabled

12 Emergency lighting and batteries

functioning correctly and in place

13 Fire fighting equipment

available, in place, in good working order with valid recharge date marked where appropriate

14 Watertight doors

in good condition, securing correctly and (where applicable) capable of being closed remotely.

08. Port State Control target criteria

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Is your ship registered with a flag on the MOU black list of flags?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Are your ship's classification certificates issued by a 'non-recognised organisation'?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Is your ship more than 10 years old?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Has your ship’s flag administration NOT ratified all conventions?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Is your recognised organisation’s class deficiency ratio above average?

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The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Has your ship NOT entered a port in the region during the last 12 months?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Has your ship NOT been inspected in the last 6 months?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Have any deficiencies been found during port state control inspections of your ship within the
last 12 months?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Has your ship been detained during the last 12 months (one or more detentions significantly
increases the likelihood of an inspection)?

The targeting of a ship by PSC Officers is mostly determined by the questions listed below. If you
answer "yes" to some or all of these questions the likelihood of your ship being inspected will increase.

Are there outstanding deficiencies from the last inspection of your ship?

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