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Fall 2023 Dormitory Application and Assignment

Here is the notice for the schedule and procedure

for Fall semester of 2023 dormitory application and assignment as below.
Please note this notice for applying for the dormitory.

June 2023

VP of Office of Student Life

[Important] New residents must take PCR/RAT/Self RAT Kit and submit test result.
[Important] Due to plan of remodeling of undergraduate dorm(Silloe/Jihye Hall),
additional application can be possible afterwards,
and undergraduates can be assigned to graduate dorm depending on the capacity.
[Important] Students should complete <Violence Prevention Education> for dorm once a year.

< Main Schedule >

Date Contents

13 July (Thu) 10:00 ~ Application and payment

19 July (Wed) 18:00 (Undergraduate freshmen will be notified separately)

19 July (Wed) 18:00 Due date for chest X-ray submission (submit to KDS)

28 July (Fri) 15:00 Assignment result announcement

28 July (Fri) 15:00 ~

Cancellation period (without penalty)
30 July (Sun)

1 Aug (Tue) 10:00 ~ Additional application, relocation, and exchange period

[Spring/summer residents] Move-out date for students
18 Aug (Fri)
who will graduate
[Spring/summer residents] Move-out date for students
19 Aug (Sat)
who will not enter the dormitory in Fall semester
19 Aug (Sat) ~ 22 Aug (Tue) Move-in period for undergraduate freshmen

20 Aug (Sun) ~ 22 Aug (Tue) [Spring/summer residents] Moving period

23 Aug (Wed) ~ 25 Aug (Fri) Move-in period for graduate freshmen and returning students

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0 Important Notice
0. PCR/Rapid Antigen Test(RAT)/Self RAT Kit (New residents)
A. All Students who are new to dorm must take PCR or Rapid Antigen Test(RAT) or Self RAT Kit
※ Not subject to submission : (2023 spring/summer residence) and (dorm application completed by 20 Aug)
B. Submit negative result taken within 48 hours(PCR) or 24 hours(RAT/Self RAT Kit) of moving
in to the dorm supervisor when you move in (※ Students who have not passed 6 months after
confirmed COVID-19 can replace submission with confirmation of complete recovery, etc.)
※ Necessary to upload it to moving-in checklist / No reimbursement for the test(examination) expense /
Regardless of vaccination, new residents must submit test results in order to move in to dorm
1. Selective Operation of Double Room(One-person Use·Single Usage)
Double room for single usage will be limited to few dorms due to face-to-face lectures
※ Operating Dormitories(Temporarily operated) : Sejong, Galilei, Yeoul, Munji, Hwaam Hall
※ If application exceeds capacity, this room type may not be run or assignment may be changed·restricted
2. Moving in and out
A. Moving In : Fill Moving in checklist ⇒ (Supervisor approves checklist)
B. Moving Out : Fill Moving out checklist ⇒ Visit Supervisor's Office ⇒ (Supervisor approves checklist)
※ Deposit may be deducted or disadvantaged if checklist is not submitted or damaged furniture or cleaning is bad

3. Refund : on the 15th of every month (once a month)

4. Relocation and Exchange
A. If you want to change room or to be roommates with a particular student after assignment
announcement, you should apply for Relocation/Exchange application by yourself
B. You can designate hall·room type for relocation ※ Random assignment (cannot choose specific room)
C. For relocation, Roommates are assigned except for single room and cannot move to vacant room
D. If you apply for relocation, only you(applicant) will be relocated (not with your roommate)
5. Undergraduate/graduate roommates (“Mixed” roommate)
A. Only for selective dorms(Mir/Heemang/Dasom Hall) and cannot change roommate·room afterwards
B. Graduate student creates virtual room and then undergraduate joins the virtual room
C. Fee·resident period is managed based on Graduates standards (Undergraduates also stay for 6 months)
6. Restriction for dormitory application & Dormitory Penalty Points
A. If you move out early for 2 consecutive semesters, you cannot apply for dorm for 2 semesters
※ Except for the students who had a leave of absence or any other academic reason
B. From 2021 Fall semester, Students who exceed total 50 penalty points cannot apply for
reassignment of dorm and their allocation priority will be the last
7. Students with excess semesters
Reassignment for regular semester is possible / No change in allocation priority
8. Implementation of the Dormitory Deposit system
Applied from the 2023 fall freshmen students / Deposit may be deducted if reason occurs
9. Plan of Remodeling of Undergraduate Dorm(Silloe/Jihye Hall)
Due to remodeling(Jun~Sep, 90days, Subject to change), additional application can be possible afterwards
※ When construction is completed, notice for application will be announced on dorm website(

10. Plan of Elevator Replacement Construction of Hwaam Hall

Due to the planned elevator construction of Hwaam hall(2023), elevator may not be available
11. Students who apply for dorm should complete <Violence Prevention Education> of
Center for ethics and human rights Once a year :
There may be disadvantages of falling allocation priority for 2023 fall dormitory if students
missed to complete the course, and notice will be informed after review of obligation matters
when assigning dormitory for 2024 spring
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1 Dormitory Application and Payment [Regular Period]

1. Period of Application and Payment : 13 July(Thu) 10:00 ∼ 19 July(Wed) 18:00, 2023

❍ If you do not pay the fee during the period, your application will be nullified

2. Applicants : Active Students(returning, international students, etc. included)

❍ Exceptions : banned students, students under general scholarship (Additional application is possible)
❍ Other Inquiry : Freshman(042-350-1241), International Graduate Freshman·Exchange students(ISSS)

3. Method : ⇒‘Dormitory Application’⇒‘Application’⇒ [Application for regular semester]

❍ You can create a virtual room for designate roommate and apply for reassignment (But, room assignment
will depend on allocation priority, etc., so it may not be assigned)
❍ Except creating virtual room, designating roommate·applying for reassignment is NOT possible /
You should apply for 'Relocation/Exchange application' on the dorm website by yourself afterwards

4. Payment and Account

A. Payment Account : ⇒ ‘MyDorm’ ⇒ Dormitory Application details
B. Payment Confirmation : [Application] → (waits 10 mins) → Payment → (waits 10 mins) → Confirmed

2 Chest X-ray Submission

1. Submission Schedule
A. Due date : 19 July(Wed) 2023, 18:00 (failure to submit will result in lowest assignment priority)
B. Submission deferral

❍ Among students on leave of absence/non-absent dispatch, students who cannot get chest X-ray can
apply to postpone submission via [Application] → "submission deferral" of [regular semester application].
※ Although you get an approval for deferral, you MUST submit before you enter the dormitory.
❍ You can defer when you cannot get the X-ray with valid reason such as <foreign dispatch> and etc.
※ Just Busy or Overseas visit is NOT valid reason for postpone the submission.

2. Documents
A. Submission methods depending on institution(type)
Institution(Type) Method Remarks
KAIST Clinic (Refer Below)
"Special Health Examination" by Clinic Automatic You must check whether Chest X-ray is submitted
External Hospitals Manual Documents in English/Korean will only be accepted

B. Submission Method : → [Dormitory Application] → [Medical check-up Submit]

C. Validity : check-up taken on and after 20 Feb 2023(taken within 6 months of moving-in date)

❍ For the convenience of students, we automatically get results from KAIST Clinic. But it may take up to
7 days to update on kds after check-up. You have to agree to share the results when you reserve
for medical check-up, unless it won't be automatically submitted(Contact : Clinic(042-350-0555)).
❍ If you get the check-up at Clinic, please check on → [MyDorm] → “Medical Check-up
Submission Status”, and if the result is not updated, please contact Clinic(042-350-0513), or submit
manually( → download“Certificate of medical examination”⇒ →
[Dormitory Application] → [Medical check-up Submit]).
❍ In case of Special health examination, it may not include Chest X-ray. If so, you should submit manually.
❍ For submission, it is valid ONLY if status of Medical Check-up Submission Status becomes <approved>.
※ Please submit in advance, since it can be rejected according to validity period, etc after submission,
and Students will be notified by e-mail only if their result of medical check-up has been rejected

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3 Assignment Announcement

1. Date : 28 July(Fri) 2023, 15:00 (subject to change)

2. How to check : → [MyDorm] →‘Dormitory Allocation Status’

4 Cancel and Refund

1. Cancellation Method·Period and Refund Policy

A. How to withdraw(abandonment) : → [Dormitory Application] → [Withdrawal]
B. How to move out early : → [MyDorm] → “Early move out” or [Dormitory
Moving In/Out] - [Early move out]
※ Early move out MUST be approved by Dorm supervisor's office after submitting [Moving out checklist]
Dates Type Refund
28 July(Fri) 15:00 ~ 30 July(Sun) Withdrawal 100%
31 July(Mon) ~ 19 Aug(Sat) Withdrawal KRW 30,000 subtracted
20 Aug(Sun) ~ 4 Sep(Mon) Early move out 50% of a monthly fee subtracted
5 Sep(Tue) ~ and after Early move out (refer to <Refund table> on p.10)

2. Refund Schedule
A. Refund Date : on every 15th of every month (once a month)
B. Refund subjects : From 11th of previous month to 10th of current month (subject to change)

5 Additional Application [Irregular Period]

1. Method and Dormitory fee

A. Additional Application Period : 1 Aug(Tue) 2023, 10:00 ~ and after (during semester)
B. Applicants : Active students, general scholarship students(No penalty for 1st application for general scholarship)
C. Method : → [Dormitory Application] → [Application] → “Additional application”
D. Result : → [MyDorm] →“Dormitory Allocation Status”(takes 10 mins after apply)
E. Regarding Dormitory Fee

❍ Dormitory fee : fees are set in 0.5 month increments from date of application(refer [Attachment 3])
❍ Penalty of KRW 30,000 will be charged for additional application (※ Penalty is not refundable)
❍ Application will be nullified if the dorm fee is not paid within 72 hours / Even so, you can apply again

2. Chest X-ray submission

A. Document and method : refer to [2. Chest X-ray Submission] section above
B. Due date : On date of application, Check [MyDorm] → “Medical Check-up submission status”
※ When you apply, (Status = Approved) AND (Validity = Valid) or you cannot apply for additional application
※ Validity : Medical check up taken within 6 months of moving-in date

3. Cancellation and refund

Period Type Refund Note
Within 24 hours of application Withdrawal Penalty of KRW 30,000 subtracted refer above
Penalty of KRW 30,000 and the fee for 0.5 for the
After 24 hours of application Early move out cancellation
month are subtracted

6 Changing Dorm Rooms (How to change roommate)

❍ Relocation : Move to another room (if you apply from double room, applicant moves alone, roommate stays)
❍ Exchange : Exchange roommate or room (1 on 1 exchange or exchange whole room/Approval needed)
(※ If courses(Undergraduates·Graduates) or residence period is different, Exchange application is impossible.)
❍ You can apply up to 5 times of Relocation+Exchange application in each semester (※ Application procedures
can be made after completion when applying Relocation·Exchange application)
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[Attachment 1]

Table on Dormitories and Fees

1. Dormitories and fees (Degree : Undergraduate = U, Graduate = G, Freshman = F)

Deg Monthly Total Fee (KRW / Months)

Dorm Hall Sex
ree Fee(KRW) Room Type
Undergraduate Graduate

Sarang, Somang M UF 106,000 Dorm Triple 424,000 / 4 -

Seongsil. Jilli M U 106,000 Dorm Double 424,000 / 4 -
Silloe, Jihye M U 106,000 Dorm Double apply only) -
1st, 2nd, 3rd floor F UF 106,000 Dorm Double 424,000 / 4 -
3rd, 4th floor F U 106,000 Dorm Double 424,000 / 4 -
Bldg #1 1st, 2nd floor 109,000 Dorm Double - 654,000 / 6
Bldg #3~7 all floor M G
196,000 Dorm Double(single usage) - 1,176,000 / 6
106,000 Dorm Double 424,000 / 4 -
Sejong U
Bldg #1 3rd, 4th floor 190,000 Dorm Double(single usage) 760,000 / 4 -
Bldg #2 all floor F
109,000 Dorm Double - 654,000 / 6
196,000 Dorm Double(single usage) - 1,176,000 / 6
109,000 Dorm Double - 654,000 / 6
Galilei M G
196,000 Dorm Double(single usage) - 1,176,000 / 6
109,000 3-person - 654,000 / 6
Yeji(On-campus APT) M G
86,000 4-person - 516,000 / 6
Heemang M 275,000 Flat Single 1,100,000 / 4 1,650,000 / 6
U,G 158,000 Flat Double 632,000 / 4 948,000 / 6
Dasom F 131,000 Dorm Double 524,000 / 4 786,000 / 6
306,000 Flat Single 1,224,000 / 4 1,836,000 / 6
Mir M U,G
173,000 Flat Double 692,000 / 4 1,038,000 / 6
306,000 Flat Single 1,224,000 / 4 1,836,000 / 6
Narae F U,G
173,000 Flat Double 692,000 / 4 1,038,000 / 6
Nadl M G 149,000 Dorm Double - 894,000 / 6
149,000 Dorm Double - 894,000 / 6
Yeoul F G
267,000 Dorm Double(single usage) - 1,602,000 / 6
83,000 Flat Double 498,000 / 6 498,000 / 6
Munji M U,G
155,000 Flat Single 930,000 / 6 930,000 / 6
Bldg #2 M U,G 204,000 Flat Single 1,224,000 / 6 1,224,000 / 6
Hwaam 70,000 Flat Double 420,000 / 6 420,000 / 6
Except #2 M U,G
129,000 Flat Single 774,000 / 6 774,000 / 6

※ Room type : Dorm(standard): bathroom is outside of room / Flat: room with bathroom inside of each room
※ The assignment of each dormitory can be subject to change depending on the situation, such as capacity
of the dormitory by each semester, etc.
※ The operation of Nanum hall has been suspended since 2023 fall semester.
※ For Silloe/Jihye hall, Only additional application can be possible after remodeling is completed(Relocation is
only possible if the room is not a vacant room).
※ Due to remodeling, undergraduates can also be assigned to graduate dorm depending on the capacity.
※ Dormitory deposit(KRW 100,000/Applied from the 2023 fall freshmen students) : Deposit may be deducted
from the amount paid if reason for deduction occurs while living in dormitory.

2. Period of residence
A. Undergraduates : 20 Aug 2023 ∼ 15 Dec 2023 (4 months)
※ Exceptions : Students who apply for Munji·Hwaam, Mixed roommate(U+F) reside 6 months
B. Graduates : 20 Aug 2023 ∼ 16 Feb 2024 (6 months)
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[Attachment 2]

Dormitory Assignment Procedure

< Assignment Criteria >

1. Based on the number of remaining semesters
Students who had stayed for 8 or fewer (8 for undergraduate and doctorate; 4 for master’s)
semesters will be primarily assigned, then other students beyond that number of semesters will be
assigned to the leftover rooms.

2. Based on the capacity of dormitories

A. Number of applicants ≤ capacity limit
Applicants will be assigned randomly.
※ If an applicant fails to enter the selected dormitory, the applicant will be assigned to
another similar dormitory with leftover rooms. If the applicant fails again, then the
applicant will be assigned to an empty room. Roommate will not be considered in this case.
B. Number of applicants > capacity limit
The assignment will be processed based on the order of priority.
① Priority assignment for the 1st rank
② Selection of applicants among the 2nd ranks
※ Freshmen students for Fall 2021 and 2nd-rank graduate students who applied for the
dormitory in Main Campus but assigned to Munji Campus in Spring 2021 will be prioritize
(i.e., if a higher-ranked applicant applies together with a lower-ranked applicant, the
higher-ranked applicant will be considered as a lower-ranked applicant.)

※ Supplementary 1. Order of Priority

1st rank Undergraduate students who have stayed for 8 or fewer semesters
Master’s students who have stayed for 4 or fewer semesters, Doctorate
candidates who have stayed 8 or fewer semesters, Integrated course students
2nd rank
who have stayed for 10 or fewer semesters (entered in 2009 and after) and who
have stayed for 12 or fewer semesters (entered in 2008 and before)
3rd rank All students who exceeded their designated semesters to stay

※ Supplementary 2. Order of priority among the 3rd rank applicants (if there are leftover rooms)
❍ The number of extended semesters of stay will be converted to points – the student
with the fewest score will be primarily assigned.
❍ If students have an equal score, then the assignment will be processed randomly
※ Points calculation : Undergraduate and Master’s – 1 point/extra semester;
Doctorate: 0.5 point/extra semester

3. Other Criteria
A. Dormitories in main campus : Undergraduate students who stayed for 8 or fewer semesters will
be primarily assigned, then the rest will be assigned to graduate students who stayed shorter than
the designated numbers of semesters.
B. Room reassignment : If the applicant, who is eligible to live in the dormitory, wishes to be
reassigned to the same room, the request for the reassignment will be granted. Reassignment is
only possible for regular semester rooms. (Not the summer/winter semester room)
※ For Example) If you live in Seongsil 101 in spring semester and Jihye 101 in summer semester
→ When applying for reallocation in fall semester, Seongsil 101 in spring will be assigned

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❍ If a student who used a room for 3 or 4 (in Galilei Hall, Sejong Hall, On-Campus APT, etc.)
in Fall 2020 applies for the reassignment to the same room without creating 3-people or
4-people virtual room, the student may not be prioritizes for the reassignment.
❍ For On-Campus APT, rooms are primarily assigned for 3 students. However, if a student
would like to move out in the middle of the semester from a room assigned of 4 students,
then no dormitory fess will be refunded.
❍ If the student moves out from the dormitory during the 2020 Spring Semester or the
dormitory distribution must be considered due to the gender of the applicant, the
reassignment priority will not be applicable.
❍ “Request for Reassignment to the Same Room” is given AFTER the applicant was selected
for the dormitory assignment, not being given priority to relocation of previous dorm room.
(※ Accordingly, even if you apply for reallocation, it may not be reallocated to previous room.)

<Assignment Procedure>
1. Dormitories in main campus
There are two parts in the dormitory assignment – First, the applicant will be assigned to
the dormitory. The applicant is assigned to the dormitory, and then will be assigned to a
specific room.

<Only for graduate course applicants>

❍ Remaining rooms from the main campus will be assigned at random and the student who
failed to get a room will be assigned to Munji or Hwaam hall.
(※ Accordingly, even if you apply for reallocation, it may not be reallocated to previous room.)
A. Dormitory assignment (same for undergraduate and graduate)
1) If the number of applicants to a certain dormitory does not exceed the capacity of
the dormitory, the applicants to that dormitory will be primarily assigned.
2) If the number of applicants to a certain dormitory exceeds the capacity of the
dormitory, the assigned students will be selected randomly (roommates will be
considered). The applicants who failed to get a room will be assigned to other
dormitories with leftover rooms.
(However, applicants of Heemang or Dasom hall may be assigned to other dormitories
since graduate students must be considered as well.)
3) If an applicant applies alone, a random roommate will be paired up before the
assignment. The applicant may not be reassigned to the same room. (Applicants for a
triple room will be drawn in groups of three, )
4) If one of the roommates pair does not pay for the dormitory, the one who did not
pay will not be assigned to the room. Also, the other person may lose their priority
in the assignment.
5) Even if the number of applicants to a dormitory does not exceed the capacity, the
applicant may not be successfully assigned to a room, depending on the type of the
room he/she has applied for.
6) Even if the dormitory itself is vacant, there might be different competitions depending
on the type of room so room assignment may fail. (Room type : single/double room,
flat/dorm, etc.)
※ Matters such as desired roommates/living habits entered when applying for a dormitory are
considered for the assignment, but may not be reflected in the allocation process (For
additional application, randomly assigned)
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B. Room assignment
If the applicant is selected for the dormitory, then the room will be assigned as follows.
1) If A and B are the roommate pair in a virtual room and neither of them want to be
reassigned to the same room, the pair will be assigned another room. If there are no
leftover rooms, they will be reassigned to the same room.
2) If A and B are not a roommate pair (different virtual rooms), and
- both wants to be reassigned to the same room, the either A or B will be reassigned
- A wants to be reassigned to the same room while B does not, A will be reassigned to
the same room while B to another. However, if there are no leftover rooms, they
might be roommates again.
- both of them do not want to be reassigned to the same room, the A and B will be
assigned to other room with different roommates.
3) If A applies for another room while B pairs up with C and applies for the
reassignment to the same room, B and C will be assigned to B’s room.
4) If A pairs up with C and applies for the reassignment to the same room and B also
wants to be reassigned to the same room but applied without a roommate, then either
B or the A-C pair will be reassigned randomly.
5) If A pairs up with C, B pairs up with D, and both pairs want to be reassigned to the
same room, then either A-C or B-D will be reassigned randomly.
6) If both A and B want to be reassigned but did not pair up with a roommate, then,
- Both A and B may be reassigned to their room,
- A and B might be paired up as roommates and assigned to a different room.

2. Dormitories in Munji and Hwaam campus

A. The applicants to these halls will primarily be assigned. If there are more applicants than
the capacity limit, assignment will proceed randomly.
B. Roommates will be assigned randomly.
C. If the applicant applied for a dormitory in the main campus but failed, then the student will
be assigned to the leftover rooms in Munji or Hwaam hall.
D. Other remaining rooms will be assigned to the following students who wish to stay in the
dormitory : students who exceeded their designated semesters of stay, students under general
scholarship, and students who applied but did not pay

<Other Note>

1. The Dormitory room type (double room(for single usage) operation, undergraduate/
graduate application classification, etc.) is subject to change depending on the capacity
of the dormitory by each semester.

2. There may be changes in related to the operation of the dormitory due to the policies
(quarantine guidelines, etc.).

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[Attachment 3]

Other Guidelines and Precautions

1. Hwaam dormitory will only be assigned to student who wish to.
A. If the main campus and Munji hall are full, students could be assigned to the Hwaam hall.
B. The application results turn out such that applicants do not make up 1/3 of the maximum number
of capacity students are automatically distributed to other dorm halls.
※ Note on shuttle buses when applying for Hwaam Hall : There may be changes in Hwaam
shuttle bus route depending on the operation plan of Hwaam hall (It will be notified later
when confirmed)

2. If an undergraduate student continues to graduate school, the student must apply with the
student ID given for the graduate course. The undergraduate student ID will not work for
dormitory application. If you are promoted from Master’s course to Doctorate course, you may
apply for the reassignment to the same room. However, you will not be considered as a newly
incoming student. (No priority)

3. Regardless of students’ circumstances, If a student will not move into the dormitory within 1
month from the beginning of semester, then the student is prohibited from the dormitory
application. The student MUST apply for the ‘additional application’ afterwards. Anyone who
violates this rule will be considered as inappropriate user and the assignment will be
immediately canceled, and dormitory application will be restricted.

4. Additional applications (MUST submit Chest X-ray before apply)

A. Student who missed the application period, did not pay before the deadline and students under
general scholarship can apply via ‘Additional Application’ in the ‘Application’ tab and 10
minutes after paying the dormitory fee, you can check your assignment at the [MyDorm] →
‘Dormitory Allocation Status’. (※ You must pay the dormitory fee to be assigned)
B. If you do not wish to move it to your assigned dormitory, you must cancel within 24 hours. If you
do not cancel, it will be considered that you moved in regardless of your actual status. If you
want to cancel after 24 hours, you must apply for an “Early move out” at the dorm website.
※ Additional application is automatically assigned by system, and specific room cannot be designated.
In the case of double room or room for 3/4 people, roommates can be assigned at any time
during the semester by the additional application, etc.

5. Dormitories are assigned to students who both APPLIED AND PAID COMPLETELY, Otherwise
students (who paid but did not apply or applied but did not pay) will be excluded from the
dormitory assignment.
※ If a student did not apply for the dormitory or pay the fee during the application period(including
returning student) or a student wish to reapply after canceling the assigned dormitory, the student
needs to apply for the additional application, but should pay the penalty of KRW 30,000.

6. Refund of Dorm fee

A. If a student cancels(Early move out) the dormitory between cancelation period and moving in
period, penalty of KRW 30,000 will be charged.
※ After moving in, the penalty will be charged regularly. (Refer to the <Refund table> below)
※ If you want to give up the dorm since you are assigned differently from the type that you
applied for or for the other reason, you will be refunded in full if you cancel(withdrawal) within
3 days from the date of the assignment announcement.

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< Refund table by criteria >
Period Refund Amount
2023. 7. 28. 15:00 ~ 2023. 7. 30. Full refund
2023. 7. 31. ~ 2023. 8. 19. KRW 30,000 deducted
2023. 8. 20. ~ 2023. 9. 4. 0.5 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 9. 5. ~ 2023. 9. 19. 1 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 9. 20. ~ 2023. 10. 4. 1.5 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 10. 5. ~ 2023. 10.19. 2 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 10.20. ~ 2023. 11. 4. 2.5 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 11. 5. ~ 2023. 11.19. 3 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 11.20. ~ 2023. 12. 4. 3.5 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 12. 5. ~ 2023. 12.19. 4 month(s) fee deducted
2023. 12.20. ~ 2024. 1. 4. 4.5 month(s) fee deducted
2024. 1. 5. ~ 2024. 1. 19. 5 month(s) fee deducted
2024. 1. 20. ~ 2024. 2. 4. 5.5 month(s) fee deducted
2024. 2. 5. ~ 2024. 2. 16. No refund

B. If you do not move into your room within a week after the first day of the semester, you should
apply for dormitory cancellation and the fee will be refunded according to the dormitory
assignment cancellation/move out refund criteria. (However, students who received permission for
the delayed moving-in from the Student Life Team are exempt.)

7. If there have been any inappropriate actions in the dormitory application and utilization, then
the current dormitory assignment will be revoked and the fee will not be refunded at all.
Additionally, further dormitory application will be restricted.
A. Students who transfer or trade the right to apply or live in dormitory. including the seller, buyer,
assignor, assignee and students who cooperated in the activity. (The roommate will be regarded as
※ Those students may be referred to the Student Punishment Committee.
B. One who used the room alone (except in a single room) and one who cooperated to allow the
other to use the room alone. (When the student abuse the system, not by chance)
C. One who exchanged the room without the permission of the Student Life Team.
※ Before exchanging/relocating the room, students must apply for exchange/relocation application in
the dorm website. The number of exchange/relocation application is limited to 5 times per each
semester. (However, undergraduate freshman students are not allowed to change dorm room.)
When applying for a relocation, it is randomly assigned to the same dorm hall(or room type) room
on the system, not the applicant's specific room selection.

8. If a student loses reason to stay in the dormitory for several reasons like leave of absence,
non-absent dispatch, suspension, or withdrawal, then student MUST leave the dorm immediately.
※ To complete moving out procedure, after applying for ‘Early move out’ on the dorm
website, submit [Moving out checklist] when leaving, and [Moving out checklist] should get
approval by visiting the dorm supervisor’s office

9. You must clean up your room for next student moving in and if there are any damages in the
room or condition is poor, you must pay for it or deposit can be deducted under deposit system.

10. If your room is reported to be not cleaned by the next student moving in, penalty will be
given and your dormitory application will be cancelled. After checking the moving out
checklist and room by the dorm supervisor, if there is any problem, you must restore to its
original condition and there may be disadvantages.

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[Attachment 4]

Notice for Dormitory Move In and Out

1.Spring/summer 2023 Moving out

A. Subject and period
1) Students who will not live in Fall 2023 : Move out until 19. Aug(Sat), 2023
2) Students who will graduate in Aug 2023 : Move out until 18. Aug(Fri), 2023
(※ Except for students who will admit to graduate school AND apply for dorm)
B. Moving out Procedures
1) KDS> [Moving out checklist]> Upload> Visit dorm supervisor’s office> Approval by supervisor> End
※ If the period of residence is expired, It is not required to apply [Early Move out]
2) If a student who has not applied for Fall 2023 dorm does not leave the dorm within the period,
there may be disadvantages in living in the dorm afterwards.

2. Fall 2023 New Comers Moving in

A. Subject and period
1) Undergraduate freshmen Moving in : 19 Aug(Sat) ~ 22 Aug(Tue), 2023
2) Graduate students and returning students Moving in : 23 Aug(Wed) ~ 25 Aug(Fri), 2023
※ If assigned room for Fall 2023 is empty, you can move in to the dorm room from 20 Aug.
(For checking vacancy and resident status, refer to KDS - [MyDorm] - "contact information for
previous residents" or ask for the contact information through dorm supervisor’s office)
* Contact for dorm supervisor’s office : [Dormitory Introduction] - [Department in charge/
Supervisor’s office] → you can check contact for supervisor’s office
B. Moving in Procedures
1) KDS> [Moving in checklist]> Upload> Approval by dorm supervisor> End
2) Students who are new to dorm must take PCR or Rapid Antigen Test(RAT) or Self RAT Kit

3. Fall 2023 Moving

A. Subject and period
1) Subject : Students who assigned in a different room in Spring/summer and Fall semester
2) Period : Moving in and out within 20 Aug(Sun) ~ 22 Aug(Tue), 2023
B. Moving in/out Procedures
1) KDS> [Moving in checklist]> Upload> Approval by dorm supervisor> End
2) KDS> [Moving out checklist]> Upload> Visit dorm supervisor’s office> Approval by supervisor> End

4. Fall 2023 Reassignment

A. Subject and period
1) Subject : Students who assigned to the same room for Spring/summer and Fall semester
2) Period : Submit [Moving in checklist] 20 Aug(Sun) ~ 22 Aug(Tue), 2023
B. Moving in Procedures
1) KDS> [Moving in checklist]> Upload> Approval by dorm supervisor> End
2) Students assigned to the same room do not need to submit Moving out checklist (However, if
you return to room through Relocation application, you need to submit both [Moving in/out
checklist] and get approval by the dorm supervisor)

※ Other notice : If you apply for Relocation/Exchange application, you need to submit
both moving in/out checklist and get approval by dorm supervisor
(Apply for only when you can check relocation status in [MyDorm] – “Dormitory Allocation Status” -
“Dormitory Allocation History”).

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