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1. Define Quality Assurance and Quality Control in your own words.

2. Importance of QA/QC in Construction in the Philippines.


1. Quality assurance and quality control are both essential parts of engineering practice to ensure
that a project has met the set instructions and requirements before proceeding to the next step
of its construction. Quality assurance usually involves the owner verifying that the project is
done in accordance with specifications. It is making sure that things are done correctly from the
beginning of the project. Quality control is checking for conformity to the requirements of the
approved plans and specifications. It is like inspecting and testing to see if there are any mistakes
or problems that might have slipped through during the process. This helps to ensure the project
is of good quality.

2. Philippines has rapidly growing construction industry due to many infrastructure projects. The
Build! Build! Build! Program Infrastructure Program (BBB) alone have many proposed and on-
going projects that highlights the construction in the Philippines. Quality assurance (and quality
control) play an important role in a construction project. It prevents problems as it reduces the
likelihood of defects, saving time and resources in the long run. By having well-defined processes
and guidelines in place, resources are used more efficiently. This prevents unnecessary rework
and reduces waste. Quality Assurance helps identify potential risks early on and puts measures
in place to mitigate them. This lowers the chance of costly mistakes or failures. While Quality
Control involves inspecting and testing the final products to identify any defects, errors, or
deviations from standards. Both approaches are important as they lower the chance of failure.
Quality Assurance ensures that the right processes are in place to prevent problems, while
Quality Control focuses on catching problems that might have slipped through. Both are integral
to creating reliable, safe, and high-quality products or services, which in turn lead to customer
satisfaction, business success, and overall growth.
Overall, it is important for these processes to be implemented first in every public construction
project in the Philippines because most of source of these projects came from Filipino taxes. It
couldn’t afford to fail because it’s a big loss to our country.

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