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Chapter 6

Instructions: Write the correct word in the space before its definition. There may be more than one definition for each word.

assumption chandelier congregate corroborate dismay explosion extinguish hostile

malicious ominous salvation warrant

1. the taking up of a human being into heaven.

2. to bring or come together to form a group or assembly; gather.

3. a written order that authorizes payment or the like.

4. to put out (a fire, flame, or light).

5. to serve as reasonable grounds, adequate reason, or justification for.

(capitalized) in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and certain other Christian churches, the feast day
that commemorates the __________ of the Virgin Mary. __________ is celebrated on August 15.

7. of or relating to an enemy or antagonist.

8. that which is supposed or taken for granted.

9. of or serving as an omen, especially a bad omen.

10. to eclipse or obscure.

11. something that has the effect of saving or protecting from trouble or harm.

12. to support with evidence or testimony; certify the truth of.

13. disagreeable or disadvantageous; inhospitable.

14. a light fixture, often decorative, suspended from a ceiling and bearing multiple lights.

15. to give authorization or sanction to; empower.

16. a pledge, guarantee, or security.

17. the act of saving or the condition of being saved from sin or evil; redemption.

18. in law, to settle or discharge (a debt).

19. a taking on, as of a duty, role, or office.

20. protection or deliverance from harm or difficulty.

21. indicating or threatening future evil or unpleasantness.

22. to frighten or discourage; daunt.

23. sudden or total loss of courage or confidence.

24. to give any of various guarantees, as of safety or against loss.

25. characterized by or displaying evil or injurious intent.

26. an act or instance of bursting or violent release of energy, or the noise made thereby.

27. an assurance or guarantee of some event or result; proof.

28. alarm, confusion, or mental distress.

29. a sudden, sharp increase.

30. to attest to or guarantee the description, condition, quality, reliability, or character of; vouch for.

31. feeling or showing dislike, ill will, or antagonism.

in law, a judicial order or writ giving an officer of the law the right to make searches, seize
property, make arrests, or execute judgments.

33. to put an end to; demolish.

34. the act of supposing or taking for granted.

35. justification on reasonable grounds.

36. to trouble or disillusion.

37. a sudden, forceful, and often emotional outburst.

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